Friday, February 14, 2020

The State of the Race: Democrats In Despair? | Power Line

See the source imageThe State of the Race: Democrats In Despair? | Power Line
"I and many others have been saying for a long time that the Democrats don’t have an adequate presidential candidate this year.
...I first described Joe Biden as a “dead candidate walking” in mid-October...
...A second factor is probably even more important: Warren is a harridanIt should be no surprise that few people want to be lectured at by her for the next four years.
...Bernie Sanders has a loyal following, mainly among the young and ignorant. But he hasn’t been able to expand that following beyond the base he had four years ago.
...Pete Buttigieg has performed relatively well in both Iowa and New Hampshire, which I think reflects the desperate state of the Democratic race. “Mayor Pete” has a basic problem: he is utterly unqualified for the presidency.
...I don’t consider Michael Bloomberg much of a threat, either. He has one thing going for him: money. 
...So who is left? I still think Tulsi Gabbard would be the Democrats’ strongest general election candidate, but she is 1) patriotic, and 2) not a hater. She even wished Rush Limbaugh well when he announced his cancer diagnosis. So there is no risk that the Democrats might nominate her.
...That leaves Amy Klobuchar, who disappointed in Iowa but came on strong in New Hampshire.
...Still, I think Klobuchar is now the Democrats’ most likely presidential nominee..."
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