Saturday, March 27, 2021

A citizen looks at Biden's "outrage".

Facebook--Becky Pulling Gaconnet
"Before you jump on any bandwagon agreeing with Joe's remarks that election law changes are "sick," please read at least two articles on the legislation that passed in Georgia.
Take this paragraph from NBC News as an example of what you might see:
"The new law adds a host of restrictions, like requiring identification for mail voting and making it illegal to take food or water to voters in line."

Aha! "Restrictions" -- We start by using a word with negative connotations. 
Those dirty old lawmakers are trying to RESTRICT voting! 
But let's face it: Restrictions can be a good thing. 
  • In this case, they will require mail in voters to copy their DL number or the last four of their social security number on the forms they send is requiring ID information racist or even restrictive? Is she suggesting that some people aren't capable of getting and using identification documents? Are some racial groups exempt from these requirements?..
  • Now, what about that "not allowed to bring food or water to people in line." "Oh, my.....Republicans are trying to starve people to death to prevent their voting!" Joe wants you to think. He says Republicans are SICK! (Please feel free to check the fact checks on Joe's press conference.)Not so fast. When you vote in Texas, do you notice the 100 foot markers and a crowd of candidate signs and candidate supporters in t-shirts with the candidate's name on them congregated just past that sign? No campaigning is allowed within 100 feet of the entrance to the building where voting is taking place. Thus, if you walked up to the door of the Brazoria Library, as an example, wearing a "VOTE for Bob" shirt and handed somebody a bottle of water, you would be violating Texas voting law. So, I looked it up....(You can do this, too). This Georgia provision about not providing food or water to voters in line is an update to the existing provision that "gifts" of any sort may not be provided to voters "within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building" being used as a polling place. The change in law simply specified that food and drink is included in the gift category. Yes, it sounds like a silly law. But if you investigate further, you will see that it has a purpose. People who want to influence voters need to do that before they get in line to vote. 
Again, please stop people from calling this voter suppression. 
And I am totally befuddled by the idea that this particular voter suppression is racist. 
White people eat and drink, too...Read all.

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