Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Orbiting the US - Changes Your Perspective of the US

Orbiting the US - Changes Your Perspective of the US - SETON MOTLEY
"......So when I posit the US is imminently destined for economic ruin? 
Nigh no one disagrees - even a little...
The white Africans are particularly well informed - because they have actually lived through their countries actually collapsing.
My realtor is an amazing woman - who was born in Rhodesia. That’s what Zimbabwe was - before it was Zimbabwe...
Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe is an ongoing period of currency instability in Zimbabwe which, using Cagan's definition of hyperinflation, began in February 2007...
Starting to sound familiar? It should be….
Bank Failures in Zimbabwe: Lessons from the 2003-2004 Bank-Wide Liquidity Crisis:
  • “Ironically, the events that led to the bank-wide liquidity crisis are repeating again...

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