Monday, April 08, 2024

Hysterics in deep depression!-----Study: Net Coastal Change Of 13,000 Islands Expanded 155 Sq. Miles Since 2000 - Climate Change Dispatch

Instead, satellite observations reveal the globe’s island coasts expanded seaward (net) by 402 km² (155 mi²) since 2000. - by Kenneth Richard
"The sea level rise experienced in recent decades was supposed to lead to shrinking shorelines and inundated coasts...
In a new study, over 13,000 islands were assessed for coastal change over the last three decades (1990-2020).
Only 12% of these islands experienced significant shoreline change during this period. 
Thus, approximately 88% of the islands had stable coasts − neither substantial erosion nor accretion...
This is “contrary to initial assumptions.”

“Moreover, the data results suggest that sea-level rise has not been a widespread cause of erosion for island shorelines in the studied region.''...

“Contrary to initial assumptions, our empirical data does not conclusively link the widespread erosion of island shorelines primarily to historical sea-level rise, suggesting that human activities might mask the effects of sea-level rise.”...

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