Friday, May 21, 2021

Biden Wants to Surveil Soldier Social Media Pages - Louder With Crowder

Biden Wants to Surveil Soldier Social Media Pages - Louder With Crowder
The Democrats who control Joe Biden have been chirping about a "domestic war on terror" since January 6 and even before that while ignoring all the domestic violence their side was committing all throughout 2020. Leftists claim their concern is "extremism," then declare any opinion they disagree with to be "extreme." Unfortunately for them (yet good for Americans), the Bill of Rights makes it difficult for them to surveil anyone they determine to be a "domestic threat." So they use private companies to get around pesky First Amendment issues. This now, according to reports, includes our military. That's right. The Biden administration is concerned that our armed service members maybe a little too "extreme" and wants to monitor what they say on social media.

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