Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Suppression of Conservative Sites

Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Suppression of Conservative Sites
  • Without the suppression tools, Breitbart’s traffic would increase “an estimated 20%, Washington Times’ 18%, Western Journal’s 16% and Epoch Times’ by 11%.”
"...It’s weird how people only name conservative news outlets when talking about fake news and hate-filled reports. 
...The Wall Street Journal reviewed internal documents that contradict the left and the supposed internal documents the “whistleblower” has in her possession.
...The study, dubbed a “political ideology analysis,” suggested the company had been suppressing the traffic of major far-right publishers, even though that wasn’t its intent, according to the documents.
...People inside the company warned those in charge they should not even use these tools in a test run...Read all!

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