Monday, November 02, 2020

A Contagion of Hatred and Hysteria

A Contagion of Hatred and Hysteria
"Lockdown is a blunt, indiscriminate policy that forces the poorest and most vulnerable people to bear the brunt of the fight against coronavirus.
 As an infectious diseases epidemiologist, I believe there has to be a better way. 
That is why, earlier this month, with two other international scientists, I co-authored a proposal for an alternative approach — one that shields those most at risk while enabling the rest of the population to resume their ordinary lives to some extent.
I expected debate and disagreement about our ideas, published as the Great Barrington Declaration.
As a scientist, I would welcome that. 
After all, science progresses through its ideas and counter-ideas.
But I was utterly unprepared for the onslaught of insults, personal criticism, intimidation and threats that met our proposal. 
The level of vitriol and hostility, not just from members of the public online but from journalists and academics, has horrified me.
I am not a politician...Read all.

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