Friday, November 26, 2021

DISGUSTING: Salvation Army Wants White Donors To Offer A "Sincere Apology" For "Systemic" Racism.

DISGUSTING: Salvation Army Wants White Donors To Offer A "Sincere Apology" For "Systemic" Racism.
"What was founded in 1865 in London, England, as both a protestant Christian church and an international charitable organization, the Salvation Army has now embraced Critical Race Theory.
...The Salvation Army’s leadership team just created an “International Social Justice Commission” which has developed and released a “resource” to educate its white donors, volunteers and employees called Let’s Talk about Racism. 
It asserts Christianity is institutionally racist, calling for white Christians to repent and offer “a sincere apology” to blacks for being “antagonistic.. to black people or the culture, values, and interests of the black community.”
...In an accompanying Study Guide on Racism, Salvation Army authors explain that all whites are racist, even if they don’t realize it...Read all.

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