Thursday, May 26, 2022

Michael Swartz: Be 'Prideful' or Be Accused of 'Homophobia' | The Patriot Post

Michael Swartz: Be 'Prideful' or Be Accused of 'Homophobia' | The Patriot Post:
"...the Biden administration recently put out a statement commemorating what’s known as the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. (If you didn’t know about it and missed it entirely, join the club.) 
  • Part of the statement claimed: “LGBTQI+ people are an essential part of families and communities — teachers, first responders, public officials, doctors, lawyers, front-line workers, and friends who enrich and strengthen every single country. And make no mistake: hateful legislative attacks against members of our own LGBTQI+ community cannot be tolerated in America or anywhere else. They spur discrimination and can stoke violence. And they are rooted in the same ignorance and intolerance that we see around the world. Hate is hate — and all of us have a responsibility to speak out against hate wherever we find it.”
The most interesting aspect of what is otherwise a rather boilerplate statement by a president who was elected on the pretense of unifying the part about “hateful legislative attacks.” 
Of course, we get no examples or evidence of such attacks from the Biden statement..."

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