Friday, January 15, 2010

10 of the Dumbest Gadgets Ever Made

10 of the Dumbest Gadgets Ever Made

Under-Ease pants: designed to hide the smell of farts
According to Under-Tec's president and inventor Buck Weimer, the Under-Ease is an underwear that provides "protection" against human gas. The weird product, designed by this American manufacturer, has a built-in multi-layered, replaceable filter made of felt, charcoal and fibreglass wool. To prevent gases escaping without passing through it, the underpants are made from air-tight fabric and completely sealed with elastic around the waistband and legs.
They are supposed to be worn at anytime, anywhere --in bed, at work and at social events, professional meetings and so on.
.... (Link Photo)

Beer Burglar Alarm: an alarm that goes on when someone drinks your beer

Yes, there are more!
click and marvel!

I'm getting tired of e-mail petitions

I'm not against online petitions but I doubt they EVER have had any success in changing public policy.

A far more successful result would be achieved by calling and writing letters (not e-mail) to our state and federal reps. and senators. Both democrat and republican.

Do you really care?
An in-person visit to their Lansing or local offices can produce enormous results.

Our electeds have influence on Obama right NOW.

The democrats especially.

If you really want to supercharge your efforts, contact (by phone, letter and in person) those candidates who will be running in 2010 for election.

Especially those running in primary elections.

In Michigan, we have many candidates, democrook and GOPer-cowards, running for almost every office in the Aug. primary.
If you contact them, they will respond.

Ill. has a primary on Feb. 2 to replace the ignoramus Roland Burris who was appointed to replace Obama as US senator when Obama decided to represent big unions, socialism, general maliase and America's enemies as US president.

Republicans Mark (RINO) Kirk and Patrick (Tea Party dude) Hughes are the GOPer leaders.

Ill. state treasurer (crook) Giannoulias and a passel of other crooks are running on the democrat side.

Do your own homework if you want to call the candidates.,_2010

If you REALLY care, pick up a phone, a pen or fill up your gas tank, grab some friends and visit your local representative's office and get ready to rumble!

Otherwise, forward the petition and let your elected reps. snooze through this whole annoying distraction from pork and junkets.

Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money

Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
"The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient.
Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity.
It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it."

Almost as interesting as Obama's niggardliness is the lack of ANY MSM interest in this story.
Show us the money!

anti-Scott Brown Ad

This ad isn't very much different from most of the e-mails I get from the Obama administration and democrat party.

And it SURE ain't much different from most of MSNBC!



"So you don’t think Scott Ritter was blackmailable, or anything, and that this might have had something to do with his sudden change of position?"

Seriously, this guy made a MAJOR change in his appraisal of WMDs just before the war.

And he was twiddling-about with American children at the same time?

Anyone with that information would OWN the scumbag Ritter.

The Obama administration has the means to find the truth.

Anyone wanna bet they got "better" things to do?

Ex-Michigan State RB Ashton Leggett pleads guilty in frat fight

Ex-Michigan State RB Ashton Leggett pleads guilty in frat fight
"Former Michigan State running back Ashton Leggett pleaded guilty to two counts of misdemeanor assault and battery and received a plea deal to dismiss a count of conspiracy during a pre-trial hearing this morning at 54-B District Court in East Lansing.

Leggett, who has transferred to Illinois State, admitted to punching two men at an Iota Phi Theta fraternity potluck at MSU’s Rather Hall on Nov. 22."

Bu bye Ashton.
We Muskegon Big Red fans had such great Spartan hopes for you.
Good luck and much success at ISU.

Skip the potlucks in the future......

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HOW THE MEDIA ARE COVERING that disastrous Head Start study.

HOW THE MEDIA ARE COVERING that disastrous Head Start study.
“A day after it was released, here’s a roundup of how the mainstream media are covering the HHS study showing that America’s $100 billion plus investment in Head Start is a failure: [...crickets...] Nada. Zilch. Rien du tout, mes amis.”"

Public Pensions Face $2 Trillion Deficit

Public Pensions Face $2 Trillion Deficit
"Even in a world of massive deficits and rising national debt, not many problems come in packages that are in the trillions of dollars.
The deficit facing U.S. public pension funds will grow to $2 trillion, according to an interview that the chairman of New Jersey's pension fund, Orin Kramer, gave to the FT.
'Estimates of aggregate funding requirement of the US pension system have ranged between $400bn and $500 bn, but Mr Kramer's analysis concluded that public funds would need to find more than $2,000bn to meet future pension obligations.'"

Where do YOU think THEY will get the $2 trillion?

Either the public employees will see their massive pay and benefit packages realign with the real American worker or the rest of us will pay through the nose and see our economy explode.

What is up with the younger Americans?

Don't they see who will REALLY pay?

Swift Boaters on the Attack in Massachusetts!

I just got this fund raising e-mail from the panicked democrats:

"What you do in the next two minutes could mean the difference between keeping Ted Kennedy's seat blue, or ceding his seat to a tea-bag Republican.
Scott Brown has vowed to be the 41st vote to kill health care legislation and the rest of President Obama's agenda.
We can't let him get anywhere near Kennedy's desk.
Election Day is five days away.
We need Martha Coakley in the United States Senate, and she won't get there without your help."

And this in a side blip:
Swift Boaters on the Attack in Massachusetts!

I don't hang with any Kennedy democrooks but this seems a bit over the top.
I guess democrat leaders think their mind numbed robotic votrons will be galvanized to write big checks cuz "Swift Boaters" or "tea-bag" are scary words to their poor lib ears.

Can Oliver Stone show us the human side of Hitler?

Can Oliver Stone show us the human side of Hitler?
"The director is battening down the hatches already, saying he fully expects 'ignorant attacks' on a new documentary series in which he is promising to 'liberalise' Hitler and to finger US corporations for their role in the rise of National Socialism in Germany."

The darling of the folks who devised "tea bagging" is gonna try to convince the world that Hitler was misunderstood (Mein Kampf was really written by Ted Sorensen?) and our evil American corporations were at fault.

I wonder if good old Joe Kennedy will be mentioned?
What's next from Oliver?
Maybe "the softer side" of Uday and Qusay Hussein?


"It looks to me like the Obama administration is starting to eye your retirement.

As of right now, it might look relatively harmless, but the Obama et al are “weighing how the government can encourage workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams.”

Call me paranoid, but this looks to me like just the opening shot of what will become an attempt by the government to seize your retirement funds.

How could they make this work?"

This will happen if we voters let it happen!

Will we?

Read it and tell your friends about it.

Unions Make Obama An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Big Government

Unions Make Obama An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Big Government
"It’s amusing to watch President Obama try to stick it to his friends in organized labor by proposing a tax on union-negotiated health care benefits.
If it weren’t for the fact that the tax proposal would have a devastating effect on the American economy, the situation would be downright hilarious."

Our own Kyle Olson from Muskegon nails the big union/Obama connection!

Driver, 11, runs stop sign in Calif., killing 3

Driver, 11, runs stop sign in Calif., killing 3
"Investigators are trying to determine why an 11-year-old boy was driving a car that ran a stop sign in California and crashed into another vehicle, leaving him and two others dead.

The collision Tuesday night killed Jose Manuel Silva Covarrubias, his mother, Maria Silva, and 6-year-old sister, Elizabeth Silva Covarrubias."

Mother and 6 yr old sister in the car with little Jose driving.
And the lib MSM dares not question their ........immigration....status.

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour
"'In the team, we always made jokes about locking ourselves away as soon as we had qualified for the Olympics,' Stickl told SPIEGEL ONLINE.
'Just so that nothing could happen to us.
Because our sport is so dangerous.'"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs
"President Barack Obama is trumpeting a new White House estimate that his top economist calls 'stunning': His stimulus plan has already created or saved up to 2 million jobs.
The analysis is part of the administration's quarterly report to Congress on the controversial $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts he signed weeks after taking office.
Republicans have denounced the stimulus plan as an expensive flop, pointing to a national unemployment rate stuck at 10 percent and December figures showing the economy shed 85,000 more jobs.
But the report from the President's Council of Economic Advisers said the economy is a lot better off than it would have been without the stimulus. Citing its own analysis plus a range of private sector summaries, the council estimated the annual growth rate last year would have been roughly 2 percentage points lower, and there would have been 1.5 million to 2 million fewer jobs.
'That's truly a stunning and important effect', Christina Romer, the council's chairwoman, said in a conference call with reporters. 'It has done exactly what we have anticipated it would do.'"


When the best that can be said of an administration is "delusional", one must marvel at what awaits us these next three years.

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology
"First lady Michelle Obama told reporters Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t owe her an apology over his racial comments about her husband’s electoral chances because she knows Reid so well."

Why is the MSM reporting this gaff as a slap at Obama?

Reid's slur was aimed at ALL "dark skinned" and "negro" sounding black Americans!!!!
Not mocha colored, Ivy-league millionaires.

And why does the MSM allow the Obamas to be the deciders and apology acceptors/

Oh.... I remember now......

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event
"Why should anyone care about the firing of Keith Gladney?"

Why doesn't the media care?

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents
Low-income residents will get a break on admission to Ottawa County parks with a policy change approved by county commissioners Tuesday.
The county will waive its $12 annual fee for admission to Lake Michigan parks, including Tunnel and Kirk parks, to county residents who submit a written fee waiver request along with a copy of their Michigan Bridge card.
'The Parks and Recreation Commission recognizes the importance of outdoor recreation opportunities to the health and well-being of all people,' County Parks Director John Scholtz said."

Ain't being "poor" great!

The "Michigan Bridge Card", never leave home without it!

This is for the poor, right?........meebee our state can get one?

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden
"The produce used on the Food Network's Jan. 3 Iron Chef of America two-hour special White House show was billed as being from the White House garden.
But the show did not disclose that 'stunt double vegetables' were used and not produce from the First Family's garden."

Even the Food Network will shill for these phonies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup
"Despite being listed as contenders in the U.S. bid process to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018 or 2022, the Detroit region's two prospective stadiums — Ford Field and Michigan Stadium — both removed themselves from consideration months ago."

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t?

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t? - Erick’s blog - RedState
"Coming on the heels of Martha Coakley saying Scott Brown’s surge is “frightening”, I’m hearing tonight that the DNC and DSCC have rapidly deployed senior aids to Massachusetts to try to get the Coakley campaign under control and course corrected.

Internal polling on the Democrat side suggests that Brown has pulled to within the margin of error and public polls are reflecting this.
The Democrats are panicked.
The shaping conventional wisdom is that if Brown can just keep Coakley close, even if he does not win, he may fatally wound Obamacare by spooking vulnerable Senate Democrats.
This is getting interesting."

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies
"U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned the U.S. faces a double-dip recession because of the taxes and regulations under consideration by the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Congress, the administration and states must recognize that our weak economy simply could not sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration.
It’s a sure-fire recipe for a double-dip recession, or worse,” Donohue said in a speech providing the Chamber's outlook for 2010."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Road projects don't help unemployment

AP IMPACT: Road projects don't help unemployment
"Ten months into President Barack Obama's first economic stimulus plan, a surge in spending on roads and bridges has had no effect on local unemployment and only barely helped the beleaguered construction industry, an Associated Press analysis has found.
Spend a lot or spend nothing at all, it didn't matter, the AP analysis showed: Local unemployment rates rose and fell regardless of how much stimulus money Washington poured out for transportation, raising questions about Obama's argument that more road money would address an 'urgent need to accelerate job growth.'
Obama wants a second stimulus bill from Congress that relies in part on more road and bridge spending, projects the president said are 'at the heart of our effort to accelerate job growth.'"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dark Roasted Blend

Dark Roasted Blend

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising
"An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said.
Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.
“The actual unemployment rate is higher than shown by the official numbers,”

Friday, January 08, 2010

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions
"'This kind of levels the playing field,' said Leo Kay, spokesman for the California Air Resources Control Board.
'In California we've set pretty tough air pollution standards for a long time now and this brings the rest of the country to the same level.'"

That's their plan folks.
Turn EVERY state into the disaster that California now is.
It's Obama's version of what Gov. Jenny has done to Michigan, turn the entire state into Detroit.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care

Cassy Fiano » 37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care
"Eric Cantor was able to identify 37 more Democrats who might be vulnerable or hesitant about Obamacare." - Jailhouse Crock - Jailhouse Crock
"On the same day three inmates break out of an Illinois prison, a state legislative panel approves selling another Illinois prison to the feds to house former Gitmo detainees.
What is wrong with this picture?"

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab
"The name of one fast-growing chain of walk-in labs encapsulates the field's business model, Any Lab Test Now.

The company says it can generally have testing results within 24 hours and at a cost that is as much as 80% less than going through a doctor.

The lab franchises offer up to 1,500 tests, from a simple cholesterol check to more sophisticated packages of tests that address complex medical issues."

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP
"Here’s my prediction: U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, one of the state’s most popular Democrats, will quickly declare her candidacy for governor and win the Democratic primary."

Interesting prediction from one who knows what he's predicting.

An Insult To Our Democracy

Another democrook outrage!
Watch this and fear for our country!!!!!!!!!

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS -

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS
"So having made tax filing so complicated that most Americans need help with their forms, Washington now wants to raise the price of such counsel by regulating advisers in a way that may reduce their supply.
Defending the decision, IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman declared that regulating tax preparers was reasonable because 'In most states you need a license to cut someone's hair.'
Yes, the cosmetology guild does like to raise the barriers to entry for competitors."

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

"U.S. state tax collections fell the most in 46 years in the first three quarters of 2009 as the recession shrank revenue from sources including personal income, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government said."

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

State Department Using 'Diversity Visas' to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen

State Department Using 'Diversity Visas' to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen

"The 'diversity visas' are designed to encourage immigration from countries that do not otherwise send significant numbers of immigrants to the United States.

The State Department roster of all countries whose nationals have received 'diversity visas' to immigrate to the United States in 2010, for example, shows that 2 of these immigrants will be from Luxembourg, 3 from the Solomon Islands, 4 from French Guiana, 5 from Reunion, 6 from Cape Verde, 7 from Malta, 8 from Guinea-Bissau, 9 from Comoros, 10 from Suriname--and 72 from Yemen.

Nationals of the four states listed by the State Department as state sponsors of terrorism--Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria--also received 'diversity visas' from the State Department to immigrate to the United States in 2010. These include 98 from Syria, 298 from Cuba, 1,084 from Sudan, and 2,773 from Iran."

Remember, "diversity is our strength"......or is it "our strength is our diversity"?

I'm thinking that worked out great for the indians back in the 1600s.


WHAT'S PAUL RYAN UP TO? JUST ASKING. Newsradio 620 Charlie Sykes
"Paul Ryan continues to insist (quite sincerely, I think) that he has no interest bin running for national office.
But his national profile continues to rise and there have been a number of stories that make you go 'hmmmmmm.'"

Click Charlie's link to see what's "up" about THE guy to watch for 2012.

State and local pensions plans are on a path to failure.

State and local pensions plans are on a path to failure. -
"THE RECENT history of pension plans for state and local government employees can be summarized as 'promise now, pay later.'
Eager to attract good workers -- or to placate unionized ones -- elected officials often contracted for generous retirement benefits, including health benefits, without increasing taxes to pay for them."

When the WaPo calls it "a path to failure", in an editorial no less, what is waiting at the end of this path must be mighty frightening.
Imagine how many of their SEIU and federal unionistas they are upsetting!

State Senator Galluccio sent to jail for violating terms of house arrest

State Senator Galluccio sent to jail for violating terms of house arrest
"Authorities have not pursued any alcohol-related charges against Galluccio for the hit-and-run crash in Cambridge the afternoon of Oct. 4, when he acknowledges he sped away after rear-ending a minivan carrying a family of four.

But a police report revealed that Cambridge police gave Galluccio a ride home 13 hours before the crash because the officers believed he was too drunk to drive.

Galluccio has twice been convicted of driving under the influence; he was pardoned for one of the convictions.
In a third 2005 incident, a clerk-magistrate ruled that he had been drinking before causing a four-car accident in Boston, but that there was not enough evidence to warrant a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol."

Not really an important article except...nowhere in it does it state the political party of the disgraced senator.
Can you guess?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark

Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark -
"Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark

Sources Tell CBS 2 That TSA Surveillance Cameras Were Inoperable At Time Of Terminal C Security Breach

TSA Apparently Didn't Know Number For Continental To Get Other Footage"

Things are really gonna be great when these guys take over health care.

Dorgan announces retirement

Dorgan announces retirement - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
"In a huge surprise, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) has just announced he will not seek reelection."

Another one bites the dust!

ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit

ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit
"A climate fraud False Claims Act suit would be no small undertaking.
The rewards, however, could be quite substantial, and not just in monetary terms.
Who would like to see a videotaped deposition of a climate-change fraudster defending his or her actions under oath?
I sure would."

It's about time the good guys started using our insane legal system to help ...the good guys!

Why The Gutierrez Amnesty Bill Is So Bad—And Why It Might Pass Anyway The Gutierrez Amnesty Bill Is So Bad—And Why It Might Pass Anyway
"Weakens Federal Enforcement: In addition to completely banning any state level enforcement, the bill will bar any immigration raids at churches, schools, and designated “community” locations.

It also practically prohibits any detention of illegal aliens if it will “separate families.”"

There's a whole lot more to this destructive bill that will speed up the destruction of our country.
Read it and call your representatives.

Short Course On America's Immigration Disaster 01/02/10 - Nachman’s Short Course On America's Immigration Disaster
My “Short Course” is divided into nine sections, as follows:

1. Scoping Our Subject
Brief once-overs about many of the component issues that make up the huge subject of mass immigration's impact on America, e.g. Robert Locke’s 2000 article Close The Borders. (This was originally published with a disclaimer by David Horowitz, which seems to have been removed).
2. Life in the Trenches (or Immigration in One Country)
Particular, striking examples of the pummeling our country is enduring under the regime of mass legal and illegal immigration, for example The Ordeal Of Immigration in Wausau, by Roy Beck, which originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, April 1994.)
3. Mexico and Mexicans
Aside from sheer numbers, the problems with immigration from Mexico are rooted in the culture of Mexico, for example Roger McGrath’s South Gate; Mexico Comes to California, which originally appeared in The American Conservative Magazine, May 19, 2003.
4. The Nation-Wreckers Reveal Themselves
Some immigrants, unwittingly, show quite clearly what bad news they are for us, for example 6 + 4 = 1 Tenuous Existence, by Samuel Quinones, Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2006 (which contains this great quote from an illegal alien in Kentucky: “We’re in a state where there’s nothing but Americans. The police control the streets. It’s clean, no gangs. California now resembles Mexico—everyone thinks like in Mexico. California’s broken.”)
5. Larger perspectives (A): Is it the Rest against the West? Examples of dysfunctional, self-destructive immigration policies elsewhere in the West, for example Risible lies about immigrants no substitute for honest debate, by Kevin Myers, The Independent [Dublin], August 15, 2008, giving appalling details about the highly disproportionate use of Irish public benefits by newcomers from Nigeria.
6. Larger Perspectives (B): The Auto-Immune Sickness of Western Civilization
Our immigration dysfunctions are prominent manifestations of deeper problems in the West. See, for example, The Myth of Diversity: Seldom have so many pretended to believe something so absurd, by Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, July/August, 1997.
7. Three Memorable Perorations
Speeches by Richard Lamm, Don Feder, and Peter Brimelow also make great essays.
8. Our Heavy Artillery
Broad and deep explications of both general principles and specific points that we can use in our fights, for example Larry Auster’s amazon The Path To National Suicide, [PDF HTML] which Peter Brimelow in Alien Nation called “perhaps the most remarkable literary product of the Restrictionist underground, a work which I think will one day be seen as a political pamphlet to rank with Tom Paine’s Common Sense.”
9. A Statement for Our Side
John Tanton reminds us that we have every right to argue for our own interests: The Puppeteer Replies.

The man behind shakes up the Republican Party

The man behind shakes up the Republican Party
"'It is the blog that's read by Capitol Hill staffers and Capital Hill lawmakers.
It's the place in the Republican Party you can go to get a pulse of what's happening in the heartland,' said Robert Bluey, director of online strategy for the Heritage Foundation and a former RedState contributor.
'And if you're working at the (National Republican Congressional Committee or National Republican Senatorial Committee), you're always on edge about what Erick Erickson is going to do because he can either be your biggest advocate or a huge thorn in your side.'"

The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign

Michelle Malkin » The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign

"Otherwise known as the tax-subsidized National Democrat Future Voter Outreach Drive:"

Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common?

Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
"and they have two things in common.

First, they’re all Democrats.

Second, they all have email addresses with Erickson & Company.

And what is Erickson & Company?

As That’s My Congress puts it:
Erickson & Company is not a lobbying firm.
Instead, it helps set up events like the Heath Shuler’s BBQ, at which lobbyists and other people seeking special favors can come, check in hand, to pay for access to elected officials and their aides.

In other words, it’s a legal [and Democratic-aligned] money-laundering facility for lobbyists.

Need to toss Heath Shuler some cash, but you’re a dirty lobbyist?
Well, go to Shuler’s little BBQ (run by a go-between), drop a grand for a plate of food, and say hi!

No fuss, no muss, no need for disclosure.
Shuler’s happy: he’s getting his cut of your entry fee.
The go-between is happy: it’s getting its cut of your entry fee.
And you’re happy: this is a lot cheaper than a maximum campaign contribution would be."

We're gonna see frowney faces on ALL the evening news shows about this....right......?
(HT AtlantaLou)

The Big Labor Takeover of Big Government

In Pictures: The Big Labor Takeover of Big Government » The Foundry
"In the private sector … employers who are too generous with pay and benefits will be punished. In the public sector, however, more union members means more voters. And more voters means more dollars for political campaigns to elect sympathetic politicians who will enact higher taxes to foot the bill for the upward arc of government spending on workers
Big Labor has already bankrupted our nation’s once great auto industry. But who will Big Labor turn to when Big Government has bankrupted us?"

Senate Health-Care Bill Provision Would Make it Impossible for Future Congresses to Repeal Parts of Bill

Senate Health-Care Bill Provision Would Make it Impossible for Future Congresses to Repeal Parts of Bill
"A provision deep within the Senate’s 2,000-page health-care overhaul bill would make it impossible, once approved, for the legislation to be repealed or changed by future Congresses -- a provision that a Senate Republican and a conservative analyst say is unconstitutional."

Fed Economist: Housing Is a Lousy Investment

Fed Economist: Housing Is a Lousy Investment - Real Time Economics - WSJ
"Karen Pence, who runs the Federal Reserve’s household and real estate finance research group, argues at the American Economic Association’s meetings this week that homes are actually a terrible investment."

And she doesn't even mention maintenance or property taxes.

Podcast: Is Virg Bernero serious about Michigan governor's race?

Podcast: Is Virg Bernero serious about Michigan governor's race?
Will Pete Hoekstra's bailout vote come back to haunt him?

Chinks in Cherry's support?

John Cherry may drop out of Michigan governor's race

John Cherry may drop out of Michigan governor's race, Lansing TV station reports
"John Cherry, one of the front-runners in the race to become Michigan's next governor, may call it quits, reports Lansing TV station"

This is BIG!
Even bigger than John cherry.

Sorry Al Gore, Swiss Glaciers Melted Faster in the 1940's Than Today

YID With LID: Sorry Al Gore, Swiss Glaciers Melted Faster in the 1940's Than Today
"One of the things the global warming moonbats point at as proof of their Global Warming theory is the melting of Swiss glaciers, for example the below is from June 2009:

Global warming is happening in Switzerland too. The latest study revealed that glaciers in Switzerland shrank by huge 12 percent in the last 10 years, which is their highest melting rate in history. Scientists agree that this is due to higher temperatures and lighter snowfalls. Scientific data showed that this last decade was really bad in terms of glacier melting in Switzerland, and that Switzerland lost lot of water due to rapid melting of glaciers."

And the facts prove that "proof" to be a lie.

But that won't stop the Obamunists or their MSM acolytes from repeating the lie until they declare it "settled science".

U.S. Treasuries Post Worst Performance Among Sovereign Markets

U.S. Treasuries Post Worst Performance Among Sovereign Markets
"Treasuries were the worst performing sovereign debt market in 2009 as the U.S. sold $2.1 trillion of notes and bonds to fund extraordinary efforts to bolster the economy and financial markets.
Investors in U.S. debt lost 3.5 percent on average through Dec. 30, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes, the biggest annual slide since at least 1978."

Monday, January 04, 2010

10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist | Danger Room |

10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist
(HT AtlantaLou!)

Feds probe Detroit's pensions

Feds probe Detroit's pensions
"U.S. probe into pension funds connects to City Hall scandals

An investment adviser who vetted deals that cost Detroit's public pensions $90 million.
A former city pension trustee accused of soliciting bribes.

Middlemen paid by businesses seeking millions in Detroit pension funds.

These developments, among others, have prompted federal authorities to investigate the dealings of the city's pensions -- one for the police and fire departments, another for general city workers"

And guess who pays if there ain't enought to pay the Detroit pensioneers?

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Heroin for dummies -

Heroin for dummies -
"Here's the latest smack on taxpayers.
The city spent $32,000 on 70,000 fliers that tell you how to shoot heroin, complete with detailed tips on prepping the dope and injecting it into your arm.
The Health Department handout has outraged New York's top drug prosecutors and abuse experts.
'It's basically step-by- step instruction on how to inject a poison,' said John Gilbride, who heads the Drug Enforcement Administration's New York office."

The Health Department defended its brochure, saying it was helpful and necessary, and has been distributed only to addicts or those at risk of becoming abusers.

"Our goal is to promote health and save lives with this information," said Daliah Heller, assistant commissioner for the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention, Care and Treatment.

Asked why the handout tells people how to shoot up, Heller said, "From a health perspective, there is a less harmful way to inject yourself."

Climategate: You should be steamed

Climategate: You should be steamed
"Now that Copenhagen is past history, what is the next step in the man-made global warming controversy?

Without question, there should be an immediate and thorough investigation of the scientific debauchery revealed by “Climategate.”"

What do the skeptics believe?

First, they concur with the believers that the Earth has been warming since the end of a Little Ice Age around 1850.
The cause of this warming is the question.
Believers think the warming is man-made, while the skeptics believe the warming is natural and contributions from man are minimal and certainly not potentially catastrophic à la Al Gore.

Second, skeptics argue that CO2 is not a pollutant but vital for plant life.

Third, and most important, skeptics believe that climate models are grossly overpredicting future warming from rising concentrations of carbon dioxide.

U.S. Intensifies Screening for Travelers From 14 Nations

U.S. Intensifies Screening for Travelers From 14 Nations
"Citizens of 14 nations, including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria, who are flying to the United States will be subjected indefinitely to the intense screening at airports worldwide that was imposed after the Christmas Day bombing plot, Obama administration officials announced Sunday."

Good idea but why start in 2010?
Didn't 9-11 happen in 2001?

U.S. Economy Likely to Perform Poorly Over Next Decade

U.S. Economy Likely to Perform Poorly Over Next Decade - Real Time Economics - WSJ
"The U.S. economy is this decade likely to perform as poorly as the one that just ended due to higher savings by more cautious Americans and a less qualified labor force, several top economists said Sunday."

A "less qualified" workforce?
Maybe we just need to spend MORE $$$$ on the big teeechers unions and those "overworked" kolege professors and administrators...right?

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Bin Laden Slams EU Over Prophet Cartoons-bumped from 2008

Our "brave", liberal MSM doesn't seem to have the guts to show any of the offending cartoons.

Which one offends you the most?
Osama bin Laden, in a new audio message posted Wednesday, condemned the publication of drawings that he said insulted the Prophet Muhammad and warned Europeans of a 'severe' reaction to come."

Lack of Estate Tax in 2010: Now Cheaper to Die?

Lack of Estate Tax in 2010: Now Cheaper to Die?
"Indeed, two Australian scholars found that when their nation abolished its inheritance tax in 1979, a disproportionately high number of people died in the week after the abolition as compared with the week before,'"

Power Line - The radical feminist empire strikes back at Duke

Power Line - The radical feminist empire strikes back at Duke
"But for Duke's Women's Center, whose turf includes allegations of sexual misconduct, the decline in 'business' is unwelcome. Its representative argues that the decline in reports of sexual misconduct is the result of a rise in unreported misconducted. This must be true, she maintains, because Duke has a 'rape culture.' The same culture, presumably, that produced the non-rape by the Duke lacrosse players.
But here's my favorite part of the story. Ada Gregory, director of the Women's Center, argues that 'higher IQ males' like those who populate Duke are particularly effective at 'manipulation and coercion.' Hence their ability to 'rape' women without them even realizing it.
It is my understanding that Duke also admits 'higher IQ females.' But if you're a radical feminist, women must always be clueless and helpless, no matter how intelligent they might seem."

Budget Deficits Have Consequences

RealClearMarkets - Budget Deficits Have Consequences
"Just after the debt ceiling increase, the Treasury announced, without consulting Congress, that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would get unlimited funding for the next three years for emergency aid to the housing market, 'to assure markets of the government's support.'
The translation of bureaucratic prose into ordinary speech is quite simple: the administration does not feel bound by congressional debt limits. It will spend as it sees fit.

The next time Congress considers raising the debt ceiling, a few members may wonder aloud what difference the debt ceiling makes when the administration brazenly ignores it.

It's not as if Fannie and Freddie have no money authorized by Congress.
So far they have been allocated $400 billion for emergency housing loans, of which $111 billion has been spent.
That means that the two government-sponsored enterprises already have congressional authority to spend an additional $289 billion. Now the administration finds that this is not sufficient, and the agencies can spend as much as they like even without congressional authority."

Friday, January 01, 2010

Hundreds of Cars Torched in France at New Year - ABC News

Hundreds of Cars Torched in France at New Year
"Youths burned 1,137 cars across France overnight as New Year's Eve celebrations once again turned violent, the French Interior Ministry said on Friday.
Car burnings are regular occurrences in poor suburbs that ring France's big cities, but the arson is especially prevalent during New Year's Eve revelry.
The number of vehicles torched was only 10 short of the record 1,147 burned this time last year, even though the Interior Ministry mobilized 45,000 police during the night -- 10,000 more than 12 months ago."

And just who are the allah-praising "youths" living in these "poor", car burning suburbs?

Top Cartoons Of '09 - Top Cartoons Of '09
"IBD Editorial Cartoonist Michael Ramirez picks his favorite cartoons of the year."

Its a Wrap: The Most Underreported Stories of 2009

Its a Wrap: The Most Underreported Stories of 2009

A long, sad list that the media (and their democrat comrades) would prefer you never knew about.

Underreported by the MSM, not the web.

Or FoxNews.

Or much of talk radio.

U.S. to Lose $400 Billion on Fannie, Freddie

U.S. to Lose $400 Billion on Fannie, Freddie
"Taxpayer losses from supporting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will top $400 billion, according to Peter Wallison, a former general counsel at the Treasury who is now a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

The situation is they are losing gobs of money, up to $400 billion in mortgages,” Wallison said in a Bloomberg Television interview.
The Treasury Department recognized last week that losses will be more than $400 billion when it raised its limit on federal support for the two government-sponsored enterprises, he said."

$400 BILLION!!!!!

Does Alamo Bowl belong on Court TV, not ESPN?

Does Alamo Bowl belong on Court TV, not ESPN?
"The Alamo Bowl held a pep rally Thursday afternoon, the kind of delightfully ridiculous event that makes bowls so much fun.

Players, coaches and band members rode in boats to the 'Rivercenter Lagoon,' which is a lagoon in the same sense that your local Wendy's is a rainforest.

It's basically an outdoor mall."

Biggest Exporters of World

Biggest Exporters of World
(2000) ($)

USA 1,065,740,000,000
Germany 633,052,000,000
Japan 528,751,000,000
UK 401,385,000,000
France 377,274,000,000
Canada 321,693,000,000
Italy 294,852,000,000
China 279,562,000,000
Netherlands 258,951,000,000
Hong Kong (China) 244,004,000,000

Source: - World Bank, World Development Indicators 2002"

Trade Protection = Economic War on Yourself

CARPE DIEM: Trade Protection = Economic War on Yourself
"'Protectionism is doing to ourselves in peacetime what our enemies do to us in wartime (cutting off trade and moving a country in the directon of self-sufficiency).'"

Those who want to "protect" us from the discount merchandise offered by developing countries forget (or believe the sophistry of our anti-American MSM) that the USA is the world's largest EXPORTER.

Most popular baby names in West Michigan during the 2000s

Most popular baby names in West Michigan during the 2000s
1. Jacob, Emma
2. Ethan, Isabella
3. Carter, Addison
4. Noah, Olivia
5. William, Ava
6. Isaac, Abigail
7. Caleb, Sophia
8. Gabriel, Ella
9. Evan, Lillian
10. Logan, Natalie

Isn't it a bit odd that, during the recent decade's decline in christian belief, the most popular names seem to come right out of the Bible?

What Ever Happened To The Duke 88?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » POWER LINE: What Ever Happened To The Duke 88?
"POWER LINE: What Ever Happened To The Duke 88?
And, from Professor Bainbridge, Stuart Taylor’s Stinging Indictment of Academe.

Plus, Ed Driscoll reminds us of this video from Mary Katharine Ham."

Great Instapundit links

How quickly MSM, forgets...and sure wants us to forget.....

Do click on the video link.

Plus, Mary Katharine gettin' her lacross game down!

Texas Tech interim coach makes his case to stay

Texas Tech interim coach makes his case to stay
"Jerry Turner, vice chairman of the university system's board of regents, told the Associated Press 'other things' came to light during an investigation of Leach's treatment of the receiver. Turner declined to elaborate about the other issues.

Leach was suspended Monday after he refused to agree to guidelines for dealing with players set forth by his bosses in a Dec. 23 letter.
'I'm very sad to say there's only one person to blame for this and it's Mike Leach,' Texas Tech chancellor Kent Hance said."

This keeps getting stranger every day.

And this:

Michigan State takes convincing route to GLI title

Michigan State takes convincing route to GLI title
"Michigan State earned its nation-leading 14th win of the season Wednesday night to raise the Great Lakes Invitational banner to the Joe Louis Arena rafters."

Go State!

Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq -

Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq

Gotta love the NYT.

Read the first page. Sounds pretty bad for the Blackwater guys.

And way down.....on the second page is this:

“The explanations offered by the prosecutors and investigators in an attempt to justify their actions and persuade the court that they did not use the defendants’ compelled testimony were all too often contradictory, unbelievable and lacking in credibility,” Judge Urbina wrote.

The judge also criticized prosecutors for withholding “substantial exculpatory evidence” from the grand jury that indicted the defendants, as well as for presenting “distorted versions” of witnesses’ testimony and improperly telling the grand jury that some incriminating statements had been made by the defendants but were being withheld.

and this:
The judge’s allegations of prosecutorial misconduct were the latest in several blows to federal prosecutors in 2009 in which judges dismissed high-profile cases.

When Obama Apologists Attack

The Weekly Standard
"When Obama Apologists Attack"

If Richard Reid had been allowed to fly even though he was on a terrorist watch list, you better believe that Bush would have taken the heat that Obama is taking right now.

3 reasons home prices are heading lower

3 reasons home prices are heading lower
"After four months of gains, home prices flattened in October.
Worse yet, industry insiders think that they'll soon start to fall."

Good news for new buyers!
Not so good news for everyone else.


What Suckers We Are

What Suckers We Are
"In fact, nearly one out of five federal workers pulls down more than $100,000.
That's up over 33% during what the administration says is the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

And that's before overtime and benefits — which used to suffice for such workers — kick in.
Meanwhile, a 'pay czar' aggressively caps salaries at companies that receive 'federal' money"

HeraldNet: Taxes are the wrong solution for too much public spending

HeraldNet: Taxes are the wrong solution for too much public spending
"Pittsburgh is wrestling with an interesting financial issue that is lurking in every city hall, county seat and state house in America.
It is largely silent and unseen, although it does give off its own distinctive scent.

It is the cost of funding the retirement of public employees.

Recently, the mayor of Pittsburgh was faced with a budget that was out of balance by the $15 million needed to fund the public employees retirement fund. This is, generally, a legal obligation, not a discretionary expenditure — a “fixed cost.”

The mayor’s solution was to propose a 1 percent tuition tax. This set off protests from all sorts of people — students at first, then educational institutions — and the usual threats of litigation."

Michigan Forces Business Owners Into Public Sector Unions

Michigan Forces Business Owners Into Public Sector Unions
"Ms. Berry owns her own business—yet the Michigan Department of Human Services claims she is a government employee and union member.
The agency thus withholds union dues from the child-care subsidies it sends to her on behalf of her low-income clients.
Those dues are funneled to a public-employee union that claims to represent her.

The situation is crazy—and it's happening elsewhere in the country."

Read this story.
It is an outrage!

Mayo Says: Hold The Medicare

Mayo Says: Hold The Medicare
"The Mayo Clinic will stop accepting Medicare patients at one of its primary care clinics in Arizona.
The government doesn’t pay enough:"

Well..who's gonna get to go to Mayo?

(hint...our rich and! Oh yeah!)

Welcome to Obama "care".

Thursday, December 31, 2009

When Obama Apologists Attack

The Weekly Standard
"It's particularly dumbfounding that this Politico piece alleging a double standard regarding the treatment of Obama in the wake of Abdulmutallab's attempt and the treatment of Bush after shoe bomber Richard Reid's attempt doesn't care to mention that the facts of each case are very different.
If Richard Reid had been allowed to fly even though he was on a terrorist watch list, you better believe that Bush would have taken the heat that Obama is taking right now"

Europe's looming demise - Washington Times

Europe's looming demise - Washington Times

By Pamela Geller
"The Europe as you know it from visiting, from your parents or friends is on the verge of collapsing," Geert Wilders said in a speech in the United States last year.

The leader of the Netherlands' populist Party for Freedom added: "We are now witnessing profound changes that will forever alter Europe's destiny and might send the Continent in what Ronald Reagan called 'a thousand years of darkness.' " And not just Europe, but America as well.

Been to Europe lately?
Thought it was bad?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by President Obama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe.

The people of Europe fought it, but were overwhelmed by their political elites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our rather Marxist, collectivist U.S. president.

Come Jan. 1, 2010, a disastrous and suicidal pact called the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Europe/Mediterranean) goes into effect with little fanfare or examination. It boggles the mind that such a consequential and seismic cultural shift could be mandated and put into play without so much as a murmur from the mainstream media.

Why should Americans care about this? Americans have to care because this global gobbledygook is coming to our shores, thanks to our globalist president....

....The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create a new Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa, with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea.
The goal is to establish a "comprehensive political partnership," including a "free trade area and economic integration"; "considerably more money for the partners" (that is, more European money flowing into North Africa); and "cultural partnership" - that is, importation of Islamic culture into post-Christian Europe.
According to the SIOE, in the Euro-Med plan "Europe is to be islamized.
Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans are to be driven out of Europe.
Fifty million North Africans from Muslim countries are to be imported into the EU."

Skeptical? It's already happening. The British newspaper the Daily Express reported in October 2008 on "a controversial taxpayer-funded 'job centre' " that opened in Mali at that time as "just the first step towards promoting 'free movement of people in Africa and the EU.'
Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will 'need' 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the 'demographic decline' due to falling birthrates and rising death rates across Europe."
To offset this decline, a "blue card" system is to be created that will allow card holders to travel freely within the European Union and have full rights to work - as well as the full right to collect welfare benefits.
A Muslim population from Africa moving freely into Europe threatens America.
On Christmas Day, a Nigerian Muslim flew from Amsterdam to Detroit and tried to explode a bomb on the plane - after he was allowed to board the plane without a passport.
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership will make jihad attacks like this one all the easier.

And once in Europe, Muslims have already begun demanding special privileges and accommodations. IslamOnline reported on Dec. 21 that "Muslims activists from 26 European countries have come together to launch the first rights council to enlighten European Muslims about their rights, monitor rising Islamophobia and defend Muslim rights in European courts of law."

Ali Abu Shwaima, a Muslim leader in Italy, explained: "We think European human rights groups are not doing enough to defend the rights of Muslims. Therefore we thought that we need this new council, especially that all laws and constitutions in Europe respect freedom of religion and oppose all forms of discrimination and racism."

"Islamophobia," "discrimination" and "racism" are all terms Muslims in Europe and America use to confuse people into thinking that the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism are the real victims. And it is working: Mr. Wilders is going on trial in the Netherlands, instead of all the Islamic hate sponsors he is fighting against. It has to be this way, to increase harmony among the Muslim and non-Muslim member states of the Euro-Med Partnership.
This internationalism is already destroying what has made Europe free and great. And now Mr. Obama seems to want to do the same to America.

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs Web site. She is the author (with Robert Spencer) of the forthcoming book "The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America" (Simon and Schuster, July 2010).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

TSA Threatens Blogger Who Posted New Screening Directive

TSA Threatens Blogger Who Posted New Screening Directive Threat Level
"Two bloggers received home visits from Transportation Security Administration agents Tuesday after they published a new TSA directive that revises screening procedures and puts new restrictions on passengers in the wake of a recent bombing attempt by the so-called underwear bomber."

The document, which the two bloggers published within minutes of each other Dec. 27, was sent by TSA to airlines and airports around the world and described temporary new requirements for screening passengers through Dec. 30, including conducting “pat-downs” of legs and torsos. The document, which was not classified, was posted by numerous bloggers.
Information from it was also published on some airline websites....

...“They’re saying it’s a security document but it was sent to every airport and airline,” says Steven Frischling, one of the bloggers. “It was sent to Islamabad, to Riyadh and to Nigeria. So they’re looking for information about a security document sent to 10,000-plus people internationally. You can’t have a right to expect privacy after that.”

.....Frischling, a freelance travel writer and photographer in Connecticut who writes a blog for the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, said the two agents who visited him arrived around 7 p.m. Tuesday, were armed and threatened him with a criminal search warrant if he didn’t provide the name of his source. They also threatened to get him fired from his KLM job and indicated they could get him designated a security risk, which would make it difficult for him to travel and do his job.

“They were indicating there would be significant ramifications if I didn’t cooperate,” said Frischling, who was home alone with his three children when the agents arrived. “It’s not hard to intimidate someone when they’re holding a 3-year-old [child] in their hands. My wife works at night. I go to jail, and my kids are here with nobody.”

It seems, in our Obamafied BraveNewWorld, that Americans are the real enemy.

Obama Amends Executive Order 12425, Placing INTERPOL beyond Reach of American law

Obama Amends Executive Order 12425, Placing INTERPOL Beyond reach of American the USA!-by
"In a quiet manner, on December 16 President Obama amended Executive Order #12425.

12425 is a Reagan era document [1983].

Please note item 2[C] - document reproduced in its entirety below [source, Amendment to Exec. Order #12425].

"Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable."

We find it unusual for this administration to amend an Executive Order that had been in effect through 4 presidencies, Democrat and Republican, over a period of 25 years. Why the hurry and why now?

These changes - "immune from search," "archives...inviolable" - seem to clearly place Interpol above the reach of American law and immune from the reach of FOIA , Congressional oversight and media inquiry

Since Interpol performs various investigative duties including those related to the International Criminal Court, the changes in 12425 seem to clear the way as a first step to placing the United States under the jurisdiction of the ICC [as noted by Threats Watch] allowing Interpol to without restriction conduct investigations of U.S. citizens, organizations, etc.

We tend to agree that this move apparently clears the deck if, as some are speculating, the Obama administration broaches the very sticky issue of signing the Rome accord, which would place the U.S. under ICC jurisdiction.......

......If this matter is simply housekeeping, and the problem which amending 12425 now supposedly corrects was of such concern, why did it take 5 years for it to be recognized and dealt with, and why by this administration - especially given the myriad of security issues it is unconcerned about, not the least of which is the continuing policy of sending Yemeni nationals directly from GITMO detention back to the fray in Yemen, whereupon they will have the opportunity to link up with a newly invigorated al-Qaeda?

Moreover if the issue is so mundane and easily explicable why did it take multiple requests for information by Mr. Tapper before the WH responded?"

Another surprise coming at us in 2010 from Jimmah Obamma?

Woman's blood alcohol content topples state records

Woman's blood alcohol content topples state records
"A Sturgis woman had a blood-alcohol level of .708 percent, possibly a state record, when she was found earlier this month behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle parked on Interstate 90......
After she was found, Engle was hospitalized and freed on bond......
She failed to appear in court on Dec. 15, but Sturgis police located her Monday evening in another stolen car sitting in a ditch along S.D. Highway 34 near Fort Meade."

Oh man, this New Year's party is gonna rock, dudette!