Friday, October 24, 2014

The Political Cartoon From Canada That People Are Calling Absolutely ‘Powerful’ |

The Political Cartoon From Canada That People Are Calling Absolutely ‘Powerful’ |

"On Thursday, Canada’s Chronicle Herald in Halifax, Nova Scotia, published a political cartoon that’s being widely praised as “powerful” across the United States and Canada."

Tom Coburn highlights ridiculous government spending in final Wastebook

Tom Coburn highlights ridiculous government spending in final Wastebook - Washington Times
This year’s Wastebook does not show the $5,210 that the State Department tried to spend on a blowup, human-size foosball field for an embassy in Belize.
...Leading this year’s edition is $19 million in salaries that the government paid to workers who were suspended from their jobs, usually because of misconduct that would have resulted in outright firing at a private company.
Other highlights include the $50,000 spent to study whether sea monkeys’ swimming changes the flow of oceans, $450,000 that the Homeland Security Department spent on high-end gym memberships for staffers whose federal health insurance already pays for gym benefits and the increasing number of veterans who get disability payments by claiming sleep apnea at a cost Mr. Coburn said could reach $1.2 billion.
All told, Mr. Coburn identifies $25 billion in waste from the 100 projects.
...The senator insists on highlighting projects from his home state of Oklahoma, figuring it’s only fair.
He encountered one on butterfly farming, a $500,000 Agriculture Department grant to a town on an Indian reservation to help tribe members start raising and selling butterflies.

Judge Sides With IRS, Dismisses Lawsuits Over Targeting Scandal

Judge Sides With IRS, Dismisses Lawsuits Over Targeting Scandal:

“We are stunned by today’s judgment,” True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said. “The notion that the IRS can target Americans for years because of their political beliefs is reprehensible.”

3 Things Worth Thinking About

3 Things Worth Thinking About | Zero Hedge
Interesting Thought Of For The Day
"I believe that the Last Great Bubble is bursting — faith in central banks to solve all problems."
I agree with Michael. The mantra has been over the last five years that you "do not fight the Fed." The problem, as discussed above, is that the Bank of Japan, the ECB and the Fed have all failed in accomplishing their objective of "reflating" the global economy.
The issue that has been consistently ignored is the massive, and expanding, debt burdens that act as a deflationary drag on economic growth and inflation. Despite statistical economic headlines, the underpinnings of the domestic economy remain far too weak to create the level of consumption needed to support stronger economic growth. The bond market has already recognized that inflation isn't coming, Japan and the Eurozone economies are slipping quickly back into recession, and even China's seeming inexhaustible growth has begun to drag. These aren't the drivers of a "secular" bull market.
As Michael concludes:
"A growing economy coincides with rising inflation expectations. A healthy bull market coincides with rising inflation expectations. Fight the Fed? You sure they are going to get that inflation target when the market itself is screaming they won't, at the same time quantitative easing is ending?"
Or, maybe this time really is different?

Watchdog Group’s Big Finding: Obama Protecting Emails Eric Holder Sent to His Wife |

Watchdog Group’s Big Finding: Obama Protecting Emails Eric Holder Sent to His Wife |
“There is no precedent for President Obama’s Nixonian assertion of executive privilege over these ordinary government agency records,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Americans will be astonished that Obama asserted executive privilege over Eric Holder’s emails to his wife about Fast and Furious.”

Sun Unleashes Powerful X-Class Solar Flare (Video, Photos)

Sun Unleashes Powerful X-Class Solar Flare (Video, Photos):
"A monster solar flare erupted early Sunday (Oct. 19) from a huge sunspot that may just be getting warmed up.
The sun fired off an X-class solar flare — the most powerful type — that peaked at 1:01 a.m. EDT (5:01 GMT) Sunday.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft captured photos and video of the intense sun storm, which researchers classified as an X1.1 flare.
The flare erupted from a sunspot called AR (Active Region) 2192, which has since grown to become 78,000 miles (125,000 kilometers) wide, according to — almost as big as the planet Jupiter."
"Since [Sunday's flare], the sunspot has almost doubled in size and developed an increasingly unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field,"'s Tony Phillips wrote in an update.
"It would seem to be just a matter of time before another strong explosion occurs."
AR 2192 has been pointing away from Earth, so its outbursts to date have not affected the planet much.
But that could change soon; the sunspot is now rotating around toward Earth, Phillips added.
Solar flares are bursts of energetic radiation that can cause temporary radio blackouts and affect the precision of GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite measurements.
Scientists classify strong flares into three categories, with C being the weakest, M medium-strength and X the most powerful.

50 Percent Of American Workers Make Less Than 28,031 Dollars A Year

50 Percent Of American Workers Make Less Than 28,031 Dollars A Year:
"The Social Security Administration has just released wage statistics for 2013, and the numbers are startling. 
Last year, 50 percent of all American workers made less than $28,031, and 39 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000. 
If you worked a full-time job at $10 an hour all year long with two weeks off, you would make $20,000. "

Joe Rexrode: Michigan State riding high, but plenty to lose vs. U-M

Joe Rexrode: Michigan State riding high, but plenty to lose vs. U-M
Don't get me wrong, now. MSU will be up to play Michigan. That always will be true, and it doesn't matter that Ohio State is next for the Spartans.
But there always has been something big for the Spartans to gain from beating Michigan. There has not been a situation where a loss would be more of a negative than a win would be a positive since — well, you know. Flower children, Lyndon B. Johnson, Adam West playing "Batman," etc.
Bragging rights and the in-state recruiting scene always will matter. Still, with so much focus on the College Football Playoff and Ohio State, you wonder how that will affect the Spartans.
Getting up for game day is one thing. But games are won during the week, when players put everything into practice and spend hours on their own with game film.
I believe that has been a key to MSU's recent dominance. I would think Michigan players, armed with an extra week of prep, would dump the ridiculous "just another game" stuff and take advantage.
And, yeah, I wonder about these Spartans. MSU is clearly the better team here, with much bigger things to worry about than the Wolverines. That was true of U-M in 1990 (unranked MSU 28, No. 1 U-M 27). And in 1993 (unranked MSU 17, No. 9 U-M 7). And in 1995 (unranked MSU 28, No. 7 U-M 25). And in 2001 (unranked MSU 26, No. 6 Michigan 24).
Those Michigan teams all fell to the desperate, overlooked rival, playing to make a season. Stop me when this sounds familiar.

'Thanks Michelle Obama for the filling lunch': Student photos of paltry school lunches raise alarm on social media

'Thanks Michelle Obama for the filling lunch': Student photos of paltry school lunches raise alarm on social media  | Daily Mail Online:
Students in Oklahoma have taken to social media to blast Michelle Obama for their new school lunches. They have posted photos of their meals which include comments such as: 'Thanks Michelle for the filling lunch' next to an image of an apple, a piece of bread and some breaded nuggets

“Go F___ Yourself, Gringo,” Says Liberal Stuffing Hundreds of Ballots

“Go F___ Yourself, Gringo,” Says Liberal Stuffing Hundreds of Ballots | FrontPage Magazine
A Republican party official in the largest county in Arizona says surveillance tape shows a progressive Hispanic activist blatantly and openly engaging in vote fraud.
Between 12:54 and 1:04, LaFaro said, he observed a man wearing a “Citizens for a Better Arizona” T-shirt loudly drop a box containing hundreds of early-voting ballots on a table.
Citizens for a Better Arizona is a progressive group.
The man then began “stuffing the ballot box,” LaFaro said. “I watched in amazement.”
There’s no sound in the video, but the county Republican Committee chairman gave a play-by-play of the conversation that occurred between him and the unidentified man.
“What’s your problem?” the man asked, according to LaFaro.
“I don’t have a problem,” LaFaro said.

LaFaro kept watching him. At one point, he advised the man: “One of your ballots isn’t sealed.”“Stop watching me,” the man reportedly demanded. “You’re annoying me.”
“It’s none of your business,” the man then reportedly said. “What’s your name?”
LaFaro told him his name and that he is the county Republican Committee chairman. He asked the man’s name.
“Go fuck yourself!” the man allegedly replied. “I don’t have to tell you who I am.”
There was some drama over that unsealed ballot.
At a later point, LaFaro claims, the man said, “Go fuck yourself, gringo.”
He described the video as the final result of a process he called a “ballot harvest” by a progressive operative.
“What is captured on the tape demonstrates the end result of what we believe to be vote fraud,” he told TheDC.
“This is a smoking gun that ballot harvesting actually does happen.”
Give the man credit. At least he waited until the election was underway to stuff the ballots in.

‘Bias on Steroids’: This AP Headline Explains Why So Many Complain About Media Coverage of Israel |

‘Bias on Steroids’: This AP Headline Explains Why So Many Complain About Media Coverage of Israel |

"A 3-month-old baby girl was killed Wednesday when a car driven by a Palestinian man slammed into a group of bystanders at a Jerusalem light rail station, but the early headline of an Associated Press story on the incident drew criticism from pro-Israel media watchdogs who called it a perfect example of media bias against the Jewish state."

State continues sponsorship of Pure Michigan 400

State continues sponsorship of Pure Michigan 400 | Crain's Detroit Business:
"The state will continue to be a title sponsor at the Michigan International Speedway, with a commitment to label the August NASCAR race the Pure Michigan 400 for the next three years.
Track President Roger Curtis, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Michigan Economic Development Corp. President and CEO Michael Finney made the announcement Tuesday in Lansing.
Curtis said the past four-year deal with the state and the Pure Michigan brand has been a “love affair.”
“It stands for something different than just a true sponsorship,” Curtis said.
“It stands for an ideal. It stands for all of us.
It’s our home.”
The sponsorship will cost $700,000 for the first year, Finney said.
That money will come out of the $29 million Pure Michigan budget that lawmakers allocated this year.

Mark Dantonio MSU "Pride Comes Before The Fall"

Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"

History for October 24

History for October 24 -
Sarah J. Hale 1788 - She wrote the poem "Mary Had A Little Lamb.", Moss Hart 1904, J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) 1930 

Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones) 1936, F. Murray Abraham 1939, Kevin Kline 1947 

1632 - Scientist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, Holland. He created the first microscope lenses that were powerful enough to observe single-celled animals. 

1795 - The country of Poland was divided up between Austria, Prussia, and Russia. 

1929 - In the U.S., investors dumped more than 13 million shares on the stock market. The day is known as "Black Thursday." 

1945 - The United Nations (UN) was formally established less than a month after the end of World War II. The Charter was ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories. 

1948 - The term "cold war" was used for the first time. It was in a speech by Bernard Baruch before the Senate War Investigating Committee. 

1969 - Richard Burton bought his wife Elizabeth Taylor a 69-carat Cartier diamond ring for $1.5 million. Burton presented the ring to Taylor several days later. 

2001 - The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that gave police the power to secretly search homes, tap all of a person's telephone conversation and track people's use of the Internet. 

2003 - In London, the last commercial supersonic Concorde flight landed.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

VIDEO: Martin Luther King’s Niece: ‘God Appointed Jesus of Nazareth, Not Al Sharpton’

VIDEO: Martin Luther King’s Niece: ‘God Appointed Jesus of Nazareth, Not Al Sharpton’:

"During the last seven years, the African-American unemployment rate is a “shame and a disgrace,” Dr. King told Cavuto.

When Cavuto asked why blacks continue to vote Democrat in spite of the worse economic conditions they’ve suffered under during the Obama presidency, Dr. King said that, “People have not really been educated. They do not understand that voting for the color of someone’s skin has not repaired the problems.”

10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know

Read 'em all and be informed!
10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know | The Daily Sheeple
#1 The level of trust in the U.S. news media is at an all-time low.
#2 The news media is far more liberal than the American people.
#3 Fox News is not nearly as “conservative” as you think that it is.
#4 MSNBC is in a death spiral.

Liberals are more likely to unfriend you over politics — online and off

Liberals are more likely to unfriend you over politics — online and off - The Washington Post:

(Pew Research)"Consistent liberals were the most likely group to block or unfriend someone because they disagreed with their political postings, with 44 percent saying they had "hidden, blocked, defriended, or stopped following someone" on Facebook due to their political postings."

Mind The POS Machine Plunge: NCR’s Weak Results Reflect 4,000 Store Closings YTD

Mind The POS (Point Of Sale) Machine Plunge: NCR’s Weak Results Reflect 4,000 Store Closings YTD | David Stockman's Contra Corner:
NCR, a thermometer into the retail industry beyond the latest sales statistics, has noticed that brick-and-mortar retailers are cutting back. 
And they’re not just cutting back buying point-of-sale devices; they’re cutting back, period. “Ongoing retail consolidation,” Nuti called it. 
And some are using bankruptcy courts to do it.
These structural problems in the brick-and-mortar retail industry include Sears Holding with its moribund Sears and Kmart stores.
They excel only in two things: shrinking sales and losing money.
This year, the company promised to close 300 Sears stores and 80 Kmart stores. Some of us wonder why anyone is still buying there.
A week ago, discount retailer Alco, with 198 stores in 23 states, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 
In September, after never-ending and wild speculations that electronics retailer Radio Shack might also head into bankruptcy, the company suddenly supported these wild speculations in an SEC filing:

Beck Says This Is How Democrats Are Setting the Stage for ‘Another Historic Moment’ in America | Video |

Beck Says This Is How Democrats Are Setting the Stage for ‘Another Historic Moment’ in America | Video |

"Democrats had to create a “historic” moment where “America could finally say it’s not racist” by electing President Barack Obama. Now they need to create a new “historic” moment by making it seem like America is a sexist country, and electing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the way to defeat the sexism."