Tuesday, October 19, 2021

School Boards and Idiots - American Thinker

School Boards and Idiots - American Thinker

"Mark Twain famously said, “In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.” 

If you ever doubted the wisdom of this observation, the conduct of the Loudoun County School Board, the National School Boards Association, and Attorney General Merrick Garland should put paid to your skepticism. 

A more patent a collection of idiots it would be hard to find.

The heroes in this story are Scott Smith, father of a young girl who had been sexually assaulted in a Loudoun County school bathroom by a “gender fluid” boy wearing a skirt, with an assist from the America First Legal Foundation (AFL), and the thousands of concerned parents of public school children around the country.

  • Attorney General Garland Sics the FBI on Parents

We were puzzled by Garland’s preposterous memorandum ordering the FBI to investigate angry parents showing up at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists,” but AFL, in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz, makes a credible series of factual assertions about the genesis of this outrageous order...Read all!

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