Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Scientist ruthlessly debunks NOAA climate claim

Scientist ruthlessly debunks NOAA climate claim:
In face of intense criticism from alarmist scientists, Dr. John Christy went to great lengths in a Tuesday congressional hearing to detail why satellite-derived temperatures are much more reliable indicators of warming than surface thermometers.
“That’s where the real mass of the climate system exists in terms of the atmosphere,” Christy, a climate scientist at the University of Alabama and Alabama’s state climatologist, said in a Wednesday hearing before the House science committee.
“When a theory contradicts the facts” you need to change the theory, Christy said.
The real world is not going along with rapid warming. The models need to go back to the drawing board.”
“One of my many climate interests is the way surface temperatures are measured and how surface temperatures, especially over land, are affected by their surroundings,” Christy wrote in his prepared testimony.
The study found most of NOAA’s 1,218 thermometers were sited near artificial surfaces and heat sources like concrete, asphalt, and air conditioner exhausts that were causing more warming to show in the U.S. temperature record than was present at weather stations that were well-sited.
...“I closely examined individual stations in different regions and have come to the conclusion that the magnitude of the relatively small signal we seek in human-induced climate change is easily convoluted by the growth of infrastructure around the thermometer stations and the variety of changes these stations undergo through time, as well as the variability of the natural ups and downs of climate,” Christy noted in his testimony.
...But that’s why Christy argues satellite-derived temperatures are a better way to look at how greenhouse gases are impacting the Earth’s climate.
“The bulk atmospheric temperature is where the signal is the largest,” Christy said in the hearing, referring to the greenhouse gas effect. “We have measurements for that — it doesn’t match up with the models.”
Satellite-derived temperatures have come under fire recently by scientists more alarmist about global warming than Christy, but the Alabama climatologist addressed those criticisms.
“Because this result challenges the current theory of greenhouse warming in relatively straightforward fashion, there have been several well-funded attacks on those of us who build and use such datasets and on the datasets themselves,” Christy said.
Climate models for the bulk atmosphere (where satellites measure temperature) show 2.5 times as much warming as has been observed by satellites and weather balloons.
“It is a bold strategy in my view to actively promote the output of theoretical climate models while attacking the multiple lines of evidence from observations,” Christy wrote.
“Note that none of the observational datasets are perfect and continued scrutiny is healthy, but when multiple, independent groups generate the datasets and then when the results for two completely independent systems (balloons and satellites) agree closely with each other and disagree with the model output, one is left scratching one’s head at the decision to launch an offensive against the data.”

Government Now FORCING Health Insurance To Cover Transgender Surgeries...

Government Now FORCING Health Insurance To Cover Transgender Surgeries... » Louder With Crowder:
Have you been wanting a new nose?
Face lift?
Just waltz into the courts and threaten to kill yourself if you don’t get it.
Apparently all that you need to qualify is mental instability.
And if at first you don’t succeed, just sue until you get the answer you want.
It worked for this transgender woman.
A U.S. government panel has ruled that a privately run Medicare plan must cover sex reassignment surgery for a Texas transgender woman, a decision her attorney said was the first of its kind.
Nano the cat-woman must be excited that it’s only a matter of time before she can get her species reassignment surgery for free too.
Until May 2014, Medicare excluded all sex reassignment surgery.
Since that ban was lifted, coverage decisions for surgery and other transgender health services under Medicare have been made on a case-by-case basis.
It must be tough deciphering who really needs to get new genitals.
Maybe the courts have a cross dressing face-off to decide who’s tranny enough.
According to Young, many transgender patients have been unable to get coverage for sex reassignment surgery because insurers or contractors hired by Medicare to make such determinations have decided the procedure is cosmetic, or not medically necessary, among other reasons.
But it is cosmetic.
The whole transgender “struggle” is centered on not looking the way you want to.
There’s no reason why switching your girl parts into boy parts is medically necessary.
Having a fake penis is never going to be critical to someone’s health.
And unless the Christmas special includes a magical change in your DNA, it’ll never physically make a woman into a man.
Leftists have decided reality is optional, which is nothing new.
But the issue here is that repercussions of leftist ideology include government mandated social approval (Read: In NYC, Using Biological Pronouns Is Illegal). “Advancements” like this court case only serve to spur on a movement that subjects everyone to an unfounded idea. If you don’t adhere to the new, very specific set of social do’s and dont’s, you’re just not open-minded enough. You must be silenced.
Think I’m crazy?
Just watch the video below.
No, it’s not a joke.

Louis DeBroux: This Is YUGE!

Louis DeBroux: This Is YUGE! — The Patriot Post:
Last night’s losers:
Donald Trump — with 76% of Iowans voting for someone other than Trump after months of nonstop media coverage, his aura of invincibility has been damaged, and if he doesn’t get a decisive win in New Hampshire, that will only get worse. Trump’s popularity stems, in large part, from his image as a take-no-prisoners winner. Without the consistently conservative (or even moderate) background of Cruz and Rubio, and now without a decisive win when it was expected, Trump risks becoming just another blustery blowhard, the GOP’s version of Howard “The Scream” Dean.
The GOP Establishment — they’re throwing everything they have at Cruz, and he is gaining momentum. Is there anything right now that can do more to raise a candidate’s stock among the base than to be hated by the party’s leadership and establishment?...
Hillary Clinton — she narrowly beat out socialist Bernie Sanders, although that came after six precincts were tied and decided by a coin tossall of which went to Hillary. Sanders is likely to win New Hampshire, putting the Crown Princess of Progressivism in a very uncomfortable position. But she will still likely win the Democrat nomination because it’s hard to see how the DNC allows a kook like Sanders, who is not even officially a Democrat, to take Hillary’s rightful place as the standard-bearer of their party.

REVEALED: The Sinister Cost Of Obama's Presidency Just Came Out, And It's Not Pretty

REVEALED: The Sinister Cost Of Obama's Presidency Just Came Out, And It's Not Pretty:

"The record GOP turnout in Monday’s caucuses in Iowa is a clear sign of the enthusiasm with which Republicans are approaching the 2016 presidential election. GOP voters have an unmistakable sense of the need to keep another Democrat far away from the Oval Office — an urgency underscored by a new study just released on the threat to the American dream under Barack Obama’s leadership.

While Obama has repeatedly touted his economic record during his tenure as president, a survey measuring countries on their level of economic liberty shows that America’s score has once again tumbled."

Whoa… Doctor Links ADHD Diagnoses to Poor Parenting

Whoa… Doctor Links ADHD Diagnoses to Poor Parenting | Intellectual Takeout:
Startling comments which go against conventional parenting tips.

Dr. Leonard Sax has been making waves lately with his latest book, The Collapse of Parenting
The book’s basic premise is that American parents have failed to realize that they are their child’s authority, not their friend. 
In an interview with NPR over the weekend, Dr. Sax again made some startling comments that go against conventional wisdom in today’s parenting, particularly in the realm of hyperactivity and anxiety disorders such as ADHD.
Although Dr. Sax believes that there are legitimate cases of ADHD, he also believes there are a number of false diagnoses. 
These diagnoses stem from:
  1. Lack of respect for parents and over-reliance on friends.
  2. Overindulgent parents who fail to establish appropriate limitations.
Dr. Sax explains further:
“So many kids today care so much more about the opinions of other kids than they do about their parents'. And that's really harmful because the regard of your peers, if you're an 8-year-old or 14-year-old, that can change overnight. So if you're concerned first and foremost about what your peers think, you're gonna be anxious. And we've seen a 400 percent explosion in anxiety among American kids in the United States over the last 30 years. An American kid in the United States is now 14 times more likely to be on medication for ADD compared to a kid in the United Kingdom.
Here's a typical story: This boy tells his parents that he's having trouble concentrating and focusing and they take him to a board-certified child psychiatrist. And the child psychiatrist says, ‘Ah, sounds like maybe ADHD, let's try Adderall or Vyvanse and see if it helps.’ And oh my gosh, what a difference — medication helps enormously. The child, the teacher, the parent and even the prescribing physician saying, ‘Hey this medication was prescribed for ADD, it's clearly been helpful, therefore this kid must have ADD.’ But he doesn't.
The parents bring him to me for a second opinion and I ask some questions like, ‘What do you do in the evening?’ and the parents have no idea, he's in his bedroom with the door closed so his parents don't know what's going on and they think he's asleep but he's not. He's staying up 'til 1 or 2 in the morning playing video games night after night. He's sleep-deprived. And if you're sleep-deprived you're not gonna be able to pay attention and all the standard questionnaires, Conners Scales, etc. cannot distinguish whether you're not paying attention because you're sleep-deprived or because you truly have ADD.”
Based on Dr. Sax’s comments and observations, is it possible that we could reduce the prevalence of ADHD if more parents returned to good ol’ fashioned, common-sense parenting?"

AM Fruitcake

Cartoons: Gary Varvel for February 1, 2016

History for February 3

History for February 3 -
Norman Rockwell 1894, Pretty Boy Floyd (Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd) 1904 - Bank robber, James A. Michener 1907 

Blythe Danner 1943, Morgan Fairchild 1950, Nathan Lane 1956 

1815 - The world's first commercial cheese factory was established in Switzerland. 

1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It authorized the power to impose and collect income tax. 

1941 - In Vichy, France, the Nazis used force to restore Pierre Laval to office. 

1951 - Dick Button won the U.S. figure skating title for the sixth time. 

1966 - The first rocket-assisted controlled landing on the Moon was made by the Soviet space vehicle Luna IX

1969 - At the Palestinian National Congress in Cairo, Yasser Arafat was appointed leader of the PLO. 

1998 - Texas executed Karla Faye Tucker. She was the first woman executed in the U.S. since 1984. 

2009 - Eric Holder was sworn in as attorney general. He was the first African-American to hold the post. 

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

National Debt Surpasses $19 Trillion for First Time in U.S. History |

National Debt Surpasses $19 Trillion for First Time in U.S. History |

"For the first time ever, the United States’ national debt surpassed $19 trillion, coming in at approximately $19.012 trillion Friday.

After $18 trillion on Dec. 15, 2014, it took a 13 months for the debt to reach the new threshold, which is a slightly quicker climb in debt from years passed. It took about 14 months for the debt to reach $16, $17 and $18 trillion."

Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming

Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming | The Daily Caller
As Iowans prepare to vote for presidential candidates, a new poll has surfaced showing once again the vast majority of Americans don’t rank global warming as the most serious issue facing the country.
A YouGov poll of 18,000 people in 17 countries found only 9.2 percent of Americans rank global warming as their biggest concern.
Only Saudi Arabians were less concerned about global warming at 5.7 percent. 
The biggest concern for Americans was global terrorism — 28 percent of Americans polled listed this as their top issue.
Despite a big PR push by President Barack Obama to tout his administration’s global warming agenda, most Americans have been unconvinced it’s the country’s most pressing issue.
A Fox News poll from November found only 3 percent of Americans list global warming as their top concern.
The Fox poll came out just before Obama met other world leaders in Paris to kick off another round of negotiations for an international treaty to cut carbon dioxide emissions..."

Chicago records 51 homicides in January, highest toll since 2000

Chicago records 51 homicides in January, highest toll since 2000:
"CHICAGO — The nation's third largest city recorded 51 homicides in January, the highest toll for the month since at least 2000.
Gang conflicts and retaliatory violence drove the "unacceptable" increase in homicides, the police department said in a statement.
But the rise in violence also notably comes as the Chicago Police Department faces increased scrutiny following the court-ordered release of a police video showing a white police officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times, and as the department implements changes in how it monitors street stops by officers.
Chicago routinely records more homicides annually than any other American city, but the grim January violence toll marks a shocking spike in violence in a city that recorded 29 murders for the month of January last year and 20 murders for the month in 2014.
In addition to the jump in killings, police department said that it recorded 241 shooting incidents for the month, more than double the 119 incidents recorded last January.
The rise in violence comes after the Chicago Police Department reported 468 murders in 2015, a 12.5% increase from the year before.
There were also 2,900 shootings, 13% more than the year prior, according to police department records..."

Another Top Islamic State Leader Reportedly Killed as Terrorists Live in Fear of Mystery Sniper Known as the ‘Daesh Hunter’ |

Another Top Islamic State Leader Reportedly Killed as Terrorists Live in Fear of Mystery Sniper Known as the ‘Daesh Hunter’ |

"Reports of a mysterious sniper taking out Islamic State leaders gained national attention over the weekend. As of Monday, another prominent Islamic State recruiter has reportedly been killed."

What passes for microaggressions at Columbia: White male professors, 'stressful situations'

What passes for microaggressions at Columbia: White male professors, 'stressful situations' - The College Fix:
A conversation with a self-described queer, multiracial, mentally ill sexual-assault survivor
As she describes herself, Avegail Muñoz is facing a stacked deck. The Columbia University student is a “queer, multiracial woman of color” as well as a “low-income, first-generation student.” 
She suffers from “multiple mental illnesses” and is a “survival of sexual assault.”
And she’s mad that people are telling her to stop being so politically correct, as Muñoz wrote in an op-ed for the Columbia Daily Spectator last month.
Muñoz made several troubling allegations about how Columbia treats students like her, so I reached out to her on Facebook for more details about her experiences. 
In the end, she provided only three examples of attacks on students like herself: vandalism of a pro-transgender bulletin board, too many white professors and the stress of college.
While admitting that she is “privileged” to be attending a school of Columbia’s caliber, Muñoz wrote that the university is not the bastion of “inclusivity” that it claims to be. 
Students with “marginalized identities” are constantly told by the larger culture that they are “nitpicking” and being “too politically correct” when they complain about the microaggressions directed at them, she wrote, citing a microaggression-mocking column inThe Guardian..."
Read on and think twice about hiring an Ivy League grad.

The Most Popular Liberal/Socialist Meme on the Internet Just got DESTROYED...

The Most Popular Liberal/Socialist Meme on the Internet Just got DESTROYED...:
There’s been a meme about Denmark and it’s “free education and healthcare” system that’s been making waves across the Internet, touted by liberal socialists who lack a fundamental understanding of basic economics.
Here’s the meme in question via The Federalist Papers:
Well, I hate to burst the bubble here — actually I rather enjoy it — but the facts and statistics pretty much rip this bad boy to itty-bitty pieces.
I mean, come on guys, you didn’t actually think this stuff was going to be “free” did you?
Denmark has some of the highest, if not THE highest, taxes in the world. On top of having extremely high income taxes they also have a 25% sales tax.
So all the ‘free stuff’ they are talking about in the meme, isn’t actually free. The people who actually work (it’s a huge welfare state as well) are the ones paying for everything. Imagine working most of the week to pay for government programs, getting your pay check to realize they took more than HALF of YOUR hard-earned income to redistribute elsewhere?
Here’s a little more from Business Insider:
No tuition fees and generous grants give young Danes an opportunity that would make most green with envy — a university education without a massive debt yoke.
But many, in both industry and politics, feel it’s become a free lunch that’s giving indigestion to Scandinavia’s already weakest economy.
Too many pursue “fulfilment” and too few the science and engineering degrees needed in well-paid growth sectors critical for the nation’s future, they say.
With one of the highest tax rates in the world — at 56 percent for top earners — big salaries mean mostly bigger taxes to sustain the welfare state. Many young Danes just don’t see the point of putting in years of effort into studying for a bigger salary eaten up by taxes.
You see, Mr. Socialist College Student? There’s no such thing as a “free lunch.” Someone, somewhere is paying for your education, sweating and working hard for you to get ahead.
Someone is sticking their hands in the pockets of citizens and stealing their private property — money — all so you can get a free checkup and a college degree.
If liberals were really concerned with income inequality, they’d stop taxing people to death to provide ridiculously expensive welfare programs that zap a person’s initiative to govern themselves.
You want a college education? Work for it."

Lunch video-----DC Matic: The Hillary-Approved Email Server!


Obama's Paris Global Warming Treaty Will Cost $12.1 Trillion

Obama's Paris Global Warming Treaty Will Cost $12.1 Trillion | The Daily Caller
The United Nations Paris agreement to stop dangerous global warming could cost $12.1 trillion over the next 25 years, according to calculations performed by environmental activists.
“The required expenditure averages about $484 billion a year over the period,” calculated Bloomberg New Energy Finance with the assistance of the environmentalist nonprofit Ceres.
That’s almost as much money the U.S. federal government spent on defense in 2015, according to 2015 spending numbers from the bipartisan Committee For Responsible Federal Budget.
The required annual spending is almost 3.7 times more than the $131.57 billion China spent on its military in 2014.
Bloomberg’s estimates are likely low, as they exclude costly energy efficiency measures. 
The amount spent to meet global carbon dioxide emissions reduction goals could be as high as $16.5 trillion between now and 2030, when energy efficiency measures are included, according to projections from the  International Energy Agency.
To put these numbers in perspective, the U.S. government is just under $19 trillion in debt and only produced $17.4 trillion in gross domestic product in 2014.
American taxpayers spend an average of $39 billion a year financially supporting solar energy, according to a report by the Taxpayer Protection Alliance.
The same report shows President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package contained $51 billion in spending for green energy projects, including funding for failed solar energy companies such as Solyndra and Abound Solar.
Solyndra was given a $535 million loan guarantee by the Obama administration before filing for bankruptcy in 2011. Abound Solar got a $400 million federal loan guarantee, but filed for bankruptcy in 2012 after making faulty panels that routinely caught fire.
Despite relatively high levels of taxpayer support, in 2014 solar and wind power accounted for only 0.4 and 4.4 percent of electricity generated in the U.S., respectively, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Ironically, solar and wind power have not done much to reduce America’s carbon dioxide emissions. Studies show solar power is responsible for one percent of the decline in U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions, while natural gas is responsible for almost 20 percent.
For every ton of carbon dioxide cut by solar power, hydraulic fracturing for natural gas cut 13 tons..."

Why Did the World’s Greatest Chef Just Kill Himself?

Why Did the World’s Greatest Chef Just Kill Himself? - The Daily Beast

By all appearances, Benoît Violier, at 44, was on top of his profession and on top of the world. And then he pulled the trigger.
NICE, France — Why kill yourself with a shotgun one month after you’re voted the best chef in the world?
That’s the mystery that’s taken hold around the famed Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville in the picturesque Swiss village of Cressier, where 44-year-old chef Benoît Violier apparently committed suicide at home on Sunday.
He loved hunting and published just last year a book on cooking “feathered game.” (The prestigious daily Le Monde waxed ecstatic over his snow partridge in a wine reduction with tiny Roscoff onions.) The gun that he appears to have used to kill himself reportedly was one of those he used for game. 
Swiss police have opened an investigation into the case.
Violier’s restaurant was named the best out of 1,000 restaurants in 48 countries in December by France’s La Liste. Such was the prestige surrounding the award, it was presented at the French foreign ministry.
The chef was in the prime of his life. Handsome, charismatic, said to be calmer in temperament than most world-class cooks, he was married to a beautiful woman, Brigitte, who left her job in cosmetics to work at his side at their highly sought after, three-star restaurant near Lausanne that was normally booked up four months in advance. The couple had a 12-year-old son and an equally photogenic dog, Mac Queen.
So why did the French-born Violier, who achieved what most would consider the pinnacle of professional and personal success in this world, apparently take a gun and shoot himself on Sunday, blowing to bits a self-made universe that was the envy of all who knew him?
So far, no one has any idea. ”Late in the afternoon, police went to Cressier where they discovered at his home the body of Mr. Benoît Violier,” Swiss police said in a cryptic statement.
Violier, who obtained Swiss citizenship two years ago, had been expected in Paris on Monday for the unveiling of the latest Michelin guide where, as expected, his restaurant retained its three stars, or, as the French call them, its three macarons.
Even when he talked about his childhood, Violier gave no hint of unhappiness. In an interview with the Swiss website Illustre in September 2015, Violiet described his idyllic upbringing near the seaside city of La Rochelle in France, and how his mother encouraged her kids to stay away from the TV and enjoy nature. Violiet didn't even take his first train ride until he was 17..."

Re-post: Refugees bring poverty to Minnesota

Re-post: Refugees bring poverty to Minnesota « Refugee Resettlement Watch
...From May 2014:
Not too many words are necessary, the numbers say it all!
When Congress first debated the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 (Senators Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden were key sponsors), the debate centered around the admonition that we should not be importing MORE poverty to America.  Doesn’t take a genius to know that we are, but here is a handy graph of poverty rates among the foreign-born for Minnesota.
Be sure to note that 12% of all Minnesotans are below the poverty line.
So much for the idea being peddled everywhere that immigrants bring economic boom times where ever they go!  More like Cloward and Piven.
Highest poverty rates for MN immigrants: 2 in 3 Somali, 1 in 3 Hmong, 1 in 3 Mexican
By the way, we don’t bring refugees from China, India or Korea (some asylees but not direct resettlement).

New news!  Things continue to be hot in St. Cloud one of the primary resettlement sites for Somalis in Minnesota, go here to theMinneapolis Star Tribune about the latest from this past weekend.

And this! Minnesota needs $$$ to keep next generation of Somali youths from joining ISIS.
So remind me again!  What did we get out of this deal?

Want to know why voters are so mad? Mia Love has the answer

Want to know why voters are so mad? Mia Love has the answer: Glenn Reynolds:
We’ve seen it over and over: Congress passes huge bills, like Obamacare or the recent omnibus spending bill, that contain hundreds of provisions, and occupy thousands of pages — or tens of thousands if you include the ensuing pages of regulations.
These bills are so long that literally no one has read the whole thing.
They’re not so much bills, really, as Christmas trees on which lobbyists and legislators hang their goodies.
A bill that’s so long that nobody can read it is, naturally, pretty likely to escape scrutiny.
With thousands of pages and hundreds or thousands of provisions in the bill, what’s the chance that any particular provision will be noticed or criticized?
And even if a few provisions are criticized, when they’re tied to a bill that rewards literally hundreds of constituencies, there’s not much chance they’ll be shot down.
Legislators, and special interests, have a vested interest in sticking together and being sure that the whole bill passes. 
Individually, most of these lousy provisions wouldn’t pass, but when banded together for mutual protection they can.
The result is something that doesn’t look much like the legislative process as we teach it in school. There aren’t hearings on each provision, there isn’t a lot of public debate, and there’s essentially no back-and-forth.
Often, most of the provisions are written by lobbyists and inserted by tame members of Congress. The public isn’t really represented at all. 
That’s not an accident — it’s by design.
Enter Congresswoman Mia Love, a Republican from Utah. She wants to introduce a “single subject rule” to federal legislation.
Says Love, as quoted by the Deseret News: "Members of both parties have made a habit of passing complex, thousand-page bills without hearings, amendments or debate. ... That process and the collusion that goes with it are why we are $18 trillion in debt and why the American people have lost trust in elected officials."
Make the legislative process more transparent to the public
Importantly, the bill also provides for judicial review, allowing a court to strike legislation that doesn’t comply. And, in keeping with Love’s philosophy, the bill is just over three pages long.
Her bill, H.R. 4335, would do the following according to Love's congressional website:
  • Require that each bill enacted by Congress be limited to only one subject;
  • End the practice of attaching controversial legislation to unrelated, must-pass bills;
  • Require the subject of a bill to be clearly state in its title;
  • Make void in appropriations bills, general legislation that does not pertain to the underlying (appropriations) bill;
  • Make the legislative process more transparent to the public
Importantly, the bill also provides for judicial review, allowing a court to strike legislation that doesn’t comply. 
And, in keeping with Love’s philosophy, the bill is just over three pages long...."

Obama Just Got ROCKED By U.S. Air Force's HUGE Announcement ⋆ US Herald

Obama Just Got ROCKED By U.S. Air Force's HUGE Announcement ⋆ US Herald:

"Translation: Terrorist attacks won’t be happening on Air Force facilities.

Why? They will be armed. No more, will there be a Chattanooga, Tennessee type of attack. It turns out that when the non-lunatic, non-criminal, non-terrorist folks have a firearm on them, there is a greater likelihood that mass casualty won’t be the outcome when an attack takes place."