Sunday, May 03, 2020

"After a month of sustained hysterics and propaganda praising China’s harsh lockdown policy, after incalculable damage to hundreds of millions of lives, the World Health Organization is telling us..."

Air-Climate-Energy--William Hempstone shared a post.


"As lockdowns spread around the world, one country stood apart: Sweden. 
Unlike almost every other Western country, Sweden refused to lock down. 
Restaurants stayed open. 
So did schools. 
Life remained, for the most part, pretty normal. 
The press normally extols Sweden as the paragon of wise policy-making. 
Suddenly we were told Sweden was a corpse-strewn hell hole. 
After a month of sustained hysterics and propaganda praising China’s harsh lockdown policy, after incalculable damage to hundreds of millions of lives, the World Health Organization is telling us, almost casually, that our model should be Sweden."

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