Friday, March 29, 2024

32 Climate Hoaxes That Are Now Supporting For WWIII | Armstrong Economics

There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the planet by eliminating 50%+ of the world population.
"This is why all our world leaders are promoting war, and the NEOCONS love it...
Ironically, they may be correct in proposing that in 2027, the world will end geopolitically, but not for climate reasons. 
  • They realize there is NO WAY we can abandon fossil fuels and replace them with wind and solar. That is just impossible. 
  • To make the power grid and electric cars feasible, you must reduce the world population by 50% while maintaining the power grid as it is today. 
Our computer has forecast that the peak of World War III is most likely in the 2026/2027 time period...

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