Monday, June 10, 2024

6 weeks later, still there!--Starting to sense a long, hot, violent summer?------UC Santa Barbara Students Create ‘Liberated Zone’ in Solidarity with Gaza

UCSB Divest Leads Teach-ins and Demonstration Calling for Divestment from Companies Involved in Israeli Defense
"All day on April 25, students at UC Santa Barbara joined universities across the country in establishing the “Popular University for Gaza” — a “liberated zone” in the campus Student Resource Building. 
The demonstration and symbolic encampment were in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian people and demanding “financial transparency, the defense of Palestinian activists, a declaration of the occupation of the Palestinian people, and a divestment from all companies and partnerships” actively supporting Israel’s military offensive on Gaza, according to National Students for Justice in Palestine.
  • “We will not go on business as usual,” one speaker said. “We will hold our university accountable.”...

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