Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Boob-tube-----PRIME TIME TV IN THE LATE 1940s

'We Must Cancel Thanksgiving,' Says CDC Scientist Who Looks Suspiciously Like A Turkey In A Lab Coat | The Babylon Bee

'We Must Cancel Thanksgiving,' Says CDC Scientist Who Looks Suspiciously Like A Turkey In A Lab Coat | The Babylon Bee
ATLANTA, GA—A CDC scientist has called on the nation to cancel Thanksgiving, but many are suspicious of the announcement, since the scientist looks remarkably like a turkey wearing a lab coat and sciency-looking glasses.
"We must cancel Thanksgiving this year. It is completely off the table," the scientist, Dr. Peck N. Gobble, said. 
"All gatherings must cease, and we encourage everyone to just stay home alone and maybe eat some broccoli. 
Or leaves, or grass, or even some nice berries or insects. 
You'd be surprised how much protein you can get from a nice, delicious bug."...Read all.

Covid vaccine: CDC should warn people the side effects from shots won't be 'walk in the park'

Covid vaccine: CDC should warn people the side effects from shots won't be 'walk in the park'
  • The CDC must be transparent about the side effects people may experience after getting their first shot of a coronavirus vaccine, doctors urged during a meeting Monday with CDC advisors.
  • Dr. Sandra Fryhofer said that both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines require two doses and she worries whether her patients will come back for a second dose because of potentially unpleasant side effects after the first shot.
  • Both companies acknowledged that their vaccines could induce side effects that are similar to symptoms associated with mild Covid-19, such as muscle pain, chills and headache...Read all!

John Cleese, under fire from woke mob, hopes they all 'fry in their own sanctimoniousness and narcissistic posturing' - TheBlaze

John Cleese, under fire from woke mob, hopes they all 'fry in their own sanctimoniousness and narcissistic posturing' - TheBlaze

British comic legend and Monty Python star John Cleese over the weekend refused to submit to a woke social media mob accusing him of "transphobia" for an old tweet supporting author J.K. Rowling. POLL: Who is the most corrupt? Cleese, 81, relentlessly and hilariously mocked his accusers, at one point jokingly asking if he was "allowed" to identify as "a Cambodian police woman" if he so desired.

Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History
"The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism.
  • The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box. 
  • But just as importantly, it was stolen because those same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its implementation and ruthless in its execution.
...All of this sounds like the stuff of fiction — the sort of thing one would expect from a cinematic thriller or a spy novel. 
Sadly, it’s the reality that our country is faced with after years of placidity in the face of increasingly aggressive intervention into our electoral process on the part of Big Tech oligarchs and activists with deep pockets and shallow motivations...Read all!

Service industry workers protest restaurant restrictions in march on Breckenridge Main Street | SummitDaily.com

I'd bet that most vote democrat or support democrat "concepts". (wildly democrat controlled state, county, city)
And most will vote democrat for the rest of their lives.
Service industry workers protest restaurant restrictions in march on Breckenridge Main Street | SummitDaily.com
“Schools are shut down,” Cooper said. 
“I can’t even go see my therapist because offices are shut down. 
My work closed — which is my livelihood — but tourists are flooding in, and it’s not OK...Read all.

Lunch video-----The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud

"Dr. John Robson investigates the unsound origins and fundamental inaccuracy, even dishonesty, of the claim that 97% of scientists, or "the world's scientists", or something agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous."



Joe Biden dismisses reporter question about closing schools - TheBlaze

Joe Biden dismisses reporter question about closing schools - TheBlaze

Joe Biden gathered with his running mate Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Friday. However, Biden had no patience for a reporter, who asked a timely question, and he quickly admonished the correspondent.

They are telling us they want REVENGE!


James Mattis: Joe Biden Must Eliminate 'America First' from U.S. Foreign Policy

James Mattis: Joe Biden Must Eliminate 'America First' from U.S. Foreign Policy

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis declared in an article in Foreign Affairs on Monday that the “America First” foreign policy had damaged national security, and called on Joe Biden to “eliminate ‘America first'” from U.S. strategy...Read all!

You WILL obey!


The Climate Scam: What We Are Up Against

The Climate Scam: What We Are Up Against

What I call the “climate scam” is the proposition that human use of fossil fuels will shortly bring about a catastrophic increase in atmospheric temperatures, and that this crisis can easily be averted by governments in a few rich countries, with about 10% of the world’s population, imposing crippling coercive restrictions and cost increases on fossil fuel use while also massively subsidizing alternative “renewable” energy sources.

I have long thought that this scam could not go on too much longer.

...But here are two other reasons for my view that are more important:

...I still believe that eventually this scam will fall apart, and for the reasons given (among other reasons).

...For today, I want to focus on a related phenomenon, namely, that coterie of highly wealthy and/or influential people who clearly ought to know better, who devote vast resources, public and private, to the nonsensical efforts to obstruct people from using fossil fuel resources. Consider just a few examples:

  • You may have seen back in February that Amazon mega-billionaire Jeff Bezos announced he had created something called the Bezos Earth Fund, which he then funded with an initial $10 billion! Just a couple of days ago, Bezos announced the first recipients of grants from the Fund, who will receive a total of some $791 million...

  • ...But if you want a good cause to give to, check them out. Here is a link to the main website; and you can go to this link for instructions on how to contribute...Read all.

#1 This day 1964-----The Shangri-Las -Leader Of The Pack Video with High Quality Sound

Covid Deaths Mount in France and the Czech Republic as Lockdowns Fail | Mises Wire

Covid Deaths Mount in France and the Czech Republic as Lockdowns Fail | Mises Wire

"Lockdowns are back on in Europe and are making a quick comeback in the US as well. 

...In France, for instance, one nowneed[s] a certificate to move around, yet in spite of long maintaining some of the continent’s most stringent lockdown and social distancing measures, total deaths per million are rapidly accelerating, to the point that France is likely to soon join other countries with harsh lockdowns in having among the worst rates of deaths per million in the world. 

Moreover, eastern Europe, which was once lauded for locking down strictly and early, is quickly finding that lockdowns aren’t likely to suppress total deaths there, either. 

The Czech Republic is seeing some of the worst growth in covid deaths worldwide, while the rest of the region is seeing similar growth, albeit to a less dramatic extent (so far).

Sources: Worldometer and Ourworldindata.org.

This is not what was sold to the public.

 Rather, politicians and their allies in the "public health" bureaucracies insisted that lockdowns would substantially reduce total deaths in countries that imposed them. 

Countries that failed to lock down would, on the other hand, experience runaway contagion with total Covid deaths per million orders of magnitude higher than those seen in countries that didn't lock down.

That's not what happened.

Cumulative deaths per million on the fifteenth of each month. Source: Worldometer.

May 2021?


Minnesota governor orders no social gatherings for a month - TheBlaze

Minnesota governor orders no social gatherings for a month - TheBlaze

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced on Wednesday a rigid month-long lockdown order that bans all social gatherings of people who do not live in the same household, even if participants wear face masks and practice proper social distancing. On Saturday, Minnesotans went to Walz's mansion to protest the drastic lockdown orders. POLL: Who is the most corrupt? Walz's severe new coronavirus restrictions, which went into effect on Friday at 11:59 p.m. and will be in place until Dec.18, will shut down bars, restaurants, and breweries, except for takeout, delivery, or walk-up service, according to the MinnPost. The order will also close gyms, indoor sports facilities, theaters, bowling alleys, arcades, go-kart tracks, and other entertainment businesses for an entire month.

U.S newspapers got paid millions to publish Chinese propaganda

U.S newspapers got paid millions to publish Chinese propaganda
"An English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department paid U.S. media companies nearly $2 million for printing and advertising expenses over the past six months, even amid heightened scrutiny over Beijing’s disinformation efforts in the West.
China Daily paid The Wall Street Journal more than $85,000 and the Los Angeles Times $340,000...
...The Beijing-based outlet paid several newspaper companies a total of $1,154,666 for printing costs, including $110,000 to the Los Angeles Times, $92,000 to The Houston Chronicle and $76,000 to The Boston Globe...Read all.

AM Fruitcake


Will your vote be counted? Experts warn of unreliable voting machines

Will your vote be counted? Experts warn of unreliable voting machines

Other reports are more high-profile. University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, director of the university's Center for Computer Security and Society, showed two members of Congress in 2018 how a presidential contest won by George Washington could be flipped to Benedict Arnold. Eight years earlier, he and a colleague had programmed a DRE to play Pac Man.

History for November 24

History for November 24 - On-This-Day.com
William F. Buckley, Jr. 1925
  • 1859 - Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, published "On the Origin of Species." It was the paper in which he explained his theory of evolution through the process of natural selection.
  • 1871 - The National Rifle Association was incorporated in the U.S.
  • 1874 - Joseph F. Glidden was granted a patent for a barbed fencing material.
  • 1903 - Clyde J. Coleman received the patent for an electric self-starter for an automobile.
  • 1940 - Nazis closed off the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. Over the next three years the population dropped from 350,000 to 70,000 due to starvation, disease and deportations to concentration camps.
  • 1963 - Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald live on national television.
  • 1971 - Hijacker Dan Cooper, known as D.B. Cooper, parachuted from a Northwest Airlines 727 over Washington state with $200,000 in ransom.

Monday, November 23, 2020

WATCH: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump

WATCH: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump

In a blockbuster video witness statement, a poll challenger who was at the vote-tabulating center in Detroit on election night described dozens of incidences of fraud of various kinds during the count, including an early morning dump of ballots for Joe Biden. After nearly 40 minutes of testimony, Detroit resident and congressional candidate Articia Bomer confirmed that no one paid her to speak out, the Gateway Pundit reported.

California lockdown protest in Huntington Beach with Trump supporters - TheBlaze

California lockdown protest in Huntington Beach with Trump supporters - TheBlaze

Many Californians felt the curfew is too rigid and took to the streets of Huntington Beach to rally against the Democratic governor's new restrictions. On Saturday night, hundreds of people gathered in defiance of Newsom and to show their support for President Donald Trump. People waved American, Gadsden, and "Trump 2020" flags as cars honked their horns in support of the anti-lockdown rally. People were chanting: "U-S-A! U-S-A!" and "Latinos for Trump!" Lee Greenwood's patriotic song, "God Bless the USA," was blaring during the protest.

The way we were-----Looking Back - On 1947 (1947)

Boob-tube-----1947 FADA TV Model # 899

Student 'Debt Forgiveness' Is an Immoral Sham

Student 'Debt Forgiveness' Is an Immoral Sham
"The American Left, including 239 nonprofit and community organizations, has called on presumptive president Joe Biden to embrace student-loan forgiveness and unilaterally cancel nearly $1.7 trillion in student debt. 
The rationale? 
The move would ostensibly stimulate the economy — and reduce the racial wealth gap.
...Research by the Urban Institute makes that dynamic even clearer: It explains that “debt forgiveness plans would be regressive — providing the largest monetary benefits to those with the highest incomes.”
...“Hardly anything could be more divisive than shunting taxpayer dollars at folks who’ve been to college while low-skilled workers bear the brunt of our current economic pain,” the National Review editorial board concludes.
For college-educated, bicoastal American elites who view half of America as “deplorable,” that’s a feature, not a bug...Read all.

Our feral American media - American Thinker

Our feral American media - American Thinker
"Many have noticed that Trump, in addition to being perhaps the most accomplished president America has ever had, also has a magic power: He makes bad people reveal themselves.
For years, leftists have played at being “nice.” 
Through their media dominance, they’ve sold themselves as the “compassionate,” “caring” ideology. They’re the ones who look out for the little people. 
However, Trump’s magic means that he has goaded leftists into revealing that they are vicious, power-hungry, feral people.
 Their true nature has never been more evident than in a striking 27-second video following a Mike Pence press conference.
To get the full flavor of the hysterical media, you have to walk back several days to Biden’s first press conference after the media anointed him as the chosen one:

Fawning seems like an inadequate word to describe the adoring tongue bath the media gave Biden. 
It feels like the Obama era all over again. 
Indeed, it’s Obama on steroids because the media hate Trump even more than they loved Obama – and that’s saying a lot...Much more, read/view all!

Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for records that the Secret Service claims to have destroyed related to a reported physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:20-cv-02457)).

Lest we forget.


"There are evil people in the Democrat Party."--Not The Best Of The Web Today | Facebook

Not The Best Of The Web Today | Facebook--Michael Smith
"Somehow, after the 2016 election, I don't recall Republicans calling for Democrats to be "re-educated", eliminated like a virus, silenced, banned, prohibited employment, relegated to second class citizen status, imprisoned or killed.
Democrats are letting their murderous fantasies fly free now that they think they are in charge.
There are evil people in the Democrat Party."