Saturday, October 18, 2014

In case you missed it, Barry reminds us of how horrible we are. And how noble the injuns are.-------Obama’s Columbus Day Proclamation: History ‘Marred’ with ‘Violence, Disease, and Deprivation’

Obama’s Columbus Day Proclamation: History ‘Marred’ with ‘Violence, Disease, and Deprivation’ | CNS News:
In a presidential action issued on Friday, proclaiming Oct. 13 as Columbus Day, President Barack Obama noted that a “new history” launched by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the new world included the history of American Indians, which he said is “marred with long and shameful chapters of violence, disease, and deprivation.”
......“And as we recognize the influence of Christopher Columbus, we also pay tribute to the legacy of Native Americans and our Government's commitment to strengthening their tribal sovereignty,” Obama said.

Florida Business Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag, Community Responds in an Incredible Way

Florida Business Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag, Community Responds in an Incredible Way:

"Jeff Verzi is an employee at Family Hardware in Cape Coral, Florida. With 6 family member serving in the military, Verzi wanted to honor each of them with an American flag.
So, he put six flags out in front of the property in their honor. That’s when the trouble began."

Guatemala's President Says The US Needs To Send Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars To Them So They Can Create Jobs And Lift Their People Out Of Poverty, Because It's Our Fault Their Folks Keep Coming Here.

Guatemala's President Says The US Needs To Send Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars To Them So They Can Create Jobs And Lift Their People Out Of Poverty, Because It's Our Fault Their Folks Keep Coming Here. - Chicks on the Right:
"I'm absolutely SEETHING at this article.
Apparently, the president of Guatemala, Otto Perez, isn't satisfied with his country's living standards, and so he, along with the leaders of Honduras and El Salvador, have decided that the US should give them $10 billion.
I'm not even making that up.
They justify this absurd suggestion by saying that people are going to keep fleeing their countries to illegally come to the US if we don't fix their problems.
Perez told Reuters that if the US sends $10 billion into Central America to create jobs and "lift living standards" then they'll be able to "boost infrastructure and provide more jobs in all three countries, especially in areas that send large numbers of migrants to the US."
See?  It's our fault their countries are total sh*tholes, so we better pony up so we don't have to deal with their people coming here illegally.
But don't worry, y'all.  He does recognize that Central America also has some accountability.  He said, "Now we understand it's not simply a question of the United States saying: 'Right, here's $2 billion a year for five years' for example - the governments of the three countries have to play their part too."
Aaaaall better. 
Except apparently "their part" is to simply accept our money. 
And the reason this is all our fault, is because the US's demand for illegal narcotics is what's fueling the gang related violence in that region.
Guatemala's foreign minister, Carlos Morales, issued what could be easily interpreted as a threat to the US.  He said, "The United States has to support this, it has no other option. If they don't support it, the crisis will kick off again, you can count on it."

Teen Students Under Criminal Investigation for Sexting Nude Selfies

Teen Students Under Criminal Investigation for Sexting Nude Selfies  –  Deadline Detroit
The texting/sexting generation is under criminal investigation.
Police are conducting investigations in the Rochester Community Schools and Romeo of students sending nude selfies to each other, Mike Martindale writes in The Detroit News.
Those 17 or older can legally share such photos, but a 17-year-old could be prosecuted for texting a photo to someone younger, the News reports.
At least 31 students are under investigation in the Rochester district, The News says, and police are investigating another 10 incidents in Romeo that are unrelated.
"This is happening everywhere, it's over the top," attorney Shannon Smith tells the paper. 
 "I have been contacted by schools and parents elsewhere in Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties who have found similar photos on their children's cell phones and want to know what to do about it.
"Some school systems are trying to keep it quiet."

This criminal decided to go after a gun-carrying Army vet and his girlfriend…big mistake

This criminal decided to go after a gun-carrying Army vet and his girlfriend…big mistake | Rare
When Retired Army Lieutenant William Lawler was approached by a knife-wielding criminal, he tried his best to warn the man that the situation wasn’t going to end well.
Lawler, who was with his girlfriend outside a grocery store, is a firearms instructor with pinpoint control—and he was carrying a concealed weapon.
“At least a half-dozen times, I ordered him to stop,” Lawler told the Philadelphia Times of his Sunday encounter.
When the man came at Lawler, he promptly shot him in the groin.
“My intent was to stop him, not kill him. I hope he’s okay, and hopefully he will be prosecuted,” Lawler said.

Six Reasons to Panic

Six Reasons to Panic | The Weekly Standard:
As a rule, one should not panic at whatever crisis has momentarily fixed the attention of cable news producers.
But the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which has migrated to both Europe and America, may be the exception that proves the rule.
There are at least six reasons that a controlled, informed panic might be in order.
(1) Start with what we know, and don’t know, about the virus.
Officials from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other government agencies claim that contracting Ebola is relatively difficult because the virus is only transmittable by direct contact with bodily fluids from an infected person who has become symptomatic.
Which means that, in theory, you can’t get Ebola by riding in the elevator with someone who is carrying the virus, because Ebola is not airborne.
This sounds reassuring. 
Except that it might not be true

Watch: This Photo Of A Gross Michelle Obama School Lunch Has Sparked Widespread Outrage

Watch: This Photo Of A Gross Michelle Obama School Lunch Has Sparked Widespread Outrage:

"An Oklahoma family is outraged over the portions their 17-year-old daughter is being served at lunchtime.
Kaytlin Shelton took a photo at her high school in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Monday showing a lunch with meat, two sets of crackers, a slice of cheese, and two pieces of cauliflower. The school serves this every other week, Fox 25 reported."


"There had never been a case of Ebola in the U.S. until a few months ago.
Since then, thousands of people have died of the disease in Africa, and millions upon millions of dollars have been spent treating Ebola patients in the U.S. who acquired it there, one of whom has died.
But the Obama administration refuses to impose a travel ban.
This summer, the U.S. government imposed a travel ban on Israel simply to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu into accepting a ceasefire agreement.
But we can't put a travel restriction on countries where a contagious disease is raging.
It's becoming increasingly clear this is just another platform for Obama to demonstrate that we are citizens of the world.
The entire Ebola issue is being discussed -- by our government, not the United Nations -- as if Liberians are indistinguishable from Americans, and U.S. taxpayers should be willing to pay whatever it takes to save them.
Maybe we should give them the vote, too!
If Ebola was concentrated in Finland and Norway -- certainly Israel! -- we'd have had a travel ban on Day One.
The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, justifies Obama's refusal to prohibit flights originating in Ebola-plagued countries, saying, "A travel ban is not the right answer.
It's simply not feasible to build a wall -- virtual or real -- around a community, city or country." "

History for October 18

History for October 18 -
Chuck Berry 1926, George C. Scott 1927, Mike Ditka (NFL) 1939 

Lee Harvey Oswald 1939, Willie Horton (MLB) 1942, Jean-Claude Van Damme 1960 

1469 - Ferdinand of Aragon married Isabella of Castile. The marriage united all the dominions of Spain. 

1767 - The Mason-Dixon line was agreed upon. It was the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania

1842 - Samuel Finley Breese Morse laid his first telegraph cable. 

1867 - The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. The land was purchased of a total of $7 million dollars (2 cents per acre). 

1898 - The American flag was raised in Puerto Rico only one year after the Caribbean nation won its independence from Spain. 

1943 - The first broadcast of "Perry Mason" was presented on CBS Radio. The show went to TV in 1957. 

1968 - Two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, were suspended by the U.S. Olympic Committee for giving a "black power" salute during a ceremony in Mexico City. 

1971 - After 34 years, the final issue of "Look" magazine was published. 

1977 - Reggie Jackson tied Babe Ruth's record for hitting three homeruns in a single World Series game. Jackson was only the second player to achieve this. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Obama Administration Ebola Travel Restriction Military | The Daily Caller

Obama Administration Ebola Travel Restriction Military | The Daily Caller:

"The Obama administration steadfastly refuses to institute a travel ban from Ebola epidemic countries, saying it would somehow make the outbreak worse. But they have authorized the U.S. military to quarantine personnel in those countries for up to 21 days, should commanders feel it necessary."

Obama Appoints Democrat Operative Who Oversaw “Stimulus” Boondoggle as “Ebola Czar”

Obama Appoints Democrat Operative Who Oversaw “Stimulus” Boondoggle as “Ebola Czar”:

"In other words, Obama rewarded another leftist political hack to be his Ebola Czar who knows nothing about Ebola, or any other disease for that matter. 

Obama spokesman Earnest said on Friday that Klain will report to Benghazi liar (you’re not going to believe this) Susan Rice!"

See The Revealing Picture That Race-Hustling Ferguson Agitators Never Wanted Shown

See The Revealing Picture That Race-Hustling Ferguson Agitators 
Never Wanted Shown:

 "Myers’ family claims that he was unarmed, and that he only had a sandwich in his hands. But social media postings recently surfaced that cast substantial doubt on the family’s contention that an unarmed Myers was gunned down for no good reason, the victim of an unjustified police shooting."

Hmmmm------These Are The 10 Most Exciting Counties In America

These Are The 10 Most Exciting Counties In America - Movoto
Some places in this great nation are just more thrilling than others. There are big cities like New York and San Francisco that just lend themselves to wild and crazy fun, as well as smaller places and counties too.
So which places were the most exciting, you might wonder. We here at the Movoto Real Estate Blog were kind of wondering that too. So, we crunched some numbers and found out the most fun counties to call home. Get ready for a few shockers, because you probably didn’t see most of these counties coming:

VIDEO: Secret Service Agents Try to Enter a Man’s House with a FAKE Search Warrant

VIDEO: Secret Service Agents Try to Enter a Man’s House with a FAKE Search Warrant:

"According to Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson, Secret Service agents were recently thwarted in an attempt to enter the house of a man suspected of making inappropriate comments online about President Obama. When the man knew his rights and refused the agents entry, they turned to the police chief and asked him to fake a search warrant.

When Secret Service agents working out of the Nashville office asked to enter the premises of a man accused of making inappropriate comments online about Barack Obama, the man refused and slammed the door in his face. The agents then called local law enforcement for back-up. The Nashville Police arrived and informed the agents that the man inside, who may or may not have been armed, is a registered gun owner, had not broken any laws, and that they would need a search warrant to investigate inside the house."

School bars students from using bathroom – without doctor’s note!

School bars students from using bathroom – without doctor’s note! -
KENT, U.K. – Parents are angry after two British schools have banned students from using the bathroom without a doctor’s note.
toilet-signThe Mirror reports:
Two secondary schools have banned pupils from using toilets during lessons for health and safety reasons.
Staff at Westlands School and Sittingbourne Community College in Kent lock the facilities and said allowing pupils to use them unsupervised would breach “safeguarding” rules.
From this term, students must produce a doctor’s note about a relevant medical condition or go to the nurse’s office to request permission during lessons.
Clare Stevens, whose son attends the school, says, “The nurse’s office is a 10- to 15-minute walk to the other side of the building, and all the toilets are locked on the way there.
“When he got there the nurse questioned him about why he had to go.”
She says her son was denied permission to use the toilet.
Another parent, Sam Bright, tells the paper about his daughter, “She was absolutely bursting the other week and she was told that she couldn’t go and to sit back down unless she had a medical note.”

WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest Tells TheBlaze Why Travel Ban Would Have ‘Perverse Effect’ in Protecting Americans from Ebola |

WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest Tells TheBlaze Why Travel Ban Would Have ‘Perverse Effect’ in Protecting Americans from Ebola |

"White House press secretary Josh Earnest told TheBlaze Thursday that an air travel ban from West Africa – which some advocate as a precaution against the spread of Ebola – would create a “perverse” incentive for those wishing to avoid screening to take alternative routes."

"FilmDetroit"?!!! Ummm, we've got a state film money machine. And now "broke" Detroit is giving out free moolah to billionaires?!!!!

Texas Attorney General Tells Houston City Hall: Stop Bullying Christians

Texas Attorney General Tells Houston City Hall: Stop Bullying Christians:

"Stop bullying people of faith.
That’s the bottom line of a harshly-worded letter written by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to Houston City Attorney David Feldman.
Feldman’s office sent subpoenas to five Houston pastors last month demanding that they turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality and gender identity issues. They also wanted sermons or correspondence that referenced Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor."

Long Island administrator paid $376,340 THIS school year though he retired last year!

Long Island administrator paid $376,340 THIS school year though he retired last year! -
RIVERHEAD, N.Y. – Laurie Downs isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.

TThe Riverhead resident and one-time school board candidate made that abundantly clear at a recent board meeting, where she chastised district leaders for an absurd buyout for former assistant superintendent Joe Ogeka.
“We have 50 percent of our students on free or reduced lunch. We have the lowest median (income) of any township on Long Island and you people are giving away $376,000 to a man that every time his name came up it had something horrific attached to it,” Down said Tuesday, according
Down told board members she was “absolutely outraged” the board “misled and deceived the public” when it announced Ogeka’s retirement in 2013, because he actually received more than twice his regular salary for an additional year under an agreement the board approved in 2012.
The assistant superintendent, a 30-year employee in the district, retired last June, but received $376,340 for the current school year, which included an early retirement incentive that paid him for an extra year, Riverheadlocal reports.
Ogeka’s base pay was $183,632.64, but he also received cash for unused sick and vacation days and other benefits. The Empire Center for Public Policy published data that shows Ogeka was the highest paid school employee in New York State last year.

According to Riverhead local:
(Ogeka) was granted tenure as an administrator subsequent to a DWI conviction, and subsequently, (as) an associate principal at Riverhead High School in 2000, made the decision to leave in police custody an 18-year-old Riverhead High School student arrested on drug charges during a high school field trip to Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. The student, Rob Pace, was subsequently released by a judge. He committed suicide by jumping onto the LIRR train tracks later that night.