Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Imagine if was a republican supporter!-----The Toobin Zoom Call Is Even Worse Than We Thought. Here's What They Were Talking About

The Toobin Zoom Call Is Even Worse Than We Thought. Here's What They Were Talking About
"He claims he thought he had “muted the video” but left it on “accidentally.”
But that’s not believable, because when turning the camera off on Zoom, there is an avatar where the video used to be.
How does he expect us to believe he did not check this before deciding to whip out wee Willie?
And worse, why is that a good excuse for flogging the dolphin during a work call?...

And now Toobin wants the world to accept that he made a “mistake” and “accidentally” sexually harassed everyone in a Zoom call.
That’s what we’re really talking about here.
If MeToo has taught me anything it’s that consent matters and if a man exposes himself to anyone without their consent it’s akin to rape.
Remember that Louis C.K. was dragged for engaging in this same activity on phone calls with women.
So was Harvey Weinstein, who was reported to have sprinkled his house plant in plain view of witnesses.
The issue here really is, why does a guy do this on a work call unless he likes the thrill of getting caught?

But let’s not forget the seriousness of this situation. 

This needs to be a firing offense if the big networks are really concerned about making workplace environments sexual harassment-free...Read all.

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