Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Teen Vogue: Antifa 'Aspires Toward Creating a Better World'

Image result for teach the children wellTeen Vogue: Antifa 'Aspires Toward Creating a Better World'
"Leftist outlet Teen Vogue told its readers that the terrorist organization Antifa “aspires to create a better world” in the wake of riots that have broken out across the country, which have involved looting, vandalism, businesses being destroyed, beatings, and death.
“‘Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing,'” tweeted Teen Vogue on Monday.
🗣 "Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing." 

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