Monday, November 01, 2021

Hmmm. Witnesses, drones, camera phones, cops everywhere yet not one photo of the rioters?-----At least 1,000 "partygoers" in Boulder cause 'significant property damage' on Pearl Street Mall | Crime & Justice |

At least 1,000 partygoers in Boulder cause 'significant property damage' on Pearl Street Mall | Crime & Justice |
"A swarm of partygoers in Boulder caused "significant" property damage on the Pearl Street Mall Friday night and officials are working to identify those responsible, according to the City of Boulder.
...Within 90 minutes, the group had grown to between 1,000 and 2,000 people who were "hanging from light poles and trees, accessing rooftops and causing property damage to windows, tables, chairs and outdoor heating posts," officials said in a release Saturday afternoon.
As officials dispersed the crowd, police used drones as a response and documentation tool
...Anyone who witnesses or experience property damage is asked to contact the Boulder Police Department at 3093-441-3333...Read all.

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