Sunday, November 03, 2019

Eco-imperialists impose a biomess on Africa | Watts Up With That?

Eco-imperialists impose a biomess on Africa | Watts Up With That?
  • Instead of cutting forests and burning dung and charcoal, shouldn’t Africa have cheap electricity?
Image result for africa charcoal for heating and cooking"China, India, Vietnam and other nations are using more and more oil, natural gas and coal every year to electrify and modernize their nations, create jobs, and improve their people’s health, living standards and life spans.
Why in this day and age are the World Bank and other international institutions demanding widespread use of charcoal for heating and cooking in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)?
Why are African countries, the United States and human rights groups tolerating these lethal policies?
...(Europe’s “renewable” energy includes England’s Drax Power Plant, which is fueled by wood from millions of trees from thousands of acres of American and Canadian forest habitats. The trees are turned into wood pellets, which are hauled by truck to coastal ports and transported to North Yorkshire on oil-fueled cargo ships. From there the pellets are taken by train to the Drax Power Plant and burned in place of coal, to generate electricity – so that the UK can “meet its renewable fuel targets,” even though the overall process generates more carbon dioxide than coal or gas plants on a total life-cycle basis, and the trees are cut and burned much faster than new ones can grow. This is hardly sustainable.)..."
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