Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Why doesn't Communist Bernie demand that colleges...

See the source imageJanet Shagam - Why doesn't Communist Bernie demand that colleges...

"Why doesn't Communist Bernie demand that colleges give away their product for FREE?
Why make American taxpayers pay?
  • Why are pharma & other companies labeled 'evil' for their prices...but universities are not?
  • Why aren't colleges & universities labeled 'robber barons'?
  • Most college employees are libs....so why don't they teach for free? They could give up their cars & live in 'tiny houses' & take staycations. They could live what they preach.
  • Why yell at Americans & American businesses & expect us to pay/subsidize the outrageous college prices for others?
Let the college world make the sacrifice. 
They can sell their product for whatever they want...let them lower their price. 
The last thing that should be done is to subsidize the outrageous prices. 
Prices will never come down if they are subsidized with our tax dollars."

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