Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Next step? Force YOU to do same!-----A fridge too far?

A fridge too far? - JAZZ SHAW
"The Associated Press is continuing its tradition of celebrating people who are making a difference in an effort to “save the planet” through noble acts of sacrifice. One such person is Josh Spodek of Manhattan...

There are those for whom recycling and composting are not nearly enough, who have reduced their annual waste to almost zero, ditched their clothes dryer or given up flying, and are ready to take the next step in exploring the frontiers of sustainable living.

For Manhattanite Josh Spodek, that has meant going without a refrigerator, which he identified as the biggest source of electrical use in his Greenwich Village apartment.

Spodek began by deciding to go packaging-free, and one small step led to another. Now, he is living virtually grid-free in a city that in many ways is the epitome of grids.

...This is someone who has fully bought into the idea that humans don’t “deserve” the benefits of technology and that we all need to live in pods and eat bugs...

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