Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Extinction Rebellion: Saving the Planet by Making You Late for Work

Extinction Rebellion: Saving the Planet by Making You Late for Work
"There's a lot to like about capitalism, but it has its downsides. 
For example, capitalism affords many, many people the leisure time to complain about... capitalism! It frees them up from scrabbling for survival, and gives them time to feel guilty about not having to scrabble for survival.
It encourages the development of institutions of higher learning, where young people can be indoctrinated in previously unknown disciplines like "climate justice." 
And it gives them the technology to broadcast their delusions to the entire globe. 
The result: the mass temper tantrum known as Extinction Rebellion.
It's been six months since those climate-change kiddies did anything dumb enough for me to mock. But as always, there's no better way to convince working people that you're serious about climate change than to interfere with their ability to make a living. 
That's why Extinction Rebellion is blocking traffic and shutting down airports and otherwise making a nuisance of themselves...

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