Sunday, September 22, 2019

Yes, there is "the rest of the story"-----Trump whistleblower: New revelations deepen scandal over complaint - CNNPolitics

Trump whistleblower: New revelations deepen scandal over complaint - CNNPolitics
"(CNN)Washington's newest scandal, over a whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump, intensified Thursday amid revelations that the White House and Justice Department tried to keep it quiet.
The affair, centering on Trump's contacts with a leader of a mystery foreign nation -- identified in two reports as Ukraine -- has also injected a toxic element into relations among the President, the intelligence community and Congress.
It is hard to see how any of this ends well.
Six months after special counsel Robert Mueller shut up shop, the White House again faces suspicion over Trump's dealings with a foreign power and seems to be taking steps to stop the full story from coming out..."
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