Thursday, November 14, 2019

History for November 14

Image result for P J. O'Rourke Quotes
History for November 14 -
Robert Fulton 1765 - Engineer and inventor (steamboat), Claude Monet 1840 - French impressionist painter, Aaron Copland 1900 - Composer, writer
Image result for Robert Fulton SteamboatImage result for Claude Monet PaintingsImage result for Aaron Copland Rodeo

Joseph McCarthy 1909 - Politician (U.S. Senator from Wisconsin), P.J. O'Rourke 1947 - Political satirist, journalist, writer, Condoleezza Rice 1954 - U.S. Secretary of State
Image result for joseph mccarthy quotesImage result for P J. O'Rourke QuotesImage result for condoleezza rice quotes

1832 - The first streetcar went into operation in New York City, NY. The vehicle was horse-drawn and had room for 30 people.
Image result for 1832 - The first streetcar went into operation in New York City, NY.

1994 - U.S. experts visited North Korea's main nuclear complex for the first time under an accord that opened such sites to outside inspections.
Image result for kim and sec state toast

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