Saturday, October 21, 2017

Socialized Healthcare: England's NHS To Withhold Care For Smokers And The Obese For 'Routine' Surgeries | Daily Wire

Socialized Healthcare: England's NHS To Withhold Care For Smokers And The Obese For 'Routine' Surgeries | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images surgical room"Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro has repeatedly stated that healthcare has three primary characteristics: affordability, universality, and quality. It’s been shown time and again, in both theory and real life application, that all three characteristics cannot be found in a healthcare system at the same time. Two of these qualities can mutually exist in a given system, but the third, necessarily, falls by the wayside. The latest empirical evidence supporting the theory comes from the National Health Service (NHS) in England, which announced that smokers and the obese will be denied most surgeries until the patient’s lifestyle meets NHS standards."

VIDEO: Students love Trump's tax plan...when told it's Bernie's

VIDEO: Students love Trump's tax plan...when told it's Bernie's
  • President Donald Trump’s proposal for comprehensive tax reform was almost immediately dismissed as heartless and impractical by his political opponents.
  • When the same ideas are packaged under Bernie Sanders' name, however, liberal college students excitedly endorsed them.
...The only problem for them? 
There was no tax plan for Senator Sanders. 
The plan they loved was actually President Trump’s.
How did they react? 
Watch the full video to find out!"

LetterEditor-19-10-2017-PenguinAlarm.pdf - Google Drive

LetterEditor-19-10-2017-PenguinAlarm.pdf - Google Drive: "Penguin Alarm
"Dear Sir,
recent media reports of the deaths of almost all of this year’s Adelie penguin chicks in East
Antarctica should alarm those who express concern about global warming.
The problem – too much sea ice, meaning that there was too long a trek to feed the chicks.
Satellite pictures confirm this.
Meantime ice in the Arctic has also recently increased while anthropogenic emissions have
continued to rise. 
Image result for deaths of almost all of this year’s Adelie penguin chicksThe link between our emissions and climate change appears to be broken but that recorded between the sun and global temperature changes appears stronger and in line with what “deniers” are saying.
Robert Brooks ASTC, FAusIMM, CPMin, MIEAust. CPEng, (ret) NM"
6 Cooper St, Waggrakine (Geraldton) WA 6530.
Phone: 08 9938 1712"

Lunch video-----Why Are Restaurants' Profit Margins So Low?


More Cases of Voter Fraud Pile Up As Liberals Look the Other Way | The Heritage Foundation

More Cases of Voter Fraud Pile Up As Liberals Look the Other Way | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for Voting Clip Art"Accounting for these new additions, the database now documents 1,088 proven instances of election fraud, including 949 cases that have resulted in criminal convictions, 48 that have ended in civil penalties, and 75 that have seen defendants enter diversion programs.

Americans should be alarmed, not only because Heritage has compiled so many examples of fraud—impacting nearly every state and elections for all levels of government—but because this figure is likely just the tip of the iceberg."

Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days | Fox News

Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days | Fox News
Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on government payroll in the first lady’s office compared to former first lady Michelle Obama."Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule as first lady – but she still runs one of the leanest East Wing operations in recent history.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.
During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.
This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700..."

Russia tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump - Washington Times

Russia tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump - Washington Times
"The tables have turned and what was once the media’s favorite message — President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election — has now grown silent.
Apparently, it’s Bill and Hillary Clinton who’ve been doing the behind-scenes and suspicious dealings with Russia all along.
Oh, and perhaps others in the Barack Obama administration, too.
Image result for hillary russia...Better to dig deeper into this, as reported by The Hill: “Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States.”
Intercepted emails shows that Russia had actually gained an inroad in America and compromised a U.S. uranium trucking firm with bribes.
But this is the bigger news: The feds also found an eyewitness who provided documented evidence to show that these Russia nuke officials had sent millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation — at a time when Hillary was serving as secretary of state and on a government body that extended favor to Russia.
...The feds suspected as early as 2009 that Russia was engaged in this dirty dealing. 
And the United States, under Barack Obama’s administration, did nothing.
“Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting [Vladimir] Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions,” The Hill wrote..."

#1 This week 1974-----Dionne Warwicke and Spinners - Then Came You (1974)

Federal Court Ponders Constitutionality of Prostitution Ban - Hit & Run :

Federal Court Ponders Constitutionality of Prostitution Ban - Hit & Run :
"A federal court heard arguments yesterday challenging California's criminalization of prostitution, in a case that could have implications for sex work laws across the nation.
Image result for prostitution lawsBrought by the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education, and Research Project (ESPLERP), the constitutional challenge claims that California's prostitution laws violate residents' right to privacy, free speech, and free association.
"Our hope is to see this bad law struck down," said ESPLERP President Maxine Doogan, "so that consenting adults who choose to be involved in prostitution are simply treated as private citizens again, and are afforded all the privacy and constitutional rights thereof."
The Ninth Circuit judges seemed at least somewhat sympathetic to that view.
"Why should it be illegal to sell something that you can give away for free?" Judge Consuelo Callahan asked the state's attorney, Sharon O'Grady.
She replied that it should be illegal because the legislature declared it so..."
Read on.

You ought to know!

Trump: Clintons' uranium deal is the 'biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow'

Trump: Clintons' uranium deal is the 'biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow':

Image result for flickr commons images Falling money"A new report published Tuesday stated the FBI had evidence of Russian nuclear industry officials taking part in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering to enhance Russian President Vladimir Putin's atomic energy project expansion with the U.S. as far back as 2009.

It also confirmed the Russians sent millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 21

Image result for benjamin netanyahu quotes
History for October 21 -
Alfred Nobel 1833 - Chemist, inventor of dynamite, his will created the Nobel Prizes, Dizzy (John Birks) Gillespie 1917 - Musician, trumpet, Judy Sheindlin 1942 - TV personality ("Judge Judy")
Image result for Alfred Nobel QuotesImage result for Dizzy (John Birks) GillespieImage result for Judge Judy Sheindlin Quotes

Benjamin Netanyahu 1949 - Prime Minister of Israel, Carrie Fisher 1956 - Actress ("Star Wars" movies), Kim Kardashian 1980 - TV personality
Image result for benjamin netanyahu quotesImage result for Carrie FisherImage result for Kim Kardashian

1797 - "Old Ironsides," the U.S. Navy frigate Constitution, was launched in Boston's harbor.
Image result for 1797 - "Old Ironsides,"

1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar occurred off the coast of Spain. The British defeated the French and Spanish fleet.
Image result for The Battle of Trafalgar

1879 - Thomas Edison invented the electric incandescent lamp. It would last 13 1/2 hours before it would burn out.
Image result for 1879 - Thomas Edison invented the electric incandescent lamp.

1918 - Margaret Owen set a typing speed record of 170 words per minute on a manual typewriter.
Image result for Margaret Owen set a typing speed record of 170 words per minute on a manual typewriter

1945 - Women in France were allowed to vote for the first time.
Image result for it took so long

1950 - Chinese forces invaded Tibet.
Image result for Chinese forces invaded Tibet.

1994 - North Korea and the U.S. signed an agreement requiring North Korea to halt its nuclear program and agree to inspections.
Image result for nork nukes

2003 - North Korea rejected U.S. President George W. Bush's offer of a written pledge not to attack in exchange for the communist nation agreeing to end its nuclear weapons program.
Image result for nork nukes

Friday, October 20, 2017

University Will Now Issue 'Trigger Warnings' For Shakespeare Plays | Daily Wire

University Will Now Issue 'Trigger Warnings' For Shakespeare Plays | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art warning sign"To coddle the snowflake, or not to coddle snowflake, that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous sensitivity, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubled youth, And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep.

Snowflakes are now too sensitive to suffer through a performance of Shakespeare without being given a trigger warning first."

The way we were-----The Bangles - Manic Monday

Boob-tube-----Cher & Chaz Bono - All I Really Want to Do (Live on The Cher Show, 1975)

A world without hate speech

A world without hate speech:
"It takes as little as a flyer, a speech, a newspaper article, or a comedian to trigger calls for “hate speech” bans on college campuses. 
Image result for hate speechConsidering that many college students support the prohibition of hate speech, let’s imagine if the would-be censors got their way — what would our society look like?
First, we must acknowledge that, in the United States, hateful speech is fully protected by the First Amendment. 
There’s no “hate speech versus free speech” debate raging in our nation’s judiciary. 
Nor is there a balancing test, an exemption, or a special constitutional provision allowing the government to prohibit it — hateful speech is categorically protected in our nation, including at public colleges and universities, and that’s not changing anytime soon.
Getting back to our hate speech-less utopia, we have the luxury of looking to an actual world full of hate speech prosecutions in the many nations that do not enjoy our broad free speech protections. 

  • For example, in Pakistan, people are arrested and sentenced to death for “blasphemy” for insulting Islam, while in Egypt, individuals are arrested for “debauchery” for waving rainbow flags at concerts.
  • Then, there are the thirty Turkish journalists currently facing consecutive life sentences for their anti-government articles, as well as the Kyrgyz author imprisoned for “inciting hatred between religious groups” for publishing a book questioning God’s form.
  • Don’t forget about Germany, where just this year police raided dozens of people’s homes for “hateful postings over social media,” 
  • or the United Kingdom, where a man was convicted for his anti-military Facebook comments, 
  • or France, where a man was fined for holding up a sign saying “Get lost, jerk” to French President Nicolas Sarkozy — words Sarkozy himself said to a critic who refused to shake his hand during a public event.
Read on!!

Alabama Police Use Asset Forfeiture to Ruin an Innocent Small Business Owner - Hit & Run :

Alabama Police Use Asset Forfeiture to Ruin an Innocent Small Business Owner - Hit &; Run :
"A news report from Alabama offers two textbook cases of how sweeping powers of civil asset forfeiture allow police to seize people's property with near impunity.
Under civil asset forfeiture laws, police can take property suspected of being connected to criminal activity, even if the owner is not charged with a crime.
Law enforcement and prosecutors say the practice is a vital tool to disrupt drug trafficking and other organized crime by targeting ill-gotten gains.
Image result for this wrongBut in state after state, horror stories have emerged of regular people having their possessions expropriated and their lives turned upside down.
In the Alabama case, around 20 heavily armed officers raided Frank Ranelli's computer repair shop in Ensley in 2010, on a tip that Ranelli was selling stolen goods.
Police seized roughly 130 computers from the shop, most of them belonging to customers.
The Alabama news outlet reports what happened next:
Nothing ever came of the case.
The single charge of receiving stolen goods was dismissed after Ranelli demonstrated that he had followed proper protocol in purchasing the sole laptop computer he was accused of receiving illegally.
Yet none of the property seized by police that summer morning more than seven years ago has been returned to him.
"Here I was, a man, owned this business, been coming to work every day like a good old guy for 23 years, and I show up at work that morning—I was in here doing my books from the day before—and the police just f***ed my life," he said..."
Read on!

BREAKING: Obama DOJ Allegedly Threatened FBI Informant To Silence Him On Russian Nuclear Corruption | Daily Wire

BREAKING: Obama DOJ Allegedly Threatened FBI Informant To Silence Him On Russian Nuclear Corruption | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images silence"Bill Clinton accepted $500,000 in Russian speaking fees in 2010, as The New York Times reported in 2015; Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Toensing wants the Trump Justice Department or the FBI to allow her client to be free of the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) he signed so he can reveal the corruption that took place. She stated, “All of the information about this corruption has not come out. And so my client, the same part of my client that made him go into the FBI in the first place, says, 'This is wrong. What should I do about it?'”"