Monday, August 10, 2009

"would you like some can o peas?"

"The 26-year-old said she then retaliated with her secret weapon: a can of peas stuffed inside a sock that she used to beat her assailant until the homemade weapon ripped and the culprit fled,"

Opposition Emerges to House's Jet Spree

Opposition Emerges to House's Jet Spree
"Bipartisan opposition is emerging in the Senate to a plan by House lawmakers to spend $550 million for additional passenger jets for senior government officials."


A QUESTION: Do you want your medical care controlled by people who think it’s “Un-American” to criticize them? / [Mackinac Center] / [Mackinac Center]

Norton Shores boosts costs for filmmakers

Norton Shores boosts costs for filmmakers
"City council members decided this week to increase the film permit fee from $50 to $500, citing filmmakers' ability to easily handle the expense and the recent increase in the rest of the city's fees.
City staff had recommended leaving the permit fee at $50 based on fees charged by other communities."

Can't find the money!!!!!!
Despite a new oversight panel, a new special inspector general, the existing Government Accountability Office and eight other inspectors general, those charged with minding the store say they don't have all the weapons they need.
Ten months into the Troubled Asset Relief Program, some members of Congress say that some oversight of bailout dollars has been so lacking that it's essentially worthless.

"Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has tentatively agreed to raise rates..... an average of 22 per

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has tentatively agreed to raise rates..... by an average of 22 percent
"Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has tentatively agreed to raise rates for nearly 200,000 of its health insurance customers by an average of 22 percent, a significantly lower rate increase than originally sought.
The agreement reached Thursday with Attorney General Mike Cox is subject to approval by state regulators before it could take effect.
The agreement covers ate increases for Blue Cross customers who have non-group and group conversion policies. Those policies typically are bought by people under age 65 not covered by employer-based or government plans.
Blue Cross originally requested to raise those rates 42 percent to 56 percent earlier this year."

"a historic shift of philosophy" by federal housing officials.

"a historic shift of philosophy" by federal housing officials"
"The agreement calls for the county to spend more than $50 million to build or acquire 750 homes or apartments, 630 of which must be provided in towns and villages where blacks constitute 3 percent or less of the population and Hispanic residents make up less than 7 percent. The county has seven years to complete the construction or acquisition of the affordable housing units."

Sunday, August 09, 2009 News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread

Still Not Getting It?

Still Not Getting It?
"Now it may be that these are essential fact-finding missions for the lawmakers in question and, in the latter case, their wives, but if the GOP is to rebuild its credentials (and yes, they badly need rebuilding) as the party of fiscal prudence, a reputation that could be an enormous asset in 2010 and 2012, these are exactly the stories that we should not be seeing — at least without very good explanation indeed."

Saturday, August 08, 2009

America's Best College

America's Best College
"Most college students, we think, do not march to meals. A goodly number of them drink into the wee hours, duck morning classes and fail to hit the gym with any regularity. But Vetter, 21, is a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., where college life is a bit different."

Friday, August 07, 2009

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: "In May, I told you how the Service Employees International Union’s $61 million investment in Barack Obama paid off with cabinet appointments, executive orders, key personnel slots, and legislative goodies.
Now, the SEIU thugs are looking out for The Boss. In Tampa, Florida and St. Louis today, the Purple People turned out to give cover to members of Congress targeted by Tea Party activists and town hall protesters. For the first time, the town hall protests were marked by physical aggression. More on the St. Louis arrests of confrontational Obamacare activists here. (Just like Obama wanted: “In your face.”) This is no coincidence.
I’m excerpting a portion of my Culture of Corruption chapter on the SEIU. This is what you are up against."

Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short

Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short
"Cuba both imports toilet paper and produces its own, but does not currently have enough raw materials to make it, he said."

Cheryl Crow would love it there!

15 years?????

"The traffic light at Shoreline Drive and Mart Street was taken out two weeks ago, said John Richard, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Transportation.
The intersection, with low traffic volume from the south, did not warrant a signal, said Mohammed Al-Shatel, city engineer for Muskegon. It had been a flashing light for at least 15 years, he said."

Video - Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"

Video - Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"
"Nancy Pelosi claims protesters are 'carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.'"

Congress Gets an Upgrade

Congress Gets an Upgrade
"Congress plans to spend $550 million to buy eight jets, a substantial upgrade to the fleet used by federal officials at a time when lawmakers have criticized the use of corporate jets by companies receiving taxpayer funds."

Obama: ‘Don’t Want the Folks Who Created the Mess to Do a Lot of Talking’

Obama: ‘Don’t Want the Folks Who Created the Mess to Do a Lot of Talking’

Top Democrat denounces health care protests

Top Democrat denounces health care protests: "The Senate's most powerful Democrat on Thursday scolded health care protesters dogging his party's lawmakers at local meetings, arguing that some critics on the political right have run out of ideas—and ditched their civic manners. Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada accused the protesters of trying to 'sabotage' the democratic process."

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal

White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say
"The White House strategy of turning supporters into snitches when they see 'fishy' information about the health care debate may run afoul of the law, legal experts say."


GORE LIED: "Physicist, Frank J. Tipler,Professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane University, writes at Pajamas Media:
Carbon dioxide is first and foremost a plant food. In fact, plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use the energy from sunlight to combine the CO2 with water to yield glucose, the simplest sugar molecule. Carbon dioxide is also the source of all organic — this word just means “contains carbon” — molecules synthesized by plants. Without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there would be no organic molecules synthesized by plants. The less carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the fewer organic molecules synthesized by plants. All animals depend on plants to synthesize essential organic molecules. Without the organic molecules synthesized by plants, the animal world could not exist. Without plants, there would be no biosphere.

Those who want to reduce the use of fossil fuels are the mortal enemies of the biosphere. They must be stopped at all costs! Write your senator at once!"

Detroit unions threaten to strike over cuts

Detroit unions threaten to strike over cuts
"Public employees and members of several Detroit labor unions threatened to strike Wednesday in response to Mayor Dave Bing's plans to trim the city's budget through furloughs, layoffs and union concessions."

The Fuzzy Math of 47 Million

The Fuzzy Math of 47 Million
: "According the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2006 report, “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States,” 46.9 million people are uninsured in the U.S. There’s only one problem with this statistic: approximately 31.85 million of them do not actually exist.
The numbers really cannot lie, although the report does. Out of a total population of 297.05 million, the report states on Page 20 that the “number of people covered by private insurance was… 201.7 million in 2006” and the “number of people covered by government health programs was… 80.3 million in 2006.”
Therefore, 282 million had insurance.
Which means that out of a total population of 297.05 million, 15.05 million did not have insurance.

Turn Up the Heat in August: Help Defeat ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade | FreedomWorks

Turn Up the Heat in August: Help Defeat ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade FreedomWorks

It may be true that August is just a month, but it’s also true that the longer we have to expose the real intentions and the economic ramifications of the Cap and Tax and health care reform legislation on the table, the more afraid Ms. Pelosi, Senator Reid, and President Obama should be.
As it stands, Cap and Trade must still pass the Senate and health care legislation is waiting in the wings in both the House and Senate. It is essential that we don’t let the pressure up. While Senators and Representatives are home for their August recess they need to hear from you, regardless of party.
Follow the steps below to help us halt these bills.

FreedomWorks | Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

FreedomWorks Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Man barks dog

TPP: "The man, who was outside the building, approached the vehicle. He began 'to torment the police dog by barking and shouting at the animal,'"

POLL: 71% Say Obama’s Policies Have Driven Up Deficit. Gee, why would they think that? …

POLL: 71% Say Obama’s Policies Have Driven Up Deficit. Gee, why would they think that? …: "POLL: 71% Say Obama’s Policies Have Driven Up Deficit. Gee, why would they think that?"

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Different Presidents, A Different Corps

How quickly we forget!

Bill Clinton Visits North Korea, Secures Release of Captive Journalists

Bill Clinton Visits North Korea, Secures Release of Captive Journalists
"The last time an American civilian was held prisoner by North Korea, in 1996, it took a visit from then-Congressman Bill Richardson to secure his release. Yesterday, it required the full prestige of a former U.S. President to win the freedom of captive journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling. When it comes to giving up politically valuable hostages, the Dear Leader has clearly raised the price."
Maybe yes, maybe no.
1. The two "reporters" were employees of Al Gore's TV company.
2. They knew well in advance that they would be arrested when they went to N Korea.
3. The reporters (very well treated while "prisoners") texted their parents, relaying the demand that Bill Clinton visit N Korea before they would be released.
4. BIG TV coverage including the plane landing in the US with Clinton AND AlGore hugging etc.
5. Clinton always looking for publicity and his Peace Prize.
6. AlGore's TV company dying on the vine, needs publicity.
7. Two progressive, liberally well connected reporters looking for instant fame.
8. Clinton-the-savior , AlGore-the-caring-TV-company-owner, two-cute-now-famous-reporters. With book, TV, speaking deals galore!!
All for a few months in a N Korean hotel... with cell phone privileges to boot!
Oh yeah, Dear Leader Kim comes out lookin' pretty good too!
Could anyone concoct a better scenario?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Cancer Patient Offered Gov’t Suicide Funds But Not Medical Care

Cancer Patient Offered Gov’t Suicide Funds But Not Medical Care
"Doctor C.L. Gray and his Physicians for Reform group tell us of the horror story of Oregon’s government run healthcare plan that offered a cancer patient named Barbara all the suicide assisted funding she wanted, but not one penny for the medical care that could save her life."

Norton Shores mayoral primary results

Norton Shores mayoral primary results
Oh boy, this is gonna be great.......zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why Default on U.S. Treasuries is Likely

Why Default on U.S. Treasuries is Likely
"Many predict that, instead, the government will inflate its way out of this future bind, using Federal Reserve monetary expansion to fill the shortfall between outlays and receipts.
But I believe, in contrast, that it is far more likely that the United States will be driven to an outright default on Treasury securities, openly reneging on the interest due on its formal debt and probably repudiating part of the principal."

Read it all...and cower in your basement!

Why Most Journalists Are Democrats: A View from the Soviet Socialist Trenches

Very scary!
Very true!
Very MUST read!

Hoekstra voted FOR "Clunker2" !

But his website might have you believing he didn't.
Is Pete RINOing before our eyes?

Not to mention this bill is exactly what we DON'T want from any republican.

I guess it's time to check out the other GOPer candidates for governor to see if ANY is a true, BRAVE, conservative.

Representative Pete Hoekstra
"Washington, Jul 31 -
U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today heavily criticized the bureaucracy managing the 'Cash for Clunkers' program.
'The red tape involved in ‘Cash for Clunkers’ is creating a major backlog in providing rebates to dealers and causing used cars to pile up,' Hoekstra said. 'If the government cannot manage a $1 billion automobile program, how can we expect it to manage a $1.5 trillion health care program?'
The original Consumers Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 (H.R. 1550) – otherwise known as the Cash for Clunkers bill – would offer a voucher worth up to $4,500 toward a new, more fuel efficient car in exchange for trading in an older vehicle that achieves a fuel economy rating of 18 miles per gallon or less, has been insured for a year and is in 'drivable condition.'
The House today voted to include an additional $2 billion for the original $1 billion program. Much of the money has been committed, but the government has failed to pay out a vast majority of it because of the bureaucracy involved. Examples include the 21-page paperwork process, one hour to complete one form and rejections on claims for no reason.
'The program needs major improvement for it to work effectively,' Hoekstra said. 'Cash for Clunkers looks good on paper, but its delivery has so far been a disaster for dealerships.'"

Here's the roll call on Clunker 2:

Monday, August 03, 2009

North Muskegon, Heights post offices on list for possible closure

North Muskegon, Heights post offices on list for possible closure
"The post offices in Muskegon Heights and North Muskegon are among a list of nearly 700 offices across the country that are potential candidates to be closed as the U.S. Postal Service deals with staggering financial losses.
The Postal Service has been struggling with a sharp decline in mail volume as people and businesses switch to e-mail both for personal contact and bill paying.
The agency is facing a nearly $7 billion potential loss this fiscal year despite a 2 cent increase in the price of stamps in May, cuts in staff and removal of collection boxes."

Amazing that FedEx and UPS have been paying taxes for decades and the USPS just continues to suck up American tax dollars.

Alabama's Jefferson County makes massive job cuts

Alabama's Jefferson County makes massive job cuts
"Alabama's debt-ridden Jefferson County laid off about two-thirds of its 3,600 employees on Monday because of plummeting revenues, a move that will sharply curtail services in areas ranging from roads to courthouses."

This is HUGE!
I never understood the employee's or the union attitudes.
Did they think the endless raises and benefits would continue forever?
Muskegon County may be in the same boat.

Changing state's 56-year-old ban on Sunday car sales would help dealers

Changing state's 56-year-old ban on Sunday car sales would help dealers - "When West Michigan residents leave church this morning, some will head for Sunday brunch at their favorite restaurant.
Others will eat at home, but they might stop for milk at the grocery store or pick up Grandpa's medicine at the pharmacy on the way. Another contingent will hit the mall or even shop for a book at Family Christian stores.
But one thing they won't do is buy a car.
Michigan's 56-year-old blue law forbids Sunday car sales in counties with more than 130,000 people
. The legislation passed when the Chevy Bel-Air, the Nash Rambler Country Club sedan and the Ford Crestline Victoria all rolled through town.
If the law sounds as rusty as that Rambler would be today, its wording won't dissuade you:
'It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of buying, selling, trading or exchanging new, used or second-hand motor vehicles or offering to buy, sell, trade or exchange, or participate in the negotiation thereof, or attempt to buy, sell, trade or exchange any motor vehicle or interest therein, or of any written instrument pertaining thereto, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday.'"

Amazing that our state has such a destructive law...... oh...wait a minute.... not so amazing...


The 5 myths of health care reform

The 5 myths of health care reform
"The Lesson :
Socialism fails, because a roomful of bureaucrats can't possibly have the same knowledge as millions of patients, nurses and doctors.
Socialized medicine, like most other government takeovers of the private sector, will end up doing the opposite of what it is intended to do.
Instead of helping Americans improve medical care, it will make it worse.
Much worse."
Read it all!

Indy Transponder

Indy Transponder

My Oshkosh 2009: A real life hero; an amazing coincidence; the most beautiful airplane ever

My Oshkosh 2009: A real life hero; an amazing coincidence; the most beautiful airplane ever:

“Excuse me, I hope you don’t mind the interruption, but I was in Stalag Luft III with the man who jumped from that plane.”

Amazing story from an amazing venue.

I had hoped to attend but ......

Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

Proof... but no surprise from our prevaricator-in-chief.

Car Dealer Giving Away Free AK-47's With New Trucks!

You gotta watch this one to the end!

Can-do spirits!

Can-do spirits!
"Stacy Slagor had never entered a cooking contest in her life, but she couldn't resist the San Diego County Fair's SPAM recipe competition this summer.
“I like SPAM and I like the fair, so why not?” figured the 40-year-old UCSD employee."

NPR's sophestry with kids!

Okay, sports fans, get a load of this — it will not make you happy, I wager. Last week, a friend of mine wrote,
Hi, Jay,

I have to recount to you an incident that involved my daughter a few days ago. Here goes:

Both of my daughters participate in a student-run theater group called Act 2 Act whose purpose is to raise money for human-rights causes. They are rehearsing The Diary of Anne Frank, to be performed this weekend. They have been doing local radio interviews to promote the play.

My twelve-year-old is playing Anne, and her director — the founder of the group — is 16. They did an interview by phone with an NPR correspondent. She asked some odd, leading questions such as “Isn’t this the first time you’ve ever done something helpful like this?” and “What does this have to do with President Obama?” The answer to the first question is “No, we do this sort of thing regularly,” and the answer to the second is, “Well, nothing.” The kids were really put on the spot. It was all strange and disconcerting.

Well, everything became clear when the interview aired later in the evening. The correspondent shaped the piece to insinuate that the kids had been inspired by Barack Obama to start this theater company and do this play. OMG! (As the kids say.) We all know the NPR mindset, but to stoop so low and take away from these kids their own heartfelt inspiration — that was just disgusting.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Could you remind me, once more, why we have government radio, and government TV, anyway? I guess this is what Dan Rather means by “public media” (as if privately owned media weren’t public). It’s bad enough when an ordinary, commercial outlet is shoddy, misleading, or mendacious. But a taxpayer-funded outlet?This may be mere emotion talking, but if there’s one reform I’d like to see, it is to do away altogether with government media in this liberal republic (and you know I mean liberal in an older, honorable sense).

Racial insights!

Racial insights!
"It's my committee's opinion that it violates our 'Best Practices List' to act as if you're calling the police chief to report the supposedly racist officer who came to help you.
It's also considered highly inappropriate, in terms of race relations, to begin screaming at the officer insipid questions such as 'Do you know who I am?' and 'Do you know who you are messing with?'"

Read the comments

Dufus loses winning lottery ticket
"It was a $500,000 answer to his prayers and it was in his back pocket. And then, suddenly, it wasn't. On his way to a Florida Lottery office Wednesday to claim his half-million-dollar prize, Louis Tolentino, a 69-year-old retiree who lives near Wellington, lost the ticket(Snip)in his excitement he forgot to sign the ticket. Without his signature, anyone who finds it could turn it in as his or her own."

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Muskegon's Leggett hopes to step into starting role for Spartans

Muskegon's Leggett hopes to step into starting role for Spartans
"The former Muskegon Big Red came out of spring practice with a slight edge over a group of talented but inexperienced running backs, according to Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio."

ABC NEWS: Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes For Middle Class. Hey, wait, I thought Obama promised …

Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes For Middle Class.
"ABC NEWS: Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes For Middle Class.
Hey, wait, I thought Obama promised that no one making less than $250,000 a year would see a tax increase?"

Who'd of guessed?

Patients forced to live in agony after NHS refuses to pay for painkilling injections

Patients forced to live in agony after NHS refuses to pay for painkilling injections
"Tens of thousands with chronic back pain will be forced to live in agony after a decision to slash the number of painkilling injections issued on the NHS, doctors have warned."

Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed

Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed
"To be conservative is to be betrayed on a regular basis.
You send your kids to a school that tries to slyly indoctrinate them into liberalism, you come home to watch an “unbiased” news show that covers almost every story differently based on whether a Republican or Democrat is involved, and then you try to unwind by watching TV shows that take guarded shots at the values you cherish.....
.......There’s only one Sarah Palin and there’s not another soul on the national stage who can even come close to filling her high heels.
At a time when the Republican Party has lost so many seats in Congress that it’s teetering on the brink of irrelevancy, Palin’s detractors on the right should ask themselves how much sense it makes to help the liberal media try to tear down the biggest star in the conservative movement."

Where is the Public Outrage Over Pensions?

Where is the Public Outrage Over Pensions?
"You might be reading my blog wondering where is public outrage over pensions?
For example, how can PSP Investments lose billions and still pay their top officers bonuses, allowing them to get extremely well compensated in a terrible year?

And it's not just PSP. The same is happening in many other large public Canadian pension funds, including CPPIB where top officers got millions with their bonuses after losing a whopping $24 billion in FY 2009.

So where is the outrage?
I just came back from Greece where if even a fraction of this came out in the media, there would be riots in the streets.
The same can be said about other European countries, especially in France.

But 'civilized' Canadians seem to be sleepwalking while their pensions are dwindling.
The unions are keeping silent too.
Maybe because they know that the federal and provincial governments are on the hook to pay out pension benefits even if the public pension plans are severely underfunded.
Why make a fuss when you know the government will come in and shore up the plan?"

Segway rental service offers tours of Grand Rapids

Segway rental service offers tours of Grand Rapids
"Segway Tours of Grand Rapids, began his rental operation in May.......
Kaback rents the two-wheeled scooters at $50 for a half-hour ride....
....The prices are on par with Segway rentals in Fort Lauderdale, Chicago and other cities, he said.
Kaback said he owns eight Segways, which he bought for $38,000. "

Good luck......but I sure hope he didn't get "stimulus" money for this.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Birthers Versus True Believers

Birthers Versus True Believers
"Let's think big (in a small-minded way) - suppose the original certifcate has Obama as 'Barry', with attendant documentation formally changing his name to 'Barack' when Obama was in his teens or twenties. That would be a hard memory lapse to explain, and sort of mar the current version of his 'Dreams From My Father' story."

Gordo's Musings

I watched the local news shows this morning and they were ALL talking about how SUCCESSFUL the cash for junk cars was.

Like they were surprised that the government giving out free money was popular to those who got the free money.
Isn't EVERY "free money" program popular?

Are these TV folks seriously stupid or just lying to us?
The same folks who complain about EVERY government department (road repair, cops, non-synchronized stop lights, giant deficits, et al, etcetera....) are totally convinced that Obama and Rom Emanuel (with help from Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank) will run our entire health care system with precision, efficiency and economy.

the rest of us are just too stupid....

MSU kicker, Brett Swenson looking for great year

Brett Swenson not worried about kicking award
"Swenson was only the third Spartans kicker to score 100 points in a season, joining Paul Edinger and Dave Rayner, and he was tied for fourth in the NCAA for field goals made but was overlooked as a Groza semifinalist late in the season."

Weird headline but nice story AND stats!

Dealers Race to Get Their Clunkers Crushed

Dealers Race to Get Their Clunkers Crushed
"Until they can certify that the car has been decommissioned, they cannot submit their paperwork to be repaid."

They've got to destroy the car BEFORE they can even submit the paperwork!!!!!!

And if it's rejected AFTER the destruction of the customer's car, Great Leader's minions will say "never mind"?

Dealers Race to Get Their Clunkers Crushed

Dealers Race to Get Their Clunkers Crushed
"We spent a couple of days earlier this week following the whole complex program, from dealer to scrap heap, and found twists and turns in it that are making it a nightmare now for everyone involved.
The program requires that the clunkers be put out of service for good, so dealers must destroy the engines on cars that are traded in.
We watched this process yesterday at the DCH Paramus Honda in Paramus, N.J. It is quite laborious and potentially dangerous.
And it certainly is final."

So, these same geniuses are gonna use the same methodology on your wife or daughter's breast lump.

Are there really THAT many fools in our country who believe that Obama and his cronys can deliver better, CHEAPER health care than our current system?

10 Reasons Why American Healthcare Is Better Than You've Been Told

10 Reasons Why American Healthcare Is Better Than You've Been Told

Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin & My Skip Gates Question

Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin & My Skip Gates Question
"They are not, however, to paraphrase the late Sen. Patrick Moynihan, entitled to their own facts, or entitled to invent a scenario in which the White House somehow prompted me to ask Obama about Gates at his press conference last week"

Except this "expose" proves the "how" and "why" Mr Brilliant chose her as the last questioner.

Is this TV gal so ignorant that she doesn't believe her own words?


Cash for Clunkers May Cost Up to $45,354 Per Vehicle

Cash for Clunkers May Cost Up to $45,354 Per Vehicle
"Meanwhile, if all buyers have qualified for the higher $4,500 rebate, the 'cash for clunkers' program will mean a marginal increase in car sales of 22,000 this quarter. $1 billion divided by 22,000 means a net cost to the government of $45,354 per car."

Walking the walk

Walking the walk - Mark Steyn
"This picture, which Rich noted yesterday, has gone around the world, and has been generally considered to be worth the proverbial thousand words, or a thousand White House beers.
What I find oddest about the whole business is that it's an official White House photograph by an official White House photographer from the official White House website.
So at some point some number of Obama flacks must have figured that this pic makes our guy look good: Are they so monarchically besotted that what most people find jarring about the shot is what the image boys actually like about it?"

Review of Metro fares, service raises civil rights concerns

Review of Metro fares, service raises civil rights concerns
"Metro must do a better job of evaluating whether fare increases and service changes disproportionately affect low-income and minority customers, a federal review found.
The Federal Transit Administration's review also found the transit agency needs to improve services to customers with limited English skills."

Oh, the unintended consequences of subsidived government transit-care...."everyone here is equal. Some are just more equal than others"

CBS Buries Democrat Label in Chris Dodd/Kent Conrad Countrywide Scandal Story

CBS Buries Democrat Label in Chris Dodd/Kent Conrad Countrywide Scandal Story
"the two most prominent figures currently still in government who are implicated in the scandal are Democratic Senators Christopher Dodd and Kent Conrad, neither Senator was identified by Attkisson as a Democrat."

The Weekly Standard

The Weekly Standard
"Kennedy received a Presidential Medal of Freedom this week, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any American civilian.
Liberals freely lionize the good senator, thinking nothing of honoring him at the 2008 Democratic National Convention with a tribute video with a water motif, no less. It is considered bad form for conservatives to mention Mary Jo Kopechne (who would have been close to 70 now if she had lived), especially now that Kennedy himself has fallen ill with a brain tumor"

Robbing the bank

Robbing the bank
"Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, is threatening to revive legislation that would let bankruptcy judges rewrite mortgage contracts if banks don't 'voluntarily' write off a larger percentage of bad home loans."

Oakland County service providers must verify workers are legal

Oakland County service providers must verify workers are legal
"The move will require service vendors to use the E-Verify program to avoid hiring illegal workers"

Read the comments below the article!

Michigan teachers oppose fast track to teaching math, science

Michigan teachers oppose fast track to teaching math, science
"The Michigan Education Association, the state's largest union for school employees, commissioned the survey conducted by EPIC-MRA.
Among the findings released Thursday: 58% of the 400 educators surveyed oppose the plan."

Bad bridges passed up for stimulus cash

Bad bridges passed up for stimulus cash
"Tens of thousands of unsafe or decaying bridges carrying 100 million drivers a day must wait for repairs because states are spending stimulus money on spans that are already in good shape or on easier projects like repaving roads, an Associated Press analysis shows"

A Minimum Wage Equals Minimum Jobs: The unseen costs of minimum wage laws

A Minimum Wage Equals Minimum Jobs: The unseen costs of minimum wage laws
"Wage minimums tell employers: 'Don't give a beginner a chance.'

Such losses are hard to see, but they are widespread.
One company closes because it can't afford to pay higher wages.
Another decides to produce its product with fewer workers, and another never expands.
Perhaps most importantly, there's the business that never opens.
The people who were never hired don't complain—they wouldn't know whom to blame—they don't even know that they were harmed.
They are the unseen victims."


Behold! - Jonah Goldberg

"I lamented the non-existence of a good Biden gaffe agglomerator.
Within three hours, was born!"

Six-potato gatling gun - Boing Boing

Six-potato gatling gun - Boing Boing

George Perles gives reasons for 10-win prediction

George Perles gives reasons for 10-win prediction
"'I've been around here since 1956, and I've never seen the entire athletic department in better shape.'"

Speaker Will Keep 'Villains' Money

Speaker Will Keep 'Villains' Money
"Pelosi ranked 55th among members of the 111th Congress in contributions from health insurers since the 1989-1990 election cycle, according to CRP, having taken in $186,750"

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies
"'It's almost immoral what they are doing,' Pelosi said to reporters, referring to insurance companies. 'Of course they've been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure,' she said, adding, 'They are the villains. They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening.'"

Friday, July 31, 2009

Beck Exposes 'Cash for Clunkers' Language Giving Feds Authority to Take Control of Computers |

Beck Exposes 'Cash for Clunkers' Language Giving Feds Authority to Take Control of Computers "Guilfoyle also said legally the government can use Web software to track your computer any time they want once you've logged into the site."

Dead Lansing businesses: Story Olds, Benigan's, Villegas, Boston Market

Yes, I know... it's Engler's fault.....

Alabama County Faces Major Layoffs

Alabama County Faces Major Layoffs
"It is hardly unusual these days for a government building to forgo a fresh paint job or regular lawn care to cut costs. But last week, the director of the Jefferson County public nursing home was told that the county could no longer afford to bury indigent patients."

Substitute "Muskegon" for Alabama and hold on to your wallet!

New Cash Steered to Clunkers

New Cash Steered to Clunkers
"Congress moved Friday to inject fresh funds into the wildly popular 'cash for clunkers' program after it nearly ran out of money, threatening to become a symbol of government bungling."

Serious "DUH" here.

Giving away free money is ALWAYS "wildly popular".
....hmmmm...I've got a junker worth $800 and Great Leader will give me $4500 for it?

Who'd of guessed?

Big Sale at Jessica Simpson Women's Acadia Pump: Shoes

Come on gals!
The deals are on NOW!
... it's for the economy ya know.....

Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95%

Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95%

Newly released data from the IRS clearly debunks the conventional Beltway rhetoric that the "rich" are not paying their fair share of taxes.
Indeed, the IRS data shows that in 2007—the most recent data available—the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.4 percent of the total income taxes collected by the federal government. This is the highest percentage in modern history. By contrast, the top 1 percent paid 24.8 percent of the income tax burden in 1987, the year following the 1986 tax reform act.
Remarkably, the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent now exceeds the share paid by the bottom 95 percent of taxpayers combined. In 2007, the bottom 95 percent paid 39.4 percent of the income tax burden. This is down from the 58 percent of the total income tax burden they paid twenty years ago.
To put this in perspective, the top 1 percent is comprised of just 1.4 million taxpayers and they pay a larger share of the income tax burden now than the bottom 134 million taxpayers combined.

Cash Flow: The Real Reason for the "Cash for Clunkers" Suspension (The Ex-Car Salesman Blog)

The Real Reason for the "Cash for Clunkers" Suspension (The Ex-Car Salesman Blog)
"Second, the CARS dealer website -- where dealerships submit applications -- cannot handle the traffic. Dealers continuously report website crashes rendering them unable to submit their application. This increases the amount of time dealers must wait before they receive their rebate check -- depleting cash flow.
Third, worry is building in many dealerships because many applications for the rebate are being denied after the car deal. Some on this blog have expressed outraged after dealers have called them back demanding the customer make up for the denied CARS rebate (up to $4,500.00) or else they would have to return the car immediately.
Some have had their trade-in cars already destroyed."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

GOOD NEWS, OR BAD? Organic food is no healthier, study finds.

GOOD NEWS, OR BAD? Organic food is no healthier, study finds. “Researchers from the London School
“Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007. A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference.”
Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 2:36 pm"

AP sources: Govt to suspend 'cash for clunkers'

AP sources: Govt to suspend 'cash for clunkers': "Congressional officials say the government plans to suspend the popular 'cash for clunkers' program amid concerns it could quickly use up the $1 billion in rebates for new car purchases.
The Transportation Department called congressional offices late Thursday to alert them to the decision to halt the program, which offered owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle."

No. 3 at Justice OK'd Panther reversal

No. 3 at Justice OK'd Panther reversal
"Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli, the No. 3 official in the Obama Justice Department, was consulted and ultimately approved a decision in May to reverse course and drop a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party of intimidating voters in Philadelphia during November's election, according to interviews"

Black on black crime continues to be OK..... even federally protected, with B Hussein and his minions.....

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies

Pelosi lashes out against insurance companies
"U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday ramped up her criticism of insurance companies, accusing them of unethical behavior and working to kill a plan to create a new government-run health plan.'It's almost immoral what they are doing,' Pelosi said to reporters, referring to insurance companies. 'Of course they've been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure,' she said, adding, 'They are the villains. They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening.'"

Say what?

And the Pelosi congress super-spenders are..........

Video Shows ACORN Founder Wade Rathke Plotting America's Downfall

Video Shows ACORN Founder Wade Rathke Plotting America's Downfall
"On his TV show today, Glenn Beck spotlighted a fascinating interview that editor Kyle Olson conducted with disgraced ACORN founder Wade Rathke."

This AMAZING expose is even better because it's Muskegon's own Kyle Olson who did the interview of the ACORN founder and was on Glenn beck's show last night! had this comment on their main page:

Video Shows ACORN Founder Wade RathkePlotting America's Downfall

Watch for stepped up attacks on Glenn Beck forhaving the stones to show us this.

We need more brave Americans like Kyle and Glenn!

Weak Treasury Sales Raise Worries About US Debt Burden

Weak Treasury Sales Raise Worries About US Debt Burden
"The U.S. Treasury sold $39 billion in five-year debt Wednesday in an auction that drew poor demand, raising worries over the cost of financing the government's burgeoning budget deficit.

It was the second lackluster showing in as many days,"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

:: Bersa Talk :: - IRAQ vs. D.C. DEATHS

:: Bersa Talk :: - IRAQ vs. D.C. DEATHS: "An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this week, which I quote: 'If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.

The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US , than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: The US should pull out of Washington"

CARPE DIEM: More on Cash for Clunkers and Clunky Paperwork

CARPE DIEM: More on Cash for Clunkers and Clunky Paperwork: "Scott Lambert, vice president of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association, said he was 'astounded' to learn at a meeting Tuesday representing about 150 Minnesota dealers that not one has had a deal approved. 'We had dealers representing 1,500 to 2,000 transactions,' he said. 'We asked how many had a deal approved yet, and not one hand went up.'

Lambert said the government has created a program that's 'so big and cumbersome that it can't find a way to accept anything."

Massachusetts Lawmakers May Restore $2M Zoo Budget After Animal Death Threats

Massachusetts Lawmakers May Restore $2M Zoo Budget After Animal Death Threats
"BOSTON — Massachusetts lawmakers could vote as early as Wednesday on a plan to restore $2 million to the budget of the Boston area's two major zoos weeks after zoo officials raised the specter of animals being euthanized because of funding cuts.
Officials at Zoo New England said the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston and the Stone Zoo in Stoneham faced shutting down and the possibility that some zoo animals would have to be killed if lawmakers didn't restore a $4 million budget cut.

Gov. Deval Patrick has defended the cuts saying the zoos shouldn't be exempt from cuts during a fiscal crisis and that no animals were ever really threatened.
A bill set to come up before lawmakers would restore $2 million of the $4 million cut"

Don't forget to insure that abortion moneys aren't cut!

Analysis: Spartans count on freshmen

Analysis: Spartans count on freshmen
"'I think this past year's recruiting class really is the foundation for the future,' Dantonio said here Tuesday on at the conclusion of the Big Ten's two-day media sessions. 'I firmly believe that in the next four years, that group of players will see a Big Ten championship.'"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Standish prison's closing on halt

Standish prison's closing on halt
"Standish Maximum Correctional Facility has been granted a reprieve from closure." News Forum - Suprise_Tea_Party News Forum - Suprise_Tea_Party

Obama slammed as 'racist' at Jerusalem rally

Obama slammed as 'racist' at Jerusalem rally
"Speaking at the rally, Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, who heads the prestigious 'Nir' Torah seminary in the West Bank city of Kiryat Arba, called Obama a 'racist.'
'How dare he tell the Jews where they can or can't live! The era when Jews were banned from living in different places has ended,' Waldman exclaimed."

Monday, July 27, 2009

A viral campaign on more, more, more... | No Silence Here |

A viral campaign on more, more, more... No Silence Here

Community activist Chris Ernvall dead at age 41 - Muskegon News - The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos –

Community activist Chris Ernvall dead at age 41 - Muskegon News - The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos – "Chris Ernvall touched many people in his short life, leaving behind a legacy of love and devotion to family, friends and the greater Muskegon community.
The 41-year-old vice president of investment firm Morgan Stanley in Norton Shores died early Sunday while at a gathering."

Big Brother may flick the switch on household appliances

Big Brother may flick the switch on household appliances: "The use of household appliances including dishwashers and washing machines could soon be under the control of power companies under plans designed to curb peak period energy consumption.
Queensland distributor Energex has revealed plans for wider use of 'controlled-load tariffs'"

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)

American Thinker Blog: What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series): "Here's the first installment in a series of questions you might ask your member of the House of Representatives concerning H.R. 3200 - also known as Obamacare.

The two-thousand, five-hundred and forty-one (2,541) sections of the bill can be found here. The emailed version my congressman's office sent me covers 1,026 pages and is written in the typical legislative labyrinth of gobbledygook, replete with multi-layered, mind-numbing, cross references."

FuturePundit: Germans To Pay Much For Offshore Wind Power

FuturePundit: Germans To Pay Much For Offshore Wind Power: "Germany is phasing out nuclear power plants before the end of their useful lives, building more coal electric plants, and will make Germans pay thru the nose for expensive offshore wind electric power."

Looking for Light in the Middle of the Tunnel

Looking for Light in the Middle of the Tunnel
"Liabilities to the police and fire pension funds have increased over the past year from $145 million to about a $158 million, Mr. Lyons said, and next year's contributions will increase from $12.7 million to about $14 million.
That figure does not represent the full make-up amount, Mr. Lyons said, because 'the actuary [Gabriel Roeder Smith] is smoothing it out for us [over more than one year].' Both pension funds are about 40 percent funded, he said, and that percentage [of the amount funded] will 'continue to drop because of the actuarial smoothing process.'"

It's the spending stupid!

Ban testing while driving

As Others See It: Ban testing while driving
"According to the Michigan State Medical Society, statistics show that drivers are six times more likely to become distracted and cause an accident if they are text messaging."

Maybe our underworked "lawmakers" ought to ban texting while writing headlines too.