Monday, June 01, 2020

'ACAB,' 'F*ck 12': How to Translate Rioters' Graffiti and Shouting

'ACAB,' 'F*ck 12': How to Translate Rioters' Graffiti and Shouting
"Rioters are spraypainting “Fuck 12” and “ACAB” graffiti over police cars, windows, banks, shops, pavements, and walls.
What does the graffiti mean?
Around a dozen LAPD vehicles vandalized just behind the line of police and protestors.

Embedded video
The rioters are also shouting, “Fuck 12,” at police: explains the meaning of “Fuck 12”:
Fuck 12 basically means fuck the police, but more specifically it’s means fuck the police drug unit.
Dashawn: “man close the window, the 12 might come!”
Daquan: *hits blunt* “man fuck 12!”
“ACAB” is an acronym for “All Cops Are Bastards” and “All Capitalists Are Bastards.”
The terms are favored because they can be quickly sprayed onto targets in large letters before the police intervene...
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