Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today-Michael Smith
"Somebody asked me why the Democrats would pick Joe Biden, given that he seems a couple of bales short of a hayride.
I've been thinking about it and was ready for the question.
I said it was because he would become the Manchurian Candidate.
Image result for joe biden dementiaThey said there was no way he would be controlled by a foreign power.
I said that he would be controlled by the largest communist organization in America - the Democrat Party.
Biden represents a store front of Democrat establishment electibility where the others don't ANNNND he has the added benefit of being bigly susceptible to manipulation if he were to win. 
I would bet that when it gets closer to the decision point, the DNC will go to the big money candidates like Steyer and Bloomberg and say, "Hey. guys. Look at it this way - we need your money to beat Trump - you guys drop out and you help us run Joe so you get what you want. 
You won't have the title...but you will have the real power to get the things done you want done. 
We'll put a female VP in place who will really make the decisions in the administration
It'll be great, you'll see!"...
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AM Fruitcake

History for December 3

See the source image
History for December 3 - On-This-Day.com
George McClellan 1826- Union General, Joseph Conrad 1857- Author, Andy Williams 1927- Singer
Image result for General George McClellan QuotesImage result for Joseph Conrad QuotesImage result for Andy Williams

Peter C. Schulz 1942- Co-inventor of fiber optics used in telecommunications, Ozzy Osbourne 1948- Singer, Julianne Moore 1960- Actress
Image result for Peter Schultz Fiber OpticImage result for Ozzy OsbourneImage result for Julianne Moore

1950 - Paul Harvey began his national radio broadcast.
Image result for 1950 - Paul Harvey began his national radio broadcast.

1967 - In Cape Town, South Africa, a team of surgeons headed by Dr. Christian Barnard, performed the first human heart transplant on Louis Washkansky. Washkansky only lived 18 days.
Image result for Dr. Christian Barnard, performed the first human heart transplant

Monday, December 02, 2019

Nolte: Lisa Page's Disastrously Dishonest Daily Beast Interview

Nolte: Lisa Page's Disastrously Dishonest Daily Beast Interview:

Image result for wikicommons images Lisa PageAt this point, though, the establishment media’s shamelessly acting as a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party and Deep State is no longer news — it’s just the way it is. Fire me up a flare when the media actually challenge these coup plotters; that would be news.
The good news, though, is that Page uses the Daily Beast’s rope to hang herself. Rather than help herself, she comes off as bitter, deeply dishonest, and rabidly partisan.
So here are all the ways in which she once again exposed herself as an un-American traitor to democracy, a liar, and a partisan who should not have been allowed in the lobby of the FBI, much less the upper echelon.

Black Friday: Holiday Shopping Gets a Trump Economy Boost | Breitbart

Black Friday: Holiday Shopping Gets a Trump Economy Boost | Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images president trump
The odds are you are shopping this weekend.
An estimated 165 million Americans will shop between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, according to the National Retail Federation. That includes 39.6 million who said they were considering shopping on Thanksgiving Day, 114.6 million on Black Friday, 66.6 million on Small Business Saturday and 33.3 million on Sunday. On Cyber Monday, 68.7 million are expected to take advantage of online bargains.

The way we were-----Rationing in the U.S. During World War II

Boob-tube-----Prime Time Machine: Monday, Feb. 6, 1967 on network TV

Eliminating Food Deserts Doesn't Help Poor Americans

Eliminating Food Deserts Doesn't Help Poor Americans
"...Many think that a key cause of nutritional inequality is food deserts – or neighborhoods without supermarkets, mostly in low-income areas. 
...The data tell a strikingly different story.
See the source image...Although many people began shopping at the new local supermarket after it opened, they generally didn’t buy healthier food. 
We can statistically conclude that the effect on healthy eating from opening new supermarkets was negligible at best. 
We calculated that local access to supermarkets explains no more than about 1.5 percent of the difference in healthy eating between low- and high-income households.
How could this be?
...In other words, people don’t suddenly go from shopping at an unhealthy convenience store to shopping at the new, healthy supermarket. 
In reality, people go from shopping at a faraway supermarket to shopping at a new supermarket that offers the same types of groceries.
...But the data show that healthier eating is not one of those benefits...."
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What if there is no Climate Emergency ? | Watts Up With That?

What if there is no Climate Emergency ? | Watts Up With That?

  • What if there is no Catastrophic Risk from Man-made Global Warming ?
  • What if Man-made CO2 emissions are not the “Climate Control Knob” ?
  • What if Man-made CO2 emissions really are a non-problem ?
  • But what if there is a real Global Cooling Catastrophe in the offing ?

It is the propaganda of Catastrophic Global Warming / Climate Change alarmists that has illogically conflated Carbon Dioxide, the beneficial trace gas that sustains all life on earth and which may cause some minor warming, with real and dangerous pollutants to create the “Great Global Warming Scare / Climate Change Scare / Climate Emergency / etcetera”, with their “we are all going to fry in the next few years” narrative”.
...For the last 3 millennia, since 1000BC, cooling has been progressing at a rate considerably higher than during the earlier Holocene that encompassed the highest temperature of the Holocene Climate Optimum..."
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Massachusetts GOP: Warren Running Campaign 'Based Upon Envy'

Image result for flickr commons images elizabeth warrenMassachusetts GOP: Warren Running Campaign 'Based Upon Envy':

“It’s a point I’ve made since my very first campaign: Nobody in this country got rich on their own. They relied on infrastructure we all paid for, employees we all paid to educate,” she wrote.
“So if you’re successful, good for you—now pay it forward so everyone has a chance at success,” she added:

Buzzfeed Crew Shocked To Learn They Have Low Testosterone Levels

Buzzfeed Crew Shocked To Learn They Have Low Testosterone Levels
"The normal testosterone level for an American male is a range anywhere from 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average of 679 ng/dL.
When a crew from Buzzfeed got their testosterone levels checked as part of an investigation into male attractiveness, 3 out of 4 were apparently low..."Read all.

Lots of talk, get some facts.-----Five Common Misconceptions About the Electoral College - The Atlantic

See the source imageFive Common Misconceptions About the Electoral College - The Atlantic
"...Below, I identify five common mistakes made in arguing for the preservation of the Electoral College.
Mistake Number 1: Many supporters of the Electoral College assume that the debate about presidential selection at the Constitutional Convention, like the debate today, focused on whether the president should be chosen by the Electoral College or by a nationwide popular vote.
But as tempting as it is to read history in the light of contemporary concerns, the debate at the convention focused on a different issue: Should Congress choose the president?...
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Lunch video-----"LAST VOYAGE OF THE ANDREA DORIA" - (1996 Documentary)


Obama made Americans buy insurance, but judge stops Trump rule that immigrants do the same - WND

Obama made Americans buy insurance, but judge stops Trump rule that immigrants do the same - WND:
Image result for flickr commons images insurance
The great irony, of course, is the fact that Simon was an appointee of a president who felt that Americans needed to buy insurance whether they needed it or not.
In fact, that was the whole point of the Obamacare individual mandate: If you didn’t get healthy people to pay into the program by buying coverage they didn’t need, premiums would skyrocket.

Are you SURE you're prepared to live with the Green New Deal?-----Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Hurd
Hey Trump-haters and enviro-Nazis ... Are you SURE you're prepared to live with the Green New Deal? 
Is the virtue-signaling worth it?
Consider the following:
Extreme Green Poverty: Germans Face €44 Billion Bill For Electricity Alone In 2020 [from the Global Warming Policy Forum]
Germany’s green energy taxes and levies on electricity have reached their highest level ever and will rise to 44 billion euros in 2020...
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor
More than 340,000 German households had their electricity turned off last year because they couldn’t pay their electricity bills. A mother [pictured above] is sitting with her son in her darkened apartment in Hanover (Source: DPA)"
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#1 Movie this Week 1965-----That Darn Cat! (1965) Disney Home Video Australia Trailer

CNN’s pre-Thanksgiving civility lesson: Trump defenders ‘Should Be Laughed at, Ridiculed, and Scorned’ - American Thinker

CNN’s pre-Thanksgiving civility lesson: Trump defenders ‘Should Be Laughed at, Ridiculed, and Scorned’ - American Thinker
"When you consider the vast number of people forced to watch CNN as they waited at their gates for delayed airline flights on the busiest travel day of the year, one marked by weather delays in most of the country, this call for harsh derision could affect a lot of Thanksgiving dinners today. 
Ridicule and scorn do not fit well with the theme of giving thanks for the  blessings we receive as Americans, but then again, CNN, in the ratings tank and discredited for its repeated fake news incidents, has less to be thankful for than most Americans, enjoying higher incomes and lower taxes.
Watch as CNN legal analyst Elie Honig responds to anchor Brooke Baldwin saying, that the main defense of “I know nothing” is “dead.”
At about 1:40 below:
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope nobody at your Thanksgiving table was stuck in an airport departure lounge yesterday."

#1 This day 1965-----The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) (Audio)

Video of 6-Foot-2, 220-Pound Transgender Crushing Female Athletes Shows How Unfair Trans Movement Is to Women

Video of 6-Foot-2, 220-Pound Transgender Crushing Female Athletes Shows How Unfair Trans Movement Is to Women
...the first day of “Transgender Awareness Week,” according to LGBT athletics blog Outsports.
...And this trend finds no better example than that of Hannah Mouncey...
Another male athlete claiming female “gender identity,” Mouncey made international headlines last fall when he withdrew his professional draft nomination for the women’s Australian Football League because of perceived discrimination, according to The Independent.
Standing 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighing in at approximately 220 pounds, Mouncey, who had competed on the men’s national team for handball in 2016, was crowned a hero by the LGBT community for attacking the AFL’s “Gender Diversity Policy” — a policy he claimed was too restrictive..."
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To those who lecture us.

Mark Your Calendars. This Will Be The Biggest Day Yet For Impeachment Legal Fights | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images capital hillMark Your Calendars. This Will Be The Biggest Day Yet For Impeachment Legal Fights | The Daily Caller:

Two three-judge panels will hear back-to-back arguments on two separate matters. The first is a dispute over a House Judiciary Committee subpoena for grand jury materials from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. The second involves another House subpoena compelling the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.

Study Shows Electric Cars Become Practically Useless In Cold Weather

Electric Cars
Study Shows Electric Cars Become Practically Useless In Cold Weather
"According to recent studies, cold temperatures significantly reduce the performance of electric cars, especially when it comes to battery life.
One study by AAA suggested that cold temperatures can reduce the range of the batteries in most electric cars by over 40 percent. 
It was also noted that the performance can be even worse when the interior heaters are used..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for December 2

See the source image
History for December 2 - On-This-Day.com
George Seurat 1859, Alexander M. Haig 1924, Edwin Meese III 1931 - Attorney general in the U.S.
Image result for Georges Seurat Most Famous PaintingsImage result for Alexander Haig QuotesImage result for Edwin Meese III Quotes

Lucy Liu 1968 - Actress, Britney Spears 1981 - Singer, TV judge ("The X Factor"), Aaron Rodgers 1983 - Football player
Image result for Lucy LiuImage result for Britney SpearsImage result for Aaron Rodgers

1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi and his staff at the University of Chicago.
See the source image

1997 - U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno declined to seek an independent counsel investigation of telephone fund-raising by President Clinton and Vice President Gore. She had concluded that they had not violated election laws.
Image result for Janet Reno independent counsel investigation Clinton Gore