Thursday, March 03, 2022

Shocking Lessons U.S. Military Leaders Learned by Watching Putin's Invasion

Shocking Lessons U.S. Military Leaders Learned by Watching Putin's Invasion
  • Russia's military is weak and backwards.
"After just one day of fighting, Russia's ground force lost most of its initial momentum, undermined by shortages of fuel, ammunition and even food, but also because of a poorly trained and led force. 
...Other military observers are flabbergasted that a Russian invasion force, fully prepared and operating from Russian soil, has been able to move just tens of miles into an adjoining country. 
One retired U.S. Army general told Newsweek in an email: "We know that Russia has a plodding army and that Russian military force has always been a blunt instrument, but why risk the antipathy of the entire planet if you have no prospect of achieving even minimal gains."...Read all.

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