Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Record High Temperatures in France: 3 Facts the Media Don’t Tell You | Watts Up With That?

Record High Temperatures in France: 3 Facts the Media Don’t Tell You | Watts Up With That?
"July 2nd, 2019 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
News reporting of the recent heat wave in France and other European countries was accompanied with the usual blame on humans for causing the event. 
While it is possible that the human component of recent warming might have made the heat wave slightly worse, there are three facts the media routinely ignore when reporting on such “record hot” events. 
If these facts were to be mentioned, few people with the ability to think for themselves would conclude that our greenhouse gas emissions had much of an impact.
1. Record High Temperatures Occur Even Without Global Warming
2. Summer Heat Waves are Weather-Related, and Unusual Cold is Usually Nearby
3. Most Thermometer Measurements Have Been Spuriously Warmed by the Urban Heat Island Effect
I am thoroughly convinced that the global thermometer record has exaggerated warming trends due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. 
When natural vegetation is replaced with buildings, pavement, and we add spurious heat sources like air conditioning units, cars, and ice cream trucks, the microclimate around thermometer sites changes..."
...How does this impact the recent record high temperatures in France? 
There is no question that temperatures were unusually hot, I’m only addressing the reasons why high temperature records are set. 
I’ve already established that (1) record high temperatures will occur without global warming; (2) weather variations are the primary cause (in this case, an intrusion of Saharan air), and now (3) many thermometer sites have experienced spurious warming.
...Some of the other records listed on that page are also from the early 20th Century, which naturally begs the question of how it could have been so hot back then with no anthropogenic greenhouse effect and little urban development..."
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