Sunday, October 28, 2018

History for October 28

Image result for charlie daniels quotes
History for October 28 -
Jonas Salk 1914 - Medical researcher, Charlie Daniels 1936 - Singer (Charlie Daniels Band), Marcian E. "Ted" Hoff, Jr. 1937 - An inventor of the microprocessor
Image result for Jonas SalkImage result for Charlie DanielsImage result for Marcian E. "Ted" Hoff, Jr.

Bruce Jenner 1949 - Track and field athlete, actor ("CHiPs"), Bill H. Gates 1955- Inventor, computer programmer, co-founder of Microsoft, Julia Roberts 1967 - Actress ("Pretty Woman," "Conspriracy Theory")
Image result for Bruce JennerImage result for Bill H. GatesImage result for Julia Roberts

1886 - The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor by U.S. President Cleveland. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 152 feet tall. It was originally known as "Liberty Enlightening the World."
Image result for 1886 - The Statue of Liberty

1922 - Benito Mussolini took control of the Italian government and introduced fascism to Italy.
Image result for Benito Mussolini obama

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Gillum: Police Are Going 'Too Far' if They Pull Out Gun, Baton, Taser in Line of Duty

Gillum: Police Are Going 'Too Far' if They Pull Out Gun, Baton, Taser in Line of Duty:
Image result for flickr commons images Andrew Gillum
Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee in Florida's gubernatorial race, said Wednesday that police are going "too far" if they have to pull out a gun, baton, or taser when approaching a potential suspect.

The way we were-----God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood

Boob-tube-----My Little Margie - Miss Whoozis - 1955 - Full Episode

Read it all!-----WE KNOW WHY: Why Did NBC News Sit on Evidence Discrediting a Kavanaugh Accuser for Weeks?…

Instapundit Blog Archive WE KNOW WHY
"WE KNOW WHY: Why Did NBC News Sit on Evidence Discrediting a Kavanaugh Accuser for Weeks?
Image result for liberal mediaThe Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee recommended anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick to the Justice Department for possible criminal charges on Thursday...

What was a very bad day for Avenatti got worse when NBC News reported hours later that “NBC News also found other apparent inconsistencies in a second sworn statement from another woman whose statement Avenatti provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee in a bid to bolster Swetnick’s claims.”

It was very good reporting by NBC News. But it was also reporting based on interviews conducted three weeks ago, with no clear indication of why the outlet chose to sit on it. . . .

But per the newest story, these are the details NBC News knew for a fact during the Kavanaugh debate, and chose not to report... 
What gives? 
One gets the impression that had Grassley not moved to recommended Avenatti for criminal charges, NBC News would have continued to sit on the story.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing
"Teaching the value of free thought matters now more than ever. 
Unfortunately, most American public schools take the opposite approach.
Image result for Public Schools Indoctrinate KidsMany people have long suspected that governments sometimes attempt to indoctrinate their people to increase the government’s own power and influence. 
Unfortunately, ambitious governments will not stop at merely controlling what their people can do; they must control their minds.
Indoctrination happens through many channels—entertainment, speeches, and censorship––but its main instrument is the school system.
 Teachers have a captive audience of malleable young minds for several years. 
They may not have figured out how to make students smart and productive, but they can at least make them submissive and obedient.
...Most Americans might receive a mediocre education, but this education may be so mediocre that the intended brainwashing might not even be effective..."
Read on.

Arizona troopers' union pulls support from Democrat opposing GOP's McSally in Senate race | Fox News

Arizona troopers' union pulls support from Democrat opposing GOP's McSally in Senate race | Fox News:
Image result for flickr commons images Kyrsten Sinema
An Arizona union that represents state public safety employees withdrew its endorsement of U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema this week after its members said the executive board voted on the endorsement without their input.
Sinema, a Democrat, is locked in a tight U.S. Senate race against U.S. Rep. Martha McSally, a Republican, for the seat being vacated by Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.

How A KGB Double Agent Saved Britain And Won The Cold War

Image result for Michael Foot kgb spyHow A KGB Double Agent Saved Britain And Won The Cold War
"In his new book The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War, veteran espionage historian Ben MacIntyre confirms a troubling decision—or lack thereof—that some had suspected for years. 
This is the fact that in 1983 the man overseeing both British spy services MI6 and MI5, head of British Civil Service Robert Armstrong, knew that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s main opponent in the upcoming election was a KGB agent and did not tell her.

  • Labor Party leader, member of Parliament, and former employment secretary Michael Foot had been a paid KGB agent for decades, and was still on the KGB books as an agent of influence when he headed the British Labor Party and ran against Thatcher for leadership of England in 1983. 
  • Foot would have become prime minister if Labor had won.

MI6 told MI5, its domestic sister agency, and MI5 told Armstrong, but Armstrong kept Foot’s duplicity to himself. 

  • Nobody informed Thatcher. a Price was blunt: ‘We buried it.’
...With what seems in hindsight a misguided sense of higher duty and a display of undemocratic arrogance, Armstrong put the British Commonwealth in the position of possibly electing a genuine KGB agent as prime minister—a fact its intelligence services knew and did nothing about. 
MacIntyre confirms this state of affairs from multiple sources. 
Thankfully, Thatcher and the Tories won in 1983..."
Read all.

How the Russia Collusion Story Revealed a Scandal to Obstruct President Trump

How the Russia Collusion Story Revealed a Scandal to Obstruct President Trump
Image result for coup against trump"Special counsel Robert Mueller is more than a year and five months into his investigation into whether President Donald Trump “colluded” in some illegal fashion with Russian President Vladimir Putin (or any other Russians). 
But Mueller has yet to reveal what he has—or hasn’t—concluded.
On the other hand, there’s now an impressive body of public evidence to address another facet of this international controversy: collusion against Trump.
Evidence on this matter has trickled out slowly over the course of about two years. 
It has come in the form of sworn testimony from witnesses interviewed by Congress, information revealed by the Justice Department’s inspector general, government documents and text messages, and court files.
Taken together in context, the evidence points to two important findings. 

  • First, U.S. government insiders, colluding with numerous foreign citizens and governments, conspired to interfere in the 2016 election. 
  • Second, after the election, these figures conspired to undermine, oust, and perhaps even frame Trump and some of his associates..."

Read all.

Lunch video-----Recreational Marijuana Is Legal In Canada. Now What?

Noon-toon-----Cartoon: American Zombie

Cartoon: American Zombie

Navy SEAL Veteran Shreds the 25 Percent of Students Who Say They Were Traumatized After the 2016 Election

Navy SEAL Veteran Shreds the 25 Percent of Students Who Say They Were Traumatized After the 2016 Election:

Image result for free clip art crying baby“First off, you don’t have PTSD. You are not traumatized,” Crane would say to the students, as he explained to IJR. “The only things you are suffering from is weakness, entitlement, poor upbringings and from growing up in a disgraceful time period where progressive policies ‘Trumped’ common sense and parental responsibility.”
According to Crane, “the millennial generation has been so coddled and protected from reality they are now trying to misappropriate a diagnosis primarily reserved for combat vets, first responders, sexual assault victims and individuals who have suffered from real trauma because their candidate lost an election.”

News - Report: Climate Activists Are Secretly Collaborating with State Governments | Heartland Institute

News - Report: Climate Activists Are Secretly Collaborating with State Governments | Heartland Institute
"A new report details how a network of climate activists provides off-the-books staff members and consultants for governors and states’ attorneys general to pursue an anti-fossil fuel agenda.
...a new report details how a network of climate activists provides off-the-books staff members and consultants for governors and states’ attorneys general to pursue an anti-fossil-fuel agenda.
The report, published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and written by CEI Senior Research Fellow Christopher C. Horner, shows how nonprofit organizations, serving as middlemen, administer large amounts of funding while working for and promoting politicians who, in turn, support the donors’ climate agenda, including lawsuits against companies in the fossil fuel industry.
...‘Enormous Climate Industry
...“Open record productions reveal that this summit is part of an enormous climate industry that funnels donor money through nonprofit organizations to staff-up politicians’ offices,” the CEI report states.
 “This is done off the books, and the nonprofits take a handsome percentage for serving as middlemen.”...
Read all.

Fake bombs are not bombs. Fake news is fake news.

Fake bombs are not bombs. Fake news is fake news.
"The fake news of the day has been disingenuously pretending that any those persons to whom the fake bombs were addressed were in any danger.  
They were not.  
Who sends bombs to people who do not open their own mail?
As Roger L. Simon wrote, it doesn't matter who built those little fake not-pipe bombs, the intent is clear. 
The message?  
See, it isn't only the left that is vicious and violent.  
The right is violent too! 
Whoever is guilty of perpetrating this latest stunt is irrelevant; their intent is obvious. 
Demonstrate that there are lunatics on the right too!
Great plan. 
Underestimating the intelligence of the American people is a progressive conceit.
People on the left are confident that  those not on their "team" are all troglodytes.
We on the right cannot escape knowing their Marxist/socialist opinions, their plans for transforming America. 
We are subjected to their views and values all day, every day, in print and on television.  
But they know nothing of what or how we think or what our values are.  
The young know nothing about the truth of American history or the Constitution.  
Everything they have been taught is wrong..."
Read all!
Source: Twitter, via the New York Post

#1 This day 1982-----Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now? (Video Version)

BREAKING: Megyn Kelly out at NBC, will likely walk with $69 million. I’d not work for NBC for hal…

Instapundit Blog Archive BREAKING: Megyn Kelly out at NBC, will likely walk with $69 million. I’d not work for NBC for hal…
Image result for Megyn Kelly fired memeBREAKING: Megyn Kelly out at NBC, will likely walk with $69 million.
"I’d not work for NBC for half that much, if they’re looking for somebody".---Posted by Stephen Green

You ought to know!

REPORT: Mattis Will Order 800 Additional Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

Image result for flickr commons images James Mattis REPORT: Mattis Will Order 800 Additional Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border:

News reports claim that Secretary of Defense James Mattis will order an additional 800 troops to the U.S. border with Mexico in response to the new migrant caravan.