Thursday, July 27, 2017

History for July 27

Image result for bill engvall quotes
History for July 27 -
Keenan Wynn 1916, Charles P. Ginsburg 1920, Norman Lear 1922
 Image result for Keenan Wynn Image result for Charles P Ginsburg VTRImage result for norman lear all in the family

Bobbie Gentry 1944 - Country singer, Peggy Fleming 1948, Bill Engvall 1957 - Comedian ("Blue Collar TV")
Image result for Bobbie Gentry Fancy Image result for bill engvall quotes

1777 - The marquis of Lafayette arrived in New England to help the rebellious American colonists fight the British.
Image result for marquis of Lafayette

1804 - The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. With the amendment Electors were directed to vote for a President and for a Vice-President rather than for two choices for President.
Image result for 12th Amendment

1921 - Canadian biochemist Frederick Banting and associates announced the discovery of the hormone insulin.
Image result for Frederick Banting insulin.

1940 - Bugs Bunny made his official debut in the Warner Bros. animated cartoon "A Wild Hare."
Image result for Merrie Melodies a Wild Hare

1944 - U.S. troops completed the liberation of Guam.
Image result for 1944 - U.S. troops completed the liberation of Guam.

1953 - The armistice agreement that ended the Korean War was signed at Panmunjon, Korea.
Image result for armistice agreement that ended the Korean War was signed at Panmunjon, Korea.

1967 - U.S. President Johnson appointed the Kerner Commission to assess the causes of the violence in the wake of urban rioting.
Image result for Kerner Commission

1995 - The Korean War Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, DC, by U.S. President Clinton and South Korean President Kim Young-sam.
Image result for Korean War Veterans Memorial

Wednesday, July 26, 2017



Socialist Junkies

By Tammy Derouin

Throughout the ages, puppet masters have employed the useful services of the uninformed, as well as those uninterested in reality or finding the truth. The effort to distort truth and convince the masses to follow a beating drum are matched by the eagerness of the foolish to blindly follow anyone leaving a trail of imaginary entitlements. The more generous the hunter is with his bait, the easier it becomes for the hunted to ignore the warning signs.

Image result for Danger AheadThe victims of past expeditions of doom clearly posted and recorded their experiences to warn future travelers. However, when the senses are distracted by magic dust, causing unrealistic visions of government provided goods and services to start dancing in their heads, the Utopian dream is just too hard to resist. The slippery slope is ready for the next round of victims.

The deep canyon of reality is waiting for impact. The bedrock is not lined with cushions to soften the blow. Why should it be, you've accepted the false facade; time to accept reality. If you survived the initial impact you quickly realize that you have become a prisoner. The shackles may be invisible but the truth of where you just landed is all too real and almost impossible to escape.

The lack of knowledge and understanding of socialism, right here in the United States, has become a dangerous alternative for far too many unsuspecting Americans. Their eagerness to revisit past mistakes is beyond alarming. I saw a post circulating on social media pushing the joys of socialism. The preschool tactics used to lure the uninformed into the socialist trapping reinforce the lack of knowledge most people have on socialism.

The example of a Utopian paradise in this round of ignorant bliss was Denmark. The meme stated some of the wonderful delusions that socialist junkies want you to believe. Sadly, it works.......

The way we were-----The Doors Riders On The Storm