Sunday, March 01, 2020

How they lie!-----‘You’re proving him correct’! Dana Milbank’s claim that Trump called the coronavirus a ‘hoax’ melts BS detectors (ROLL TAPE) –

‘You’re proving him correct’! Dana Milbank’s claim that Trump called the coronavirus a ‘hoax’ melts BS detectors (ROLL TAPE) –
"President Trump held a rally in South Carolina last night, and as you might expect the coronavirus was a topic of discussion. 
Trump slammed some Democrats and the media for attempting to politicize the virus, and this is how Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank passed it along: (click link to see video and more)
Remember this moment: Trump, in South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a "hoax."
That’s up to almost 16,000 retweets, and BS is being called:
I noticed that you only quoted the word "hoax". I dare you to put quotation marks on Trump's entire quote instead. What are you afraid of...a little context?
A little context goes a long way, but apparently Milbank didn’t have enough room in his tweet to include it. 
Here’s the full clip:
Actually, he said tweets like yours- attempts to politicize the coronavirus- are the new hoax. You're a liar. Here's the video:

Embedded video

It looks like Milbank made a good point, just not the one he thinks:

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