Sunday, November 03, 2019

How the "elites" view all who refuse to kowtow-----Everyone is praising Matthew Parris’s Times...

Brendan O'Neill - Everyone is praising Matthew Parris’s Times...
"Everyone is praising Matthew Parris’s Times column in which he announces that he is leaving the Tories for the Lib Dems. 
His column contains the following line: politicians should “not lick the boots of the mob”. 
Instead they must have a “healthy suspicion of the crowd”. 
Image result for politicians lying to massesThis is what people are praising. 
This vile snobbery. 
It is terrifying how easily poisonous elitism has crept back into public life, how breezily such intolerant contempt for the wisdom of ordinary people — sorry, the mob — has become a key part of political debate. 
The liberals and leftists praising Parris for being a reasoned and sensible Tory voice are revealing their own deeply prejudiced belief that “the mob” is a foul entity that politicians must frequently ignore and re-educate. 
The truth is that Brexit is a refusal by ordinary people to *lick the boots of the elite*, which is what they expect us to do. 
Brexit is the reassertion of the wisdom of the crowd over the jaundiced misanthropy of our clapped-out rulers. 
Bring it on."

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