Thursday, December 31, 2009

When Obama Apologists Attack

The Weekly Standard
"It's particularly dumbfounding that this Politico piece alleging a double standard regarding the treatment of Obama in the wake of Abdulmutallab's attempt and the treatment of Bush after shoe bomber Richard Reid's attempt doesn't care to mention that the facts of each case are very different.
If Richard Reid had been allowed to fly even though he was on a terrorist watch list, you better believe that Bush would have taken the heat that Obama is taking right now"

Europe's looming demise - Washington Times

Europe's looming demise - Washington Times

By Pamela Geller
"The Europe as you know it from visiting, from your parents or friends is on the verge of collapsing," Geert Wilders said in a speech in the United States last year.

The leader of the Netherlands' populist Party for Freedom added: "We are now witnessing profound changes that will forever alter Europe's destiny and might send the Continent in what Ronald Reagan called 'a thousand years of darkness.' " And not just Europe, but America as well.

Been to Europe lately?
Thought it was bad?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by President Obama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe.

The people of Europe fought it, but were overwhelmed by their political elites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our rather Marxist, collectivist U.S. president.

Come Jan. 1, 2010, a disastrous and suicidal pact called the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Europe/Mediterranean) goes into effect with little fanfare or examination. It boggles the mind that such a consequential and seismic cultural shift could be mandated and put into play without so much as a murmur from the mainstream media.

Why should Americans care about this? Americans have to care because this global gobbledygook is coming to our shores, thanks to our globalist president....

....The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create a new Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa, with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea.
The goal is to establish a "comprehensive political partnership," including a "free trade area and economic integration"; "considerably more money for the partners" (that is, more European money flowing into North Africa); and "cultural partnership" - that is, importation of Islamic culture into post-Christian Europe.
According to the SIOE, in the Euro-Med plan "Europe is to be islamized.
Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans are to be driven out of Europe.
Fifty million North Africans from Muslim countries are to be imported into the EU."

Skeptical? It's already happening. The British newspaper the Daily Express reported in October 2008 on "a controversial taxpayer-funded 'job centre' " that opened in Mali at that time as "just the first step towards promoting 'free movement of people in Africa and the EU.'
Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will 'need' 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the 'demographic decline' due to falling birthrates and rising death rates across Europe."
To offset this decline, a "blue card" system is to be created that will allow card holders to travel freely within the European Union and have full rights to work - as well as the full right to collect welfare benefits.
A Muslim population from Africa moving freely into Europe threatens America.
On Christmas Day, a Nigerian Muslim flew from Amsterdam to Detroit and tried to explode a bomb on the plane - after he was allowed to board the plane without a passport.
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership will make jihad attacks like this one all the easier.

And once in Europe, Muslims have already begun demanding special privileges and accommodations. IslamOnline reported on Dec. 21 that "Muslims activists from 26 European countries have come together to launch the first rights council to enlighten European Muslims about their rights, monitor rising Islamophobia and defend Muslim rights in European courts of law."

Ali Abu Shwaima, a Muslim leader in Italy, explained: "We think European human rights groups are not doing enough to defend the rights of Muslims. Therefore we thought that we need this new council, especially that all laws and constitutions in Europe respect freedom of religion and oppose all forms of discrimination and racism."

"Islamophobia," "discrimination" and "racism" are all terms Muslims in Europe and America use to confuse people into thinking that the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism are the real victims. And it is working: Mr. Wilders is going on trial in the Netherlands, instead of all the Islamic hate sponsors he is fighting against. It has to be this way, to increase harmony among the Muslim and non-Muslim member states of the Euro-Med Partnership.
This internationalism is already destroying what has made Europe free and great. And now Mr. Obama seems to want to do the same to America.

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs Web site. She is the author (with Robert Spencer) of the forthcoming book "The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America" (Simon and Schuster, July 2010).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

TSA Threatens Blogger Who Posted New Screening Directive

TSA Threatens Blogger Who Posted New Screening Directive Threat Level
"Two bloggers received home visits from Transportation Security Administration agents Tuesday after they published a new TSA directive that revises screening procedures and puts new restrictions on passengers in the wake of a recent bombing attempt by the so-called underwear bomber."

The document, which the two bloggers published within minutes of each other Dec. 27, was sent by TSA to airlines and airports around the world and described temporary new requirements for screening passengers through Dec. 30, including conducting “pat-downs” of legs and torsos. The document, which was not classified, was posted by numerous bloggers.
Information from it was also published on some airline websites....

...“They’re saying it’s a security document but it was sent to every airport and airline,” says Steven Frischling, one of the bloggers. “It was sent to Islamabad, to Riyadh and to Nigeria. So they’re looking for information about a security document sent to 10,000-plus people internationally. You can’t have a right to expect privacy after that.”

.....Frischling, a freelance travel writer and photographer in Connecticut who writes a blog for the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, said the two agents who visited him arrived around 7 p.m. Tuesday, were armed and threatened him with a criminal search warrant if he didn’t provide the name of his source. They also threatened to get him fired from his KLM job and indicated they could get him designated a security risk, which would make it difficult for him to travel and do his job.

“They were indicating there would be significant ramifications if I didn’t cooperate,” said Frischling, who was home alone with his three children when the agents arrived. “It’s not hard to intimidate someone when they’re holding a 3-year-old [child] in their hands. My wife works at night. I go to jail, and my kids are here with nobody.”

It seems, in our Obamafied BraveNewWorld, that Americans are the real enemy.

Obama Amends Executive Order 12425, Placing INTERPOL beyond Reach of American law

Obama Amends Executive Order 12425, Placing INTERPOL Beyond reach of American the USA!-by
"In a quiet manner, on December 16 President Obama amended Executive Order #12425.

12425 is a Reagan era document [1983].

Please note item 2[C] - document reproduced in its entirety below [source, Amendment to Exec. Order #12425].

"Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable."

We find it unusual for this administration to amend an Executive Order that had been in effect through 4 presidencies, Democrat and Republican, over a period of 25 years. Why the hurry and why now?

These changes - "immune from search," "archives...inviolable" - seem to clearly place Interpol above the reach of American law and immune from the reach of FOIA , Congressional oversight and media inquiry

Since Interpol performs various investigative duties including those related to the International Criminal Court, the changes in 12425 seem to clear the way as a first step to placing the United States under the jurisdiction of the ICC [as noted by Threats Watch] allowing Interpol to without restriction conduct investigations of U.S. citizens, organizations, etc.

We tend to agree that this move apparently clears the deck if, as some are speculating, the Obama administration broaches the very sticky issue of signing the Rome accord, which would place the U.S. under ICC jurisdiction.......

......If this matter is simply housekeeping, and the problem which amending 12425 now supposedly corrects was of such concern, why did it take 5 years for it to be recognized and dealt with, and why by this administration - especially given the myriad of security issues it is unconcerned about, not the least of which is the continuing policy of sending Yemeni nationals directly from GITMO detention back to the fray in Yemen, whereupon they will have the opportunity to link up with a newly invigorated al-Qaeda?

Moreover if the issue is so mundane and easily explicable why did it take multiple requests for information by Mr. Tapper before the WH responded?"

Another surprise coming at us in 2010 from Jimmah Obamma?

Woman's blood alcohol content topples state records

Woman's blood alcohol content topples state records
"A Sturgis woman had a blood-alcohol level of .708 percent, possibly a state record, when she was found earlier this month behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle parked on Interstate 90......
After she was found, Engle was hospitalized and freed on bond......
She failed to appear in court on Dec. 15, but Sturgis police located her Monday evening in another stolen car sitting in a ditch along S.D. Highway 34 near Fort Meade."

Oh man, this New Year's party is gonna rock, dudette!


Instapundit »
"YALE WIMPS OUT AGAIN: A T-shirt calling Harvard men “sissies” proves too offensive for students and administrators."

Read it all and fear for out future.

Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank

Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank: David Reilly -
"The reading was especially painful since this reform sausage is stuffed with more gristle than meat.
At least, that is, if you are a taxpayer hoping the bailout train is coming to a halt.

If you’re a banker, the bill is tastier. While banks opposed the legislation, they should cheer for its passage by the full Congress in the New Year: There are huge giveaways insuring the government will again rescue banks and Wall Street if the need arises.

Nuggets Gleaned"

Read 'em and weep....

MSU bowl opponent Texas Tech fires coach Mike Leache Detroit News

MSU bowl opponent Texas Tech fires coach Mike Leach
"According to terms of the deal, Leach was due a $800,000 bonus on Dec. 31 if he were still the head coach at Texas Tech."

And this is the school that hired Bobby Knight?

Hoekstra Deserves an Apology

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:
Hoekstra Deserves an Apology: "Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) commented soon after the attempted bombing of an airplane over Detroit that the Obama administration needed to do a better job at connecting the dots regarding terror threats from Yemen:

“People have got to start connecting the dots here and maybe this is the thing that will connect the dots for the Obama administration.”
Think Progress immediately went into attack mode."
(via Instapundit)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Broadcasters' woes could spell trouble for free TV

Broadcasters' woes could spell trouble for free TV
"The networks might even ditch free broadcast signals in the next few years.
Instead, they could operate as cable channels - a move that could spell the end of free TV as Americans have known it since the 1940s."

Once Patients Pay, Health Costs Will Fall

Once Patients Pay, Health Costs Will Fall
"There are two reasons why per-person health care spending in the U.S. is far higher than even Switzerland at $4,417 a year, or Luxembourg at $4,162, which rank second and third in the world.

One, America has the best health care on the planet. The smartest doctors, the finest in diagnostic equipment, top-flight treatment and advanced drugs don't come cheap.

Two, our system encourages overuse. And, as any ninth-grade economics student will confirm, an increase in demand forces prices higher."

Northwest Flight 253: al Qaeda Leaders Behind Terror Plot Were Released by U.S.

Northwest Flight 253: al Qaeda Leaders Behind Terror Plot Were Released by U.S. - ABC News
"Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007,"

City spending stimulus money on new tennis courts

City spending stimulus money on new tennis courts
"The money spent on the tennis courts is part of $621,000 in stimulus money that the city received through the Montana Reinvestment Act."

Monday, December 28, 2009

Battle Lines Forming In Gun-Control Case

Battle Lines Forming In Gun-Control Case
"In D.C. v. Heller, the Supremes a few terms back ruled that Washington, D.C.’s gun-control ordinance violated the Constitution, but that ruling dealt with a federal statute, not state law.
Several courts, including the Seventh Circuit in the McDonald case, have since ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states."

Sen. Dodd, D-Conn., slashed aviation security funding for pet constituency

Sen. Dodd, D-Conn., slashed aviation security funding for pet constituency
"Now that our attention is focused on airline security measures thanks to the failed airline attack on Christmas Day, it's worth mentioning that one Senator took money away from aviation security to line the pockets of constituency that supported his presidential campaign in a big way.
Back in July, Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., proposed an amendment reducing aviation security appropriations by $4.5 million in favor of firefighter grants -- a notoriously inneffective program.

In fact, the money was specifically 'for screening operations and the amount for explosives detection systems.'

The amendment was also sponsored by Sen. Lieberman, D-Conn., and Sen. Carper, D-Del., but Dodd deserves to be singled out here because the firefighters union is a pet constituency of his.
In 2007 he campaigned all through Iowa with the firefighters union. It was one of the few distinguishable features of Dodd's ill-fated presidential bid."

Power Line - What Went Wrong?

Power Line - What Went Wrong?
"As more information comes to light about Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, questions about why he was allowed to fly to the U.S. without any sort of screening continue to multiply.

The Associated Press reports this morning:
A U.S. official in Washington said [Abdulmutallab's] father's concerns were shared among those in the embassy, including liaison personnel from other agencies based there, such as the FBI.
The alert was then relayed to Washington and again shared among agencies such as the State, Justice and Homeland Security departments, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the investigation."

Black Panther case: Has a head rolled?

Black Panther case: Has a head rolled?
"Main Justice reports that Christopher Coates, head of the Justice Department's voting rights division, has been removed from his post and replaced.

But no, the administration isn't doing damage control after it mysteriously dropped voter intimidation charges against three members of the Black Panther Party who rather openly intimidated Philadelphia voters on Election Day 2008.
Rather, the administration is getting rid of the official who initiated the charges:"

Actuarial Life Table

Actuarial Life Table

How long will you live?

Oconomowoc Family Survives Terrorist Attempt

Oconomowoc Family Survives Terrorist Attempt
"Her daughter said that ahead of them was a man who videotaped the entire flight, including the attempted detonation.
'He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly,' said Patricia.
'We do know that the FBI is looking for him intensely.
Since then, we've heard nothing about it.'"

‘System Worked’: DHS Secretary Defends Response to Flight 253 Attack

Fire Napolitano

Fire Napolitano - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online
The head of the Department of Homeland Security isn't helping.
I watched her on three shows and each time she was more annoying, maddening and absurd than the pevious appearance.
It is her basic position that the 'system worked' because the bureaucrats responded properly after the attack.
That the attack was 'foiled' by a bad detonator and some civilian passengers is proof, she claims, that her agency is doing everything right. That is just about the dumbest thing she could say, on the merits and politically.
I would wager that not one percent of Americans think the system is 'working' when terrorists successfully get bombs onto planes (and succeed in activating them)."

Most valuable college football teams: U-M 11th, MSU 16th

Most valuable college football teams: U-M 11th, MSU 16th, Forbes says
"Texas is the most valuable football team in college sports, according to Forbes magazine.
Michigan dropped from fourth to No. 11 in the annual rankings, and Michigan State is No. 16."

Five Decades Of Cooling Ahead - Five Decades Of Cooling Ahead
"Qing Bin-Lu, a professor of physics and astronomy at Canada's University of Waterloo, is a believer in the value of drawing conclusions from observable data and not from selective data fed into computer models that are based on false assumptions and include 'fudge factors.'

In a peer-reviewed paper published in the prestigious online journal Physics Reports, Lu, who holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Newcastle, reports that CFCs, the compounds once widely used as refrigerants, and cosmic rays, which are energy particles originating in outer space, are mostly to blame for climate change, rather than carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Lu puts the start of the cooling trend at 2002 and writes that 'the observed data show that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays most likely caused both the Antarctic ozone hole and global warming. These findings are totally unexpected and striking, as I was focused on studying the mechanism for the formation of the ozone hole, rather than global warming.'"

The New Climate Litigation

The New Climate Litigation -
"Across the country, trial lawyers and green pressure groups—if that's not redundant—are teaming up to sue electric utilities for carbon emissions under 'nuisance' laws."

100 Weirdest News Stories We Dugg in 2009 -

100 Weirdest News Stories We Dugg in 2009 -

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stocks higher? Famed investor says don't bet on it

Stocks higher? Famed investor says don't bet on it
"'We're on a sugar high,' El-Erian says. 'It feels good for a while but is unsustainable.'
His point: This burst of economic activity fed by government spending and near-zero interest rates will soon peter out."

Percy Sutton dies; His Obama revelation omitted from obituaries

American Thinker Blog: Percy Sutton dies; His Obama revelation omitted from obituaries

"However, one of Sutton's most notable moments is absent from the media hagiographies I have seen: he stated on television that he knew that an Islamic supremacist, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, and advisor to a wealthy Saudi, had paid for Barack Obama's education at Harvard Law School.

Exactly how young Barack Obama, a man of slender means, managed to pay for a Harvard Law degree has long been a mystery, and the President has not been forthcoming about any details of his elite education.

See for yourself, Sutton's remarkable statement, which has been considgned to the Memory Hole, by the major media.
Not even a reference to a 'controversial contention' or other such euphemism. It simply never happened as far as the media are concerned."

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Build-a-bear: the sinister green plot to turn our kids into eco-fascist Manchurian candidates

Build-a-bear: the sinister green plot to turn our kids into eco-fascist Manchurian candidates – Telegraph Blogs

Ali Velshi Stops Rep. King From Naming Northwest Airlines Terrorist

Ali Velshi Stops Rep. King From Naming Northwest Airlines Terrorist
"CNN's Ali Velshi on Friday stopped Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) from divulging the name of the terrorist who tried to set off a bomb as a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam began to land in Detroit.

Velshi did this claiming, '[W]e have not got any information on anyone being charged.
So thank you for bringing us information.
But would ask you not to name anybody on TV right now, we do not have any word of official charges.'

By this time, other news outlets including the Associated Press, CBS, and Fox News had given the suspect's name, Abdul Mudallad."

Routine Turned to Mayhem on Terror Flight -

Routine Turned to Mayhem on Terror Flight
"A passenger then climbed over several seats, lunged across the aisle and managed to subdue the suspect, the eyewitnesses said."

The Climate Change Scam: A Concise Summary

Power Line - The Climate Change Scam: A Concise Summary

"For example, some argue that the Arctic is melting, with the warmest-ever temperatures.
One should ask, 'How long is ever?'
The answer is since 1979.

And then ask, 'Is it still warming?'
The answer is unequivocally 'No.'
Earth temperatures are cooling.

Similarly, the word 'unprecedented' cannot be legitimately used to describe any climate change in the last 8,000 years."