Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What Does The SCOTUS Pennsylvania Ruling Mean?

meaning in history: What Does The SCOTUS Pennsylvania Ruling Mean?

What Does The SCOTUS Pennsylvania Ruling Mean?

This could be very interesting. Shipwreckedcrew offers a very concise account of what this outrageous ruling could mean, followed by a much lengthier analysis:

Supreme Court Declines To Intervene In Case Challenging Changes To Pennsylvania Election Law Rules — For Now

The interesting part is the "for now," which we'll get to.

What this case is about is pretty simple. The Dem governor of PA asked the legislature to change the election laws. The legislature, controlled by the GOP, declined to do so. So the PA Supreme Court--controlled by Dem judges--stepped in and changed the PA election laws by judicial fiat...

...Why does this guarantee Judge Amy's confirmation? 

This is why...Read all!

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