Sunday, February 05, 2017

SCHUMER 2015: Refugee 'pause may be necessary'

SCHUMER 2015: Refugee 'pause may be necessary' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror
"New York Sen. Chuck Schumer thought a “pause” in accepting refugees “may be necessary” in 2015 when Barack Obama was president.
But a temporary ban ordered by President Donald Trump in 2017 — barely one year later — literally has him in tears.
Numbers USA dug up some old audio of Schumer telling reporters that a “pause” in taking in refugees “may be necessary.” Listen:
This is a far different reaction than one he delivered on Sunday.
“This executive order was mean-spirited and un-American,” Schumer declared while surrounded by children.
Choking back tears, Schumer said, “I, as your senator from New York, will claw, scrap and fight with every fiber of my being until these orders are overturned,” adding, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”...

"There are 300 'Sanctuary Cities' protecting criminal illegal aliens!"

"There are 300 'Sanctuary Cities' protecting criminal illegal aliens!"
No automatic alt text available.

Time for Deplorables to Boycott Hollywood - Jeff Crouere

Time for Deplorables to Boycott Hollywood - Jeff Crouere:

"During the presidential campaign, several dozen brainless Hollywood stars were so upset at Donald Trump that they promised to leave the country if he won. Well we are still waiting for them to do everyone a favor and exit stage left. Of course, they lied and continue to pollute the airwaves here in America."

Trump Files Early With FEC For 2020 Candidacy, Outmaneuvers Nonprofits

Trump Files Early With FEC For 2020 Candidacy, Outmaneuvers Nonprofits | Zero Hedge
"A document from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) indicates that Donald Trump took steps last week to outmaneuver nonprofit organizations, leaving them unable to officially campaign against him over the next few years of his Presidency.
Image result for trump smugFiled on January 20th, 2017, the letter states that, while not an official announcement for reelection, Donald Trump has filed an FEC Form 2 in order to "ensure compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act." 
This is an unprecedented, although legal, move for the President to make. Barack Obama did not file for his 2012 re-election bid until April 2011. 
Having filed (even if not formally announcing a bid) as a candidate, Trump would be able to coordinate with PACs and other similar organizations.
More importantly, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations would no longer be able to engage in "political speech" which could theoretically affect the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election without running the risk of losing their nonprofit status. 
The move effectively bars interest groups from creating nonprofits which they could funnel money into for the purposes of opposing Trump's initiatives. 
This will likely create chaos for political opponents of Trump such as George Soros, who has sunk significant amounts of money into various nonprofit groups with the intent of opposing Trump's government. .."

University of Chicago to offer 'Intro to Rope Bondage'

University of Chicago to offer 'Intro to Rope Bondage' - The College Fix:
"University of Chicago’s annual Sex Week is in full swing, with the seven-day extravaganza including an “Introduction to Rope Bondage” class and a “Taste of Kink” workshop.
Image result for your tax dollars at workThe two X-rated events, slated for Sunday, are only for students 18 and older, and the kink course even includes a trigger warning: “implied violence, knives, electricity, blood mentions, cutting mentions,” the agenda for the kink workshop states.
The intro to rope bondage class invites students “curious about tying people up” to come learn more, while the kink workshop will allow students to explore “violet wands, wax, paddles” and more items, the agenda states.
The two workshops are among 20 different events that make up “Sex Week,” which runs Jan. 30 through Feb. 5.
Other events include: “Dirty Talk and Fantasy,” “Sex and Pain: From Ow to Wow,” “Writing and Editing Sex,” “Masculinity in Iran,” “Bible Thumping” and “A Consumer’s Guide to Sex Toys.”..."

Lunch video---Ban on Muslim immigration?


Let’s hope the loony left keeps exposing itself

Let’s hope the loony left keeps exposing itself:

"The entire liberal establishment – from the cultural crybabies to the lefty campus snowflakes to the mainstream media to the leading Democratic politicians – is having a nervous breakdown, and it is ugly and self-defeating.

These bullies have been doing for years what they’re now falsely accusing Trump and the Republicans of doing. They are the ones who try to suppress speech, who act lawlessly and tyrannically, who undermine the democratic process, who breach the peace and who disrupt our domestic tranquility.

I remember talking to some college students in liberal la-la land after the election who were swallowing the liberals’ scaremongering narrative that America was on the verge of becoming a police state."



"I am not an expert on Hitler.
But my father is.
He toured post-war Germany extensively in 1957 and ’58 as a child performer. And he often recounts the stories.
He befriended teenage Lebensborn children (if you don’t know what Lebensborn children are …well …before you post anymore about Hitler you should read about them). 
cv3yl2pueaaht1qHe visited an SS widow and got a peek at her husband’s uniform and Luger (that he’d committed suicide with), she had stored in an old trunk, in the attic.
These and other intense experiences in Germany sent my father on a life-long quest to understand this sociopath (Hitler) and the country that allowed itself to be dragged into one of the darkest chapters in world history. 
My dad is a Hitler/Nazi buff the way Indiana Jones’ dad was a Holy Grail buff.
...But the truth about Nazis isn’t funny at all. It’s bloody and horrible and gut churning.
And it involves machine guns and butchery and inhumanity on a scale that takes your breath away. 
Nobody is really a “soup Nazi” …unless they served it in a concentration camp.
The idea of comparing an American president to Hitler is just as absurd …from any angle, in any context.
The American system ITSELF pretty much prevents “Hitlers” from showing up. 
And America ITSELF is anathema to what Hitler was trying to create. 
An American ANYTHING or ANYONE is hard to fit into the Hitler model. It’s just not apples to apples.
There are some fundamental things to understand about Hitler:
1. He took over a small, failing state that didn’t have separated government, enumerated powers or checks and balances. It’s difficult for a guy like that to show up here, in this system.
2. His entire political career was violent from the beginning. There was always death in his wake. He didn’t just suddenly “turn” violent. It was a pattern …as it always is with sociopaths. This is THE most important thing to watch; the violence. I always keep an eye on who is rioting …breaking things …throwing rocks and bombs. It doesn’t make them Nazis. But it signals how far they’re willing to go.
3. He entered office with his own personal military construct (the SS) with allegiance to him ONLY. They would carry out things the regular military would never carry out: i.e. the murder of private citizens and political opponents. Nothing like that exists or COULD exist in America. We simply wouldn’t allow it.
4. He didn’t start out just killing Jews. He started out euthanizing people with special needs …for the betterment of the care-givers’ lives. (You can decide which side of the aisle favors the extermination of “inconvenient” people).
5. He disarmed the population, then nationalized healthcare and education. (Two-out-of-three of those are Bernie Sanders moves …But, guess what? Bernie isn’t Hitler either …not by a long shot)
The list goes on and on.
But the deal is this:
Hitler was a real life murdering sociopath. 
He wasn’t just a charismatic speaker who incrementally fell into bad behavior. 
He wasn’t just a racist corrupted by unfettered power. In other words, you or I probably couldn’t end up being Hitler.
A garden variety KKK leader probably couldn’t end up being Hitler either …or a community organizer …or a New York real-estate tycoon.
It’s not that easy or simple.
NONE of our American presidents have ever been Hitler. 
But the people of Germany certainly thought FDR was a murdering dictator when B-17s started dropping bombs on them..."

Oregon man forced to destroy pond because water belongs to county

Oregon man forced to destroy pond because water belongs to county - Homestead Notes:
"In Oregon, Jackson County officials tell a local couple they must tear out a 40-year-old two-acre pond located on the property they bought two years ago.
pond-2-696x447This is the same county, that fined and imprisoned another landowner, Gary Harrington, for illegally collecting rainwater.
In this new case, the county says the water contained in the pond belongs to the Medford Water Commission, according to a 1925 state law.
According to the law, rainwater is not the right of a landowner.
Oregon man forced to destroy pond because water belongs to county…"
… Because the rain belongs to the overbearing government, because corporate greed claims water is not a human right, and because Americans are not entitled to do what they please on their private property…"

Study: Batteries for wind and solar do ‘more harm than good’ for environment

Study: Batteries for wind and solar do ‘more harm than good’ for environment:
"Trying to store green energy in a battery does more harm to the environment than good, according to a new study by the University of Texas Energy Institute.
Image result for Batteries for wind and solar do ‘more harm than good’ for environmentStoring solar energy in batteries for nighttime use actually increases both energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the study found.
Researchers concluded that homes which used battery storage ended up consuming between 8 percent and 14 percent more electricity than homes that didn’t.
“The researchers also found that adding storage indirectly increases overall emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide based on today’s Texas grid mix, which is primarily made up of fossil fuels,” reads a summary of the research.
“Because storage affects what time of day a household draws electricity from the grid, it also influences emissions in that way...”

Schumer Snubs Gorsuch, Makes Time for Radicals | LifeZette

Schumer Snubs Gorsuch, Makes Time for Radicals | LifeZette:

"The man who now claims to be concerned with preserving our democracy and protecting our fundamental rights has praised the Center for American-Islamic Relations, a thinly veiled Islamist group with apparent ties to Hamas."

Video: The 7 Most Devastating Things Mankind Could Discover

Video: The 7 Most Devastating Things Mankind Could Discover | The Daily Sheeple:
"Nuclear weapons, evolution, the fact that Earth is not the center of the universe – these are all things which, for one reason or another, shook up the way we perceived ourselves and our world.
This video from Strange Mysteries examines some possible future discoveries, including human immortality, super-bacteria strains, artificial intelligence becoming more advanced than people, and plants feeling pain.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

AM Fruitcake

History for February 5

Image result for charles de gaulle quotes algeria
History for February 5 -
Robert Peel 1788, John Boyd Dunlop 1840, Andre-Gustave Citroen 1878
Image result for Quotes John Boyd Dunlop

Henry "Hank" Aaron 1934, Barbara Hershey 1948, Christopher Guest 1948

1885 - Congo State was established under Leopold II of Belgium, as a personal possession.

1917 - Mexico's constitution was adopted.

1917 - The U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1917 (Asiatic Barred Zone Act) with an overwhelming majority. The action overrode President Woodrow Wilson's December 14, 1916 veto.

1952 - In New York City, four signs were installed at 44th Street and Broadway in Times Square that told pedestrians "don't walk."

1962 - French President Charles De Gaulle called for Algeria's independence.

1972 - Bob Douglas became the first black man elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA.

1988 - A pair of indictments were unsealed in Florida, accusing Panama's military leader, Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, of bribery and drug trafficking.

1997 - Investment bank Morgan Stanley announced a $10 billion merger with Dean Witter.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

WOW! AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK By These 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros »

WOW! AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK By These 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros »

"They’re all here. 187 groups being used to destroy America, thanks to funding by billionaire George Soros. Here are the groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to take down America:

There have been many articles written about George Soros and his collectivist activism. Soros is a business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author who is of Jewish-Hungarian ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. Discover the Networks has published a comprehensive list of organizations funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute."

Read Neil Gorsuch’s Epic Dissent in a Case Where a 13-Year-Old Was Arrested for Burping in School

Read Neil Gorsuch’s Epic Dissent in a Case Where a 13-Year-Old Was Arrested for Burping in School - Hit & Run :
"Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's pick to replace the late Associate Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, once dissented in a ridiculous 10th Circuit Court of Appeals case that involved the arrest of a 13-year-old for burping in school.
The majority upheld the school's decision to call the cops and have the teenager arrested for making fake burping noises while in gym class. Gorsuch, however, was not persuaded that the law permitted the state to intervene in such a trivial disciplinary matter.
Image result for Neil Gorsuch burping teenThe case was A.M. v. Holmes. According to The Washington Post's summary of the case, a seventh grader "generated several fake burps, which made the other students laugh and hampered class proceedings." The gym teacher called the school resource officer, who then arrested the teen. The teen's mother sued the officer and school officials on grounds that her son had been unlawfully arrested. The court sided with the school, but Gorsuch dissented:
"If a seventh grader starts trading fake burps for laughs in gym class, what's a teacher to do? Order extra laps? Detention? A trip to the principal's office? Maybe. But then again, maybe that's too old school. Maybe today you call a police officer. And maybe today the officer decides that, instead of just escorting the now compliant thirteen year old to the principal's office, an arrest would be a better idea. So out come the handcuffs and off goes the child to juvenile detention. My colleagues suggest the law permits exactly this option and they offer ninety-four pages explaining why they think that's so. Respectfully, I remain unpersuaded...
Often enough the law can be "a ass — a idiot," Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist 520 (Dodd, Mead & Co. 1941) (1838) — and there is little we judges can do about it, for it is (or should be) emphatically our job to apply, not rewrite, the law enacted by the people's representatives. Indeed, a judge who likes every result he reaches is very likely a bad judge, reaching for results he prefers rather than those the law compels. So it is I admire my colleagues today, for no doubt they reach a result they dislike but believe the law demands — and in that I see the best of our profession and much to admire. It's only that, in this particular case, I don't believe the law happens to be quite as much of a ass [sic] as they do. I respectfully dissent."
Read on! 

The Left’s Organized Jihad Against Trump And His Supporters

THE HILL: The Left’s Organized Jihad Against Trump And His Supporters
THE HILL: The Left’s Organized Jihad Against Trump And His Supporters:
"On Wednesday night, an Afghan-American software engineer and self-described “global geek girl” videotaped her friend Kiara Robles as a local TV reporter interviewed Robles about the raucous protests at University of California Berkeley that canceled a speech by controversial Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Robles wore the trademark red hat of the Trump presidential campaign, only with the message, “Make BitCoin Great Again,” her straight, long blond hair sweeping out from under the cap.

Suddenly, a masked attacker in a leather jacket lunged at Robles and doused her face in stinging pepper spray. “My friend was giving an interview when some coward peppersprayed her,” Robles’s friend wrote on Twitter, posting the video. She was maced, too. (She said the attacker was a woman.)

Alas, her friend’s attacker wasn’t just “some coward.” The attacker was emblematic of a new toxic movement that is acting like an insurgency in America: the new alt-left.

Image result for anti trump riots
For all of the important, albeit hyperbolic, conversations about “white supremacists” and the “alt-right,” we would be well served to confront the very real reality of a dangerous dynamic of liberals in an “honor brigade” who lash out aggressively at others with the false claim they are defending the “honor” of American values of tolerance, diversity and pluralism. For the self-confessed crime of my vote for Donald Trump,
 a liberal Georgetown University professor told me, “I’ve written you off as a human being,” and hurled insult after insult at me, including “F–k off. Go to hell,” and “Gloves off.”

For many, the protests at UC Berekely came out of the blue. The Socialist Alternative Bay Area, an organization of left-wing activists in the San Francisco Bay area, and the Berkeley Socialist Students had posted an innocuous Facebook “event,” inviting protesters to the campus Student Union to “unite against oppression” and “racists, Islamophobes and misogynists” who are “emboldened” by the “election of Donald Trump.”

“We have to shut them down,” the invitation read, ominously.

A Facebook user then shared the details with the hashtag #ShutDownMilo.

But, underscoring how social media is used not only by terrorists but by “social justice warriors” as well, the violent protests were long ago predicted."

Morale at Homeland Security has 'skyrocketed' under Trump | Washington Examiner

Morale at Homeland Security has 'skyrocketed' under Trump | Washington Examiner:

""a high-ranking Customs and Border Protection officer approached Kelly after [Tuesday's] press conference and said, 'Mr. Secretary, we haven't had anybody at your level say a kind word about our officers for more than five years.'"

"They're all breathing a huge sigh of relief and realizing that now they can actually get to work and ... execute the oath that they took to this nation," the official said. "I'm convinced that morale has just skyrocketed in the last 10 days."

Low employee morale has plagued DHS since the Bush administration, but many claim it became exponentially worse during the Obama years when non-enforcement directives from the former president were common practice."

Report: Sanctuary Cities Received $27 Billion From Feds Each Year

Report: Sanctuary Cities Received $27 Billion From Feds Each Year:
"Sanctuary cities receive over $27 billion each year from the federal government, giving President Donald Trump significant leverage over cities such as New York and San Francisco to enforce immigration law, according to a new report.
Image result for Sanctuary cities identified 106 sanctuary cities in the United States in their oversight report, released Friday.
In all, cities that ignore federal law by harboring illegal immigrants are receiving $27.741 billion in grants and direct payments in fiscal year 2016.
Twenty-two percent of the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States live in just 12 American cities, according to the report.
Those cities, which include New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, received $15.983 billion in federal funds..."

ISIS amputate hands of boys in front of families in Mosul

ISIS have amputated the hands of two boys aged ten and 12 who refused to execute two civilians in front of their families in Mosul (file picture)
ISIS amputate hands of boys in front of families in Mosul | Daily Mail Online:
    ISIS amputate the hands of two boys aged ten and 12 who refused to execute two civilians in front of their families in Mosul
  • ISIS fanatics trained up a group of children from its stronghold in western Mosul
  • But two of them refused to carry out orders to execute civilians, it has emerged
  • The youngsters, aged ten and 12, were punished by having hands chopped off
ISIS have amputated the hands of two boys aged ten and 12 who refused to execute two civilians in front of their families in Mosul.
Fanatics trained up a group of children from its stronghold in western parts of the city to fight against advancing Iraqi troops.
But two of the youngsters refused to carry out the twisted demands of their terror bosses..."

Lunch video-----Liberalism is Terrorism


Ex-Obama Official Suggests 'Military Coup' Against Trump

Ex-Obama Official Suggests 'Military Coup' Against Trump:

"In a blog post for Foreign Policy magazine, Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official, outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump, including declaring him mentally unfit for command or carrying out a military coup.
Brooks is a Schwartz senior fellow at the New America Foundation, which is funded by billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. She served from 2009-2011 as Counselor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and served as a senior adviser at Obama’s State Department."

Quebec: The Crisis of the West

Quebec: The Crisis of the West:
  • Quebec, like the entire West, is facing an existential demographic and religious crisis.
  • Quebec's death spiral is explicitly linked with the calls for increased immigration. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who put an end to the military campaign against the Islamic State, just called on Muslim migrants to come to his country.
  • Resistance to Quebec's dramatic collapse of Christianity does not necessarily require a new embrace of an old Catholicism, but it certainly does need a sane rediscovery of what a Western democracy should be. That includes an appreciation of Western identity and Judeo-Christian values -- everything Trudeau's government and much of Europe apparently refuse to accept.
Welcome to Quebec, with its flavor of an old French province, with its beautiful landscapes, where streets are named after Catholic saints, and where a gunman just murdered six people in a local mosque.

Violence can be the consequence of societal convulsions, as in the 2011 massacre on Norway's island of Utoya, in a country that prided itself of being ultra-secularized, and part of the global "good society".
Quebec, also, like the entire West, is facing an existential demographic and religious crisis.

...The state of Catholicism in Quebec today is indeed desperate.
In 1966, there were 8,800 priests; today there are 2,600, most of whom are elderly; many live in nursing homes.
In 1945, weekly mass was attended by 90% of the Catholic population; today it is 4%. Hundreds of Christian communities have simply disappeared.
An academic report concluded:
"Canadian census data shows that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country, and that although most of the Muslim population growth is related to Muslim birth rates and migration, since 2001 the Muslim population has also increased as a result of religious conversions by non-Muslim Canadians".
Quebec's demographic decline is also telling.
The birth rate has fallen from an average of four children per couple to just 1.6 -- well below what demographers call the "replacement rate". Quebec was unique compared to developed nations in the intensity and speed with which total fertility rates dropped.

Quebec's death spiral is explicitly linked with the calls for increased immigration
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who put an end to the military campaign against the Islamic State, just called on Muslim migrants to come to his country..."

Oregon Governor Forbids State Employees From Aiding ICE Agents - Formally Declares Oregon A Sanctuary State

Oregon Governor Forbids State Employees From Aiding ICE Agents - Formally Declares Oregon A Sanctuary State - C.S.C. Media Group U.S.:
"In a move that is only surprising to those who know nothing about Oregon politics, Oregon Governor Kate Brown has officially declared Oregon to be a Sanctuary State for all illegal aliens.
Gov. Kate Brown on Thursday issued an executive order that forbids all state agencies and employees from helping federal immigration officials locate or apprehend undocumented immigrants..."

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves isn't addicted to surgery

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves isn't addicted to surgery | Daily Mail Online:
Surgery mad: Rodrigo Alves has dismissed claims he's gone too far with extreme procedures, insisting during his appearance on Friday's installment of This Morning that he was free to stop at any time - even though he has no plans to
Seeking perfection: 'Plastic surgery made me the person I am today,' he boldly claimed. 'I want to be the best person I can with the help of plastic surgery'

Voter Fraud a Myth? That’s Not What New York Investigators Found - WSJ

Voter Fraud a Myth? That’s Not What New York Investigators Found - WSJ:

"The Department of Investigation proved how easy it is to perpetrate such a fraud. More important, it showed that such illegal behavior doesn’t get reported or corrected. When the department published its report, the Board of Elections took no steps to prevent future fraud. Instead, the board complained that the investigators engaged in voter fraud and should be prosecuted. The district attorney refused to charge the investigators for their productive and lawful investigation.

Last year a Democratic New York election official, Alan Schulkin, was forced to resign after he was caught on tape telling the truth about electoral process."

SIERRA CLUB: Abortions are good for the environment

SIERRA CLUB: Abortions are good for the environment - The American MirrorThe American Mirror
Trees and lakes are more valuable than human babies, according to the Sierra Club.
Club Executive Director Michael Brune was grilled by Tucker Carlson on Thursday night over weighing into political issues that are seemingly out of the group’s purview.
“So abortion,” Carlson said. “Last year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, you all issued a press release saying the Sierra Club stands in solidarity — I think I’m quoting — with Planned Parenthood.
“Now, people feel that way, okay. What does that have to do with the environment? 
Why does legal abortion make the environment better?” he asked.
“Well, we believe in empowering women’s rights,” Brune responded.
“We think that women who have rights and have the ability to make their own reproductive choices will help to produce strong families and will help to protect the environment at the same time.”
When Carlson still couldn’t figure out how the two are connected, Brune responded, “Well it helps to address the number of people we have on this planet.”
Carlson got a horrified look on his face.
Brune continued, “We feel one of the ways we can get to a sustainable population is to empower women to make choices about their own families.”
Carlson concluded that Brune’s position was that “fewer people are better for the environment.”

AM Fruitcake