Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Strike On Saudi Oil Facilities Was Unprecedented And It Underscores Far Greater Issues - The Drive

The Strike On Saudi Oil Facilities Was Unprecedented And It Underscores Far Greater Issues - The Drive:
  • Air defense systems aren't magic and many currently have serious limitations when it comes to spotting and engaging drones and cruise missiles.
"I don't know how better to say it—there was some really shoddy and downright reckless reporting over the weekend on the Saudi oil infrastructure attacks. 
...I wanted to take the time to talk about some of the inaccurate analysis being cast around in the media and about some of the larger and very pressing issues surrounding the attacks and its aftermath.
...First off, no, the direction of impacts seen in satellite photos is not any sort of conclusive evidence as to where these weapons originated from. 
I saw this parroted all over the place, from cable and network news to blogs over the weekend. 
...In other words, this is not unguided artillery here, it can maneuver dynamically to approach a target from a direction that its targeters find most advantageous—either for kinetic effects, survivability, or deniability reasons.
...With that in mind, the attacks could have come from any vector-based on impact information alone—Iraq, Yemen, Iran, or even a boat in the Persian Gulf...
...The big takeaway is that this is just the beginning
You are getting a glimpse at the future of warfare in these satellite photos and quite honestly, considering how omnipresent this threat has become, we are lucky a couple busted up oil production facilities were the only result of such an eye-opening attack... "
Much here, read all.

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