Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today-Michael Smith
"Somebody asked me why the Democrats would pick Joe Biden, given that he seems a couple of bales short of a hayride.
I've been thinking about it and was ready for the question.
I said it was because he would become the Manchurian Candidate.
Image result for joe biden dementiaThey said there was no way he would be controlled by a foreign power.
I said that he would be controlled by the largest communist organization in America - the Democrat Party.
Biden represents a store front of Democrat establishment electibility where the others don't ANNNND he has the added benefit of being bigly susceptible to manipulation if he were to win. 
I would bet that when it gets closer to the decision point, the DNC will go to the big money candidates like Steyer and Bloomberg and say, "Hey. guys. Look at it this way - we need your money to beat Trump - you guys drop out and you help us run Joe so you get what you want. 
You won't have the title...but you will have the real power to get the things done you want done. 
We'll put a female VP in place who will really make the decisions in the administration
It'll be great, you'll see!"...
Read all.

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