Monday, February 01, 2021

MeWe -Michael Smith

MeWe -Michael Smith
  • "Logical thinkers take in information first, make a decision and then think about how they feel about their decision. These are the people who read the labels before they buy.
  • Emotional thinkers first think about how they feel about something, make a decision and then look for information that supports their feelings about their decision. These are the people for whom the impulse buy displays at check out lanes are designed.
Trump voters mostly fit the former, Biden voters the latter. 
Trump voters discounted the package and were concerned with the contents (the policies), Biden voters went for the clever packaging and only now that they have opened the package are seeing what was inside.
You can probably deduce which group is more likely to experience buyers remorse. 
You can also deduce this group is the least likely to admit it."

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