Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Read it all and send to your children!-----The 2020 Referendum on the Murderers of Truth-Ricochet

See the source imageThe 2020 Referendum on the Murderers of Truth-Ricochet-By Brian Watt
"I think it became clear to me in my formative years, that beyond good writing and bad writing, there was a style of writing that was meant to obscure.
,,,Language is the one tool that human beings have to help make sense of the world...
...It’s what we use to understand the world around us in all of its mystery, strangeness, its beauty, love, or its horror and rampant monstrous evil.
There are those, of course, who don’t use language to enlighten. 
...some use language to obscure and to obliterate in an effort to institute conformity to a specific ideology or worldview. 
See the source image...This can be done by dressing up a word with lipstick, rouge, eye-shadow and costume jewelry (not to ‘drag’ out the metaphor) by appending a word like ‘socialism’ with the word ‘democratic’ to make it somehow sound more alluring, sexy, and attractive even though any study of actual socialist regimes throughout 20th-century history will indicate immediately that they were anything but democratic. 
One could more aptly define ‘democratic socialism’ as property theft, slavery, and societal suicide-by-consensus.
Other words have been ascribed definitions opposite to their original meaning. 
Words still used by virtually everyone on both sides of the political spectrum like “liberal” or “progressive” when it’s clear there is nothing liberal or progressive in the liberalism and progressivism as espoused by those on the Left and, in fact, what lies behind these terms are Marxism, communism, socialism, totalitarianism, subjugation, and slavery. 
Thus, abortion, the deliberate termination of growing and viable human life is called a “reproductive” right when reproduction is the direct opposite aim of abortion. 
When was the last time you heard a news anchor challenge a pro-abortion advocate on the use of the term “reproductive” as it is used in “reproductive right,” in any interview?..."
Read all!!!

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