Sunday, January 02, 2022

N.Y. Rationing COVID Drugs (monoclonal treatments) Based on Race

N.Y. Rationing COVID Drugs Based on Race

"Sick non-Hispanic whites can only get oral antivirals if they have a medical condition or unspecified "other factors that increase their risk for severe illness"; sick "[n]on-white[s]" and "Hispanic[s]" don't face such a requirement.


That's from the N.Y. State Department of Health, Dec. 27, 2021. The full list:

As Glenn Greenwald points out:

That means that a healthy twenty-year-old Asian football player or a 17-year-old African-American marathon runner from a wealthy family will be automatically deemed at heightened risk to develop serious COVID illness—making them instantly eligible for monoclonal treatments upon testing positive and showing symptoms—while a White person of exactly the same age and health condition from an impoverished background would not be automatically eligible...Read all.

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