Monday, September 22, 2014

From my "friend" Robert Reich!

Want to know the problem with the Koch Brothers?

-- It’s not that they are conservative.
-- And it’s not that they are billionaires.

The problem with the Kochs is simple -- they’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars to drown out the voices of millions of voters.

Progressive proposals like raising the minimum wage and guaranteeing paid sick leave are overwhelmingly popular. But the Koch brothers stand against them. They’re fighting for tax breaks for billionaires (like themselves).

This November, we have the chance to elect Democrats who will fight for a fairer America. But we need to take on Republican outside spending first. That's why it's so critical you and I raise $1,OOO,OOO before Wednesday's ad buy deadline to fight Koch-funded attacks with the facts.

This is one of the most critical ad buy deadlines of the entire election. Can you pitch in $5 right now?

All Gifts Today Matched!

Chip in $5 immediately >>
Chip in $35 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Chip in $250 immediately >>
Or click here to donate another amount.

Thanks, Robert Reich
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Our campaign to defeat Tea Party Republicans is powered by supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $22. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

Kroger Once Again Stands Up to the Anti-Second Amendment Rights Bullies

Kroger Once Again Stands Up to the Anti-Second Amendment Rights Bullies:

"The anti-gun rights group Moms Demand Action has been on a tirade recently, bullying business to alter their policy on guns in a manner that meets their approval. But, there is one business that refuses to cave to their demand and they just sent Moms Demand Action a message that they will not be bullied or shamed into submission."

The internet NEVER lies....right?-------Top 16 Small Cities in Michigan

This article would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
And inaccurate.....
Top 16 Small Cities in Michigan | City Described
6. Muskegon
The name Muskegon comes from the Ottawa Indian word ‘Masquigon,’ which means swamp or marshy river. The area’s history dates to the Paleo-Indian era seven to eight thousand years ago. The Ottawa tribe lived in the Muskegon region approximately two-thousand years ago, according to the Muskegon-Michigan website.
The fur trade made the Hudson Bay Company rich and Chicago used Muskegon lumber to rebuild after the fire of 1871. More millionaires lived in the Muskegon region during that era than any other city in the United States, the Muskegon-Michigan website states.
Muskegon sits on the shores of Lake Michigan and has picturesque beaches that bring tourists to the area for sightseeing, fishing and swimming. 
The city known as the Riviera of the West continues to prosper with community renovation projects to beautify and restore some of the historic buildings in the city, as related to the Muskegon-Michigan website.
Muskegon produced a music industry innovator in James Newell Osterberg, Jr. Known to the world as Iggy Pop, James changed the Punk rock world. Iggy played drums in a number of high school bands before moving to Chicago to study the blues. Iggy formed the Psychedelic Stooges and his career began as stated on the Outdoor-Michigan website.
Well-known televangelist Jim Bakker grew up in Muskegon. Since his divorce from Tammy Faye, he remarried to Lori Beth Graham in 1998. Jim Bakker appeared on television for ten years in support of the PTL Ministries and fans loved him and his wife Tammy Faye. Unknown to Tammy and the viewers, Jim had diverted money from the PTL and stolen viewer’s money to support his hidden lifestyle, found on the Hall of Infamy website.
The Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI) Convention comes to Muskegon every August. More than 10-thousand people attend the convention every year even PGI members flock to the small town. Only PGI members are allowed into the convention but the convention’s public displays draw huge crowds, reports the Atlas Obscura website.

Well, this helps when making a political choice-----Is Caring About Climate Change an Essential Part of LGBT Identity?

Is Caring About Climate Change an Essential Part of LGBT Identity? - The Daily Beast
To the radical LGBT activists most likely to march in New York City on Sunday, caring about global warming expresses solidarity with the oppressed. 
But what about the mainstream gays?

On Sunday, a gaggle of queer folks will be joining the “People’s Climate March,” a rally in New York City projected to attract more than 100,000 attendees. Unfortunately, those who could help the cause the most are the least likely to show up.
Marching under banners such as “Queers for the Climate,” LGBT climate activists are, first and foremost, agitating for action on climate change. But they are also saying something about what LGBT activism should be about, and saying something quite different from the (current) gay mainstream. The question is whether they can make an impact.
The trouble is that while the radically minded queers may be more inspired to march in the People’s Climate March, they may be the least likely to convince others.
....To a “mainstream gay,” having a group called Queers for the Climate may make little sense. I mean, there’s no harm in it. But other than perhaps getting someone’s phone number at the climate march, there doesn’t seem to be any particular reason for it, either.
To a “radical queer,” on the other hand, caring about climate change is an essential part of queer identity. It expresses solidarity with the oppressed—which in this case may include almost everyone—opposition to the one percenters who got us into this mess, and a righteous indignation nourished by decades of LGBT activist experience.

For Voter ID Opponents, This Was a Stunning Blow

For Voter ID Opponents, This Was a Stunning Blow:

"What this decision means is that, as Governor Walker said, at least in Wisconsin, it will now be “easier to vote and harder to cheat.” And it adds to the long string of losses suffered by opponents of voter-ID laws. Slowly but surely, voter ID is getting implemented across the country."

Gotta be true. It's on the Internet!-------Woman Gets Third Breast

Jasmine Tridevil: Woman Gets Third Breast -- NYMag:
"A Florida woman who goes by the name Jasmine Tridevil figured out that there is really only one acceptable reason to get a third breast: to buck traditional beauty standards and purposely make yourself unattractive to men.
The 21-year-old massage therapist claims she had to ask over 50 doctors to perform the surgery, which involved taking skin tissue from her abdomen and adding a silicon implant.
She also got an areola tattooed on. The procedure cost $20,000, and Tridevil reportedly had to sign an NDA so couldn't disclose what doctor performed it.
 "I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men," Tridevil said on a recent radio broadcast.

"Because I don’t want to date anymore."
 Given the fact that most men love boobs, I'm not entirely sure getting another one is the fastest route to unattractiveness, but her attempted commitment to misandry is commendable.
Meanwhile, the photos look kinda 'shopped, so I'm really hoping this isn't some sort of viral marketing scheme for American Horror Story: Freak Show."

Who you gonna trust regarding your family's safety? Jeanine or Barack "If you want to keep your...." Obama?---------Judge Jeanine - Be Prepared, Govt Won't Protect You from ISIS/ISIL

7 pictures of mind-blowingly stupid people from the Global Warming rally this weekend

parade 17 pictures of mind-blowingly stupid people from the Global Warming rally this weekend

History for September 22

History for September 22 -
Michael Faraday 1791, Paul Muni 1895, Paul LeMat 1945 

Debby Boone 1956, Joan Jett 1960, Scott Baio 1961 

1862 - Republican U.S. President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that all slaves held within rebel states would be free as of January 1, 1863. 

1903 - Italo Marchiony was granted a patent for the ice cream cone. 

1914 - Three British cruisers were sunk by one German submarine in the North Sea. 1,400 British sailors were killed. This event alerted the British to the effectiveness of the submarine. 

1949 - The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb successfully. 

1964 - "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." debuted on NBC-TV. 

1980 - A border conflict between Iran and Iraq developed into a full-scale war. 

1994 - The U.S. upgraded its military control in Haiti. 

1998 - The U.S. and Russia signed two agreements. One was to privatize Russia's nuclear program and the other was to stop plutonium stockpiles and nuclear scientists from leaving the country. 

1998 - U.S. President Clinton addressed the United Nations and told world leaders to "end all nuclear tests for all time". He then sent the long-delayed global test-ban treaty to the U.S. Senate. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Petition For White House Jumper To Stay | The Daily Caller

Petition For White House Jumper To Stay | The Daily Caller:

“For justice and peace, upon his next return from the back-nine, Mr. Obama must award permanent lawful WH residency to Mr. Gonzalez and his family, along with a permit to work there. Because.” concludes the petition, which can be electronically signed at the White House website.

Once the petition gets 150 electronic signatures, the petition will be posted on the public side of Obama’s website."


Republican-Controlled House Passes Continued Complete Funding for Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Republican-Controlled House Passes Continued Complete Funding for Obamacare and Planned Parenthood:

"House Republicans, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner, joined with Democrats to pass a continuing resolution late Wednesday that will continue to fully fund Obamacare, which has never had majority support in any poll since its passage, as well as funding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion factory which also teaches sadomasochism to girls as young as 15-years-old. "

Environmental Researcher: Wind Industry Riddled with 'Absolute Corruption'

Environmental Researcher: Wind Industry Riddled with 'Absolute Corruption':

"The wind industry is necessarily one of the most corrupt enterprises on earth because it depends for its entire existence on government favours, backhanders, dishonest environmental impact assessments and on regulators turning a blind eye to the known health problems caused by wind turbine noise. Without crony capitalism, the wind industry simply would not exist.

Here are some links to a few of Breitbart's hits on the subject. "

Yup, it's the fault of them dang white crackers. Again!------Clinton Labor Sec.: ‘Mostly white’ suburban county to blame for Detroit’s woes

Clinton Labor Sec.: ‘Mostly white’ suburban county to blame for Detroit’s woes -

Detroit-in-ruins-15DETROIT – In a recent Detroit Free Press op-ed, University of California-Berkeley Professor Robert Reich places the blame for the city of Detroit’s bankruptcy on the “mostly white” residents of Oakland County.

“But Detroit is really a model for how wealthier and whiter Americans escape the costs of public goods they would otherwise share with poorer and darker Americans,” Reich wrote. “ … But one thing is for certain: A very large and prosperous group close by won’t sacrifice a cent — the mostly white citizens of neighboring Oakland County.”

Yikes! The left is now telling women to NOT defend themselves. And use "ugly" as a defense. That'll work.......... University event says men can prevent rape through taco runs

University event says men can prevent rape through taco runs:

A student event at Arizona State University suggested that intoxicated men just grab tacos with friends in order to prevent rape.
The event, sponsored by the student group I Always Get Consent, made the claim that teaching women self-defense techniques perpetuates “rape culture” and advised men to tell their drunken buddies at the bar that a woman is ugly to prevent him from going home with her and raping her.
"If you are drunk and someone says, let’s go get tacos, everyone is up and moving to get the food, right?"   
“How many of you guys have been at a party or been with friends, and might be under the influence and someone suggests food?” said Kat Hofland, who headlined the event. “If you are drunk and someone says, let’s go get tacos, everyone is up and moving to get the food, right?”
Alternatively, Hofland, an ASU student, said that people could try to persuade intoxicated male friends that the girl he is talking to is “ugly” and “not worth sleeping with.” She also suggested the audience just be that “annoying friend” and follow the intoxicated male around until he becomes frustrated and gives up his pursuit.
“You don’t want to have drunk blacked-out sex” said Hofland, “Just wait until the morning for some awesome morning sex.”
Hofland blamed the popular song, “ Blurred Lines” and rape jokes for perpetuating rape culture in everyday events and details. 
She also claimed that teaching women self-defense techniques such as fashioning a weapon out of keys by sticking them between knuckles, possessing pepper spray, fighting back against an attacker, and consistently being aware of one’s surroundings contributed to rape culture.
“We should be telling people not to rape people,” she said. “All these things we tell women to do...they don’t bring down the number of rapes that happen. They don’t.”
“We get a lot of messages about how to ‘protect yourself from rape’ when that’s an unrealistic expectation.” Hofland told Campus Reform in an interview. “Things that we hear all the time about protecting ourselves don’t help because they’re based off of a false idea of what sexual violence looks like.”
Other events throughout the week included a “consent lemonade stand,” a “consent fair,” and “consent swimming” held on each of ASU’s four campuses.

France Abandons the ‘Islamic State’ Name — and Starts Calling the Terror Group Something That They Hate |

France Abandons the ‘Islamic State’ Name — and Starts Calling the Terror Group Something That They Hate |
“This is a terrorist group and not a state,” Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said last week, according to France 24. “I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamists. The Arabs call it ‘Daesh’ and I will be calling them the ‘Daesh cutthroats.

Just got this email from my "friends" at the democrat congressional campaign committee-----PETITION: Rush Limbaugh off the air

Sooo, if you disagree with someone ya try to destroy their business with an out of context lie?
Slander with the half-truth.
That's your democrat party, folks!
click for REAL story:

3OO,OOO Signatures Needed: Demand Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors pull their ads after his sexual assault comments >>
Sandra Fluke has been the target of disgusting, sexist comments from Rush Limbaugh before. So his latest abhorrent rant is no surprise to her.

Stand with Sandra and help us hit 3OO,OOO signatures today to put real pressure on Rush’s advertisers to drop him once and for all:

Dear Ralph,

Rush Limbaugh is back, tearing down women and spreading offensive misinformation.

This country is in the middle of a gravely serious conversation about how to stop the epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses, and we’re making progress in a lot of places. But earlier this week, Rush Limbaugh made this absolutely outrageous and destructive comment:
"How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that ‘no’ means ‘yes’ if you know how to spot it?"
Enough is enough. As a previous target of Limbaugh’s sexist attacks, take it from me: we need to stand together and call Rush out. The DCCC has a petition to tell advertisers to stop funding this repulsive commentary. Will you add your name today?

Sign Your Name:

Rape is the number one crime committed on campuses. One in five women will be assaulted during their time at college. And right now, the weeks between orientation and Thanksgiving, is the most dangerous time for female students.

We need to take a stand. We need to stop victim-blaming, and the idea that “no” means “yes” is a BIG part of the problem. Will you sign the DCCC’s petition right now?

Sign Your Name:

Thanks so much for standing with me,

Sandra Fluke
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Our campaign to defeat Tea Party Republicans is powered by supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $22. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!


After Cops Post Video of Brutal Beating in Attempt to ID Suspects, YouTube Reportedly Takes Action You Might Find Hard to Swallow | Video |

After Cops Post Video of Brutal Beating in Attempt to ID Suspects, YouTube Reportedly Takes Action You Might Find Hard to Swallow | Video |
"Turns out Springfield police tried to harness YouTube in an attempt to solicit help in identifying the attackers, the Springfield News-Leader reported.
Well apparently that surveillance clip was a bit too much for YouTube."

Very good read---Gird Your Loins, it's the War on Women (Again)

Articles: Gird Your Loins, it's the War on Women (Again)
To start, we must emphasize the fallacies that underlie this notion of women as moral arbiters -- a special sector of the species that motherly like rocks the cradle  and cares only for our best interests.

1) Women politicians are as dishonest and hypocritical as the men. Their sex is not immune from such things

2) Women politicians are no less corrupt than their male counterparts

3) The issues the Democrats tout will hurt women voters as much as they hurt men , if not more

Although all these issues have strong political consequences, it is by no means clear that their origin is, itself, political. I would suggest that a more likely situation is that politics is always opportunistically seeking some cause that fits its needs. However, once an illusional issue becomes a passionate belief, it becomes impervious to argument. Given how dangerous some illusional positions are, it is an important problem to know how to avoid them.....

Undoing the support for numbskull Democrat initiatives is not an easy task. As the Annenberg Foundation noted in poll results this week, Americans (at least a third of them) are strikingly ignorant about government.

Maybe as “Miss Marple” noted in an online discussion this week, it’s not that these citizens are stupid, just not interested in government and how it works. This might not have mattered much decades ago where the difference between the parties and their goals were not all that apparent, but it matters greatly today and we must think of new, more imaginative ways to reach the uninformed.....

Don't see too much interest in this "war"----------Male-On-Male Rape Epidemic in Obama’s Pro-Deviancy Military

Male-On-Male Rape Epidemic in Obama’s Pro-Deviancy Military -
According to the Daily Mail, a prominent newspaper in the UK, male on male rape in the United States military is reaching epidemic proportions.
Absorb this tragic excerpt:
When a man enters the military he is ten times likelier to be sexually abused, and in 2012 alone there were an estimated 14,200 reports of male rape.
Read that again.
A man who enlists in the United States military is ten times more likely to be on the receiving end of sexual abuse than if he remains in the civilian population.
The risk of being raped jumps a staggering 1,000 percent.
Our military has become a playground for sexual predators, a veritable smorgasbord of victims for homosexuals on the prowl.

‘We Have to React’: European Lawmakers Converge on Capitol Hill to Question NSA Spying on Allies |

‘We Have to React’: European Lawmakers Converge on Capitol Hill to Question NSA Spying on Allies |
"For lawmakers from Germany and other European nations, a three-day stop in Washington was one step in getting to the bottom of U.S. National Security Agency surveillance of U.S. allies, revealed last year by former government contractor Edward Snowden."

I'm thinkin' you'd of heard about this moron if he was a "Tea Party" candidate---------Baltimore Sheriff Candidate: “White People Should Shut The F*ck Up, You’re The Most Violent People On The Planet”…

Baltimore Sheriff Candidate: “White People Should Shut The F*ck Up, You’re The Most Violent People On The Planet”… |

A man running for Baltimore County sheriff on an “anti-police brutality platform” raised some eyebrows with his recent comments, saying, “white people should just shut the f*ck up” because they’re “the most violent people on the planet.”
The comments were made while he ranted about the Ray Rice case, arguing that the running back’s wife was the one at fault.
“Women want equality, she got some of it,” Wiggins wrote. “There are only white Jew women on this thread telling me what black women think… When you whites, particularly you Jews, stop killing women in the Middle East with your dual citizenship, then come talk to me about protecting women’s rights.”
On his website, Wiggins also accuses white Baltimore Police of “assassinating” black men.
“The murders of Black men are continuing with ‘no motive,’ ‘no suspects’,” he writes in his “Baltimore Genocide Report.” “PBD are engaging in random assassinations.”

Anti-logic: the education plague

Anti-logic: the education plague | The Daily Sheeple:
In all times and places, logic is never taught to the masses. 
There is no intention to do so.
Now, in our “egalitarian society,” education carries with it great PR pretension, a fakery that outflanks any other period in history.
Therefore, graduating students wrongly believe they know how to think.

...In this article, I want to focus on a particular logical fallacy I call: “this means that.”
It runs rampant throughout society. 
The fallacy bleeds into the reasoning process, into notions of self-worth, into people’s need to identify themselves with an “acceptable” position.

Take the concept of manmade global warming. 
For many people, affirming this as a reality means:
“I’m defending the sacred quality of life on Earth, I’m helping the planet, I’m exposing the nasty crimes of big corporations, I’m acknowledging and shining a spotlight on the selfish and petty actions of the masses, I’m in the vanguard of recognizing that this issue represents the greatest threat humankind has ever known, I’m transcending ‘profits over values’, I’m envisioning with others a better world, I’m aligning myself with the best international scientific minds, I’m experiencing the sensation of having a larger mission in life.”
This—manmade global warming—means all that.
Therefore, how do you approach rational discourse on the subject of manmade warming?
You don’t.
There is no logic to be found. 
There is only “this means that.”
The concept or idea or symbol of manmade warming is so fully packed with sentiment, it resists all attempts at entry.

This 100-year-old agreement tells you everything you need to know about the ISIL end game – Glenn Beck

This 100-year-old agreement tells you everything you need to know about the ISIL end game – Glenn Beck:

“Two decades before Israel was officially declared a state by the UN, this was happening. Britain and France set the entire structure up for them,” Glenn explained. “It wasn’t about the Jews, and it wasn’t about the Arabs. They were scapegoats.”

The information in this article is crucial to understand.  

It gives us a better understanding on the president's ideology.  There is a reason he uses the term ISIL.

Domestic Violence More Common Among Same-Sex Couples

Domestic Violence More Common Among Same-Sex Couples
But, the latest study by Northwestern Medicine scientists found that domestic violence is more common among same-sex couples and excess stress raises the risk of this abuse.
On analyzing the previous studies together, it was observed that domestic violence affected 25 percent - 75 percent of the lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals.

‘Profile, Profile, Profile’ Muslims: Fox News Panel Goes on the Offensive | Video |

‘Profile, Profile, Profile’ Muslims: Fox News Panel Goes on the Offensive | Video |
“It’s the controversial plan that no one has the guts to talk about except us,” proclaimed the host of Fox News’ “Cashin’ In,” Eric Bolling, on Saturday.
The plan: profile Muslims to find terrorists.
“While the administration buries its head in the sand, we know how to find terrorists among us,” Bolling said. “Profile, profile, profile.”

Memo to the BBC: The 'Far Right' Did Not Decapitate David Haines nor Rape 1400 Girls in Rotherham

Memo to the BBC: The 'Far Right' Did Not Decapitate David Haines nor Rape 1400 Girls in Rotherham:
"Here is the news:
in Australia, a plot by Islamic State sympathisers to capture random members of the public and chop their heads off has been foiled by security services;
in Syria, two Americans and a British hostage have been beheaded by an Islamist nicknamed Jihadi John
- and another innocent Briton (a taxi driver captured while working for an aid convoy) has been told he is next on the list;
across Britain, in the aftermath of the Rotherham enquiry, more and more evidence is emerging that in towns and cities all over the country mostly underage white girls have been systematically groomed, raped and trafficked by organised Muslim gangs, with the complicity of local government authorities, charity workers, police officers and the broader Muslim community.

Luckily, thanks to the BBC, we know what the real problem is here. 
It is, of course, our old friends, "Islamophobia" and "the spectre of a far right" backlash."

10 Coolest Dog Photoshoots

10 Coolest Dog Photoshoots - ODDEE
Dogs Shaking Off Water

History for September 21

History for September 21 -
H.G. Wells 1866, Larry Hagman 1931, Stephen King 1947

Bill Murray 1950, Arie Luyendyk 1953, Mark Reed Levin 1957

1893 - Frank Duryea took what is believed to be the first gasoline- powered automobile for a test drive. The "horseless carriage" was designed by Frank and Charles Duryea. 

1897 - The New York Sun ran the "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" editorial. It was in response to a letter from 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon. 

1931 - Japanese forces began occupying China's northeast territory of Manchuria. 

1937 - J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" was first published. 

1949 - Communist leaders proclaimed The People's Republic of China. 

1957 - "Perry Mason", the television series, made its debut on CBS-TV. The show was on for 9 years. 

1970 - "NFL Monday Night Football" made its debut on ABC-TV. The game was between the Cleveland Browns and the New York Jets. The Browns won 31-21. 

1981 - The U.S. Senate confirmed Sandra Day O'Connor to be the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. 

1982 - National Football League (NFL) players began a 57-day strike. It was their first regular-season walkout. 

1984 - General Motors and the United Auto Workers union reached an agreement that would end the previous six days of spot strikes. 

1993 - Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin announced that he was ousting the Communist-dominated Congress. The action was effectively seizing all state power. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

‘Cartel Threatening a Blood Bath’: Huge Border Protest Was Just Cancelled for a Disturbing Reason (UPDATE) |

‘Cartel Threatening a Blood Bath’: Huge Border Protest Was Just Cancelled for a Disturbing Reason (UPDATE) |
"UPDATE (9:30 a.m. EDT): One of the “Shut Down All Ports of Entry” organizers has shed more light on why the protest was called off hours before it was supposed to begin: cartel threats.
“It was [a] cartel threatening a blood bath, [Facebook] hits coming [en] masse from Mexico,” Stasyi Barth told TheBlaze Saturday. “One of the organizers was being followed and was verbally told not to go.”

Senate Democrats Block Ted Cruz Bill Revoking U.S. Citizenship of Terrorists

Senate Democrats Block Ted Cruz Bill Revoking U.S. Citizenship of Terrorists:
"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday ripped U.S. Senate Democrats for blocking his bill that would revoke the U.S. citizenship of those who join the ISIS terrorist organization, noting that they are abandoning something Hillary Clinton supported when she was Secretary of State."

9th Circuit Affirms American Flag Shirt Cinco De Mayo Ruling | The Daily Caller

9th Circuit Affirms American Flag Shirt Cinco De Mayo Ruling | The Daily Caller:

"It’s official: the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an order declining a request for an en banc hearing in a case involving four students in at a California high school who were sent home for wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo."

This guy gonna git some moolah-----Pro-life teacher fired for opposing Planned Parenthood sues district

Pro-life teacher fired for opposing Planned Parenthood sues district -
"PORTLAND – Former Benson High School teacher, Bill Diss, who was fired last year for openly opposing Planned Parenthood, has filed a lawsuit against Portland Public Schools claiming wrongful termination.
According to, the 38-page lawsuit asserts that Diss’ “troubles with the district began in February 2007 when he actively began to protest plans for a Planned Parenthood headquarters in Northeast Portland.”
In 2009, Planned Parenthood filed a police report and a complaint against Diss with the state Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, saying he improperly took banners and signs from the clinic’s groundbreaking site months earlier.
Diss said he committed no crime and no charges were filed by police.

According to the lawsuit against the district:
As the attention mounted, the plaintiff was summoned for questioning by Benson High School administrators.
He was interrogated about his activities by the principal and by an attorney for the District.
The activities in question occurred on his own time, not at school, nonetheless he was specifically instructed not to mention the fact that he was a teacher or where he worked when making public statements.

‘Not a Snowball’s Chance In Hell': Former Head of Marine Corps Slams Obama’s ISIS Strategy

‘Not a Snowball’s Chance In Hell': Former Head of Marine Corps Slams Obama’s ISIS Strategy

At a conference in D.C. on Friday, General James Conway (the 34th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps) slammed Obama’s ISIS strategy with a potent dose of reality.
The Daily Caller reported on what Conway had to say:
“I don’t think the president’s plan has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding,” retired Marine General James Conway, who served as the 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps during the end of the Bush administration and the beginning of the Obama administration, said at the Maverick PAC Conference in Washington, D.C. Friday, according to a source in attendance. 
The source said Conway’s major concern was that the U.S. did not have a force on the ground in Syria it could rely on, like the Kurdish Peshmerga in Iraq. Though the Obama administration believes it can support what it says are moderate rebel forces in Syria to aid in the fight against ISIS, many critics warn that there may be no truly moderate force in the country of any significant strength.

Investigative journalist and radio host: The three imperative questions NOT being asked about Benghazi |

Investigative journalist and radio host: The three imperative questions NOT being asked about Benghazi |
"New York Times bestselling author, investigative journalist and radio host Aaron Klein has a new book out titled “The REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don’t Want You to Know,” in which Klein does yeoman’s work in combing through the thousands of pages of available government documents to chronicle the numerous breathtaking but oft-underreported facts on Benghazi, identify the various inconsistencies between and among the testimony of the various parties involved, and ask the questions begging to be answered."