Monday, June 28, 2021

#1 This day 1972-----Neil Diamond - Song sung blue 1972

VERY worthy read!!-----What Is to Be Done? A Blueprint for Taking the Country Back

What Is to Be Done? A Blueprint for Taking the Country Back
"From the beginning of the modern “progressive” movement—which occurred around the time that Jean-Jacques Rousseau published “The Social Contract” in 1762, adumbrating the French Revolution—to the uprisings of 1848 across Europe, through the advent of “scientific” Marxism and the horrors of those deformed twins, Soviet Communism and German National Socialism, the same desire to inflict punitive misery has marked nearly every “revolutionary” movement.
For all their talk of “the people,” however, leftist revolutionaries hardly ever spring from the people or have them on their side. 
The people prize stability and order; the left welcomes chaos and anarchy, leading to totalitarianism. 
Leftists are, by definition, minorities in their own countries, generally drawn from the intellectual vanguard, and very often—because their ideas are so ridiculous—not taken seriously until it’s too late. 
  • They think of themselves as elites, and they mean to continue in that status long after their revolution is effected.
Adept in operating the levers of power once they attain them, however, they quickly bring “the people” into line with a program of terror and brute force—the American Revolution was a notable exception—and henceforth do all of the people’s thinking for them. 
...As we sit here, six months into the disastrous Biden administration, the question is finally becoming evident to even the most politically disinterested American. 
The quality of life in the big blue cities has deteriorated markedly. 
The cost of gasoline has seemingly doubled overnight. 
The petty restrictions imposed unconstitutionally on the electorate are still insisted upon in many places—proof once more that tyranny isn’t primarily about rounding up folks and shipping them off to camps, but about insisting that they conform to the most picayune and counter-factual ukases, just to illustrate their powerlessness...Read all.

George Floyd has replaced Dr. King?


Biden Nominee Pushed Population Control: American Children Are 'Environmental Hazard'

Biden Nominee Pushed Population Control: American Children Are 'Environmental Hazard'

Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), described American children as an “environmental hazard” while advocating for slowing U.S. population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.

The Daily Caller reported on Stone-Manning’s thesis, titled “Into the Heart of the Beast| A case for environmental advertising,” after which she was awarded a master of science degree in environmental studies. Her thesis, however, amounted to public policy recommendations for the University of Montana described as “environmental education.”

An entire new generation of America-haters is being groomed in... AMERICA!!!-----America-hater Gwen Berry shows her disrespect for U.S. flag at Olympic trials - American Thinker

America-hater Gwen Berry shows her disrespect for U.S. flag at Olympic trials - American Thinker

America-hater Gwen Berry shows her disrespect for U.S. flag at Olympic trials--By Monica Showalter

"Despite the statements from Olympics officials in Japan, that political demonstrators will be punished, the Colin Kaepernick crowd among the Olympic contenders here have gotten busy:

According to the Washington Post:

Gwen Berry turned away from the American flag and raised a T-shirt over her face as the national anthem played Saturday, minutes after she qualified for the Olympic team at the U.S. track and field trials in Eugene, Ore.

“I feel like it was setup,” Berry said with a burst of laughter. “I feel like they did that on purpose, and I was pissed, to be honest...

Why the heck is this creature permitted to compete at all for the U.S., given her seething hate for the country that gave her all those opportunities to develop her talent? 

Can you say 'height of ingratitude'?...Read all.

AM Fruitcake


History for June 28

History for June 28 -
John Wesley 1703 - Theologian
  • 1778 - Mary "Molly Pitcher" Hays McCauley, wife of an American artilleryman, carried water to the soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth and, supposedly, took her husband's place at his gun after he was overcome with heat.
  • 1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo along with his wife, Duchess Sophie.
  • 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles was signed ending World War I exactly five years after it began. The treaty also established the League of Nations.
  • 1949 - The last U.S. combat troops were called home from Korea, leaving only 500 advisers.
  • 1950 - North Korean forces captured Seoul, South Korea.
  • 1951 - "Amos ’n’ Andy" moved to CBS-TV from radio.
  • 1960 - In Cuba, Fidel Castro confiscated American-owned oil refineries without compensation.
  • 2007 - The American bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list.
  • 2010 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Michigan Lockdown: 23% of Detroit Kids Considered Suicide, Mental Health Orgs 'Unable to Keep Up'

Michigan Lockdown: 23% of Detroit Kids Considered Suicide, Mental Health Orgs 'Unable to Keep Up'

An alarming increase in child mental health issues coincided with the Michigan government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) took a hardline approach to the pandemic, ordering businesses and schools closed. 

The way we were-----The 1960s in Color - Life in America

The People Who Were Sued for Downloading Music... What Ever Happened?

"Lawsuits against downloaders were meant to scare people into buying CDs again. 
However in the late 2000s a pair of cases went way too far, with even the judge calling the outcome "monstrous and shocking." 
Interestingly, the fight against digital music began as early as the 1980s. 
Enjoy the full history of the RIAA vs digital music!?

Who Killed Ashli Babbitt? | The Pipeline

Who Killed Ashli Babbitt? | The Pipeline
"In November 19, 2019, Nathaniel Pinnock was shot and killed by officers of the Los Angeles Police Department. Pinnock, 22, had robbed an auto parts store in Hollywood while armed with a machete and was walking from the scene when officers arrived and confronted him. 
...such is the transparency now attendant to officer-involved shootings in Los Angeles that anyone questioning the propriety of the officers’ actions can find the LAPD’s video summary of the incident and the involved officers’ body camera footage here, the civilian police commission’s 37-page report here, and the Los Angeles County district attorney’s 12-page legal assessment here

This level of transparency regarding the use of deadly force by police has come to be expected and is now common (though not yet ubiquitous) across the country, which makes it all the more curious that what rightly should be regarded as one of the most controversial police shootings to have occurred recently has gone all but unexamined in the press.
The case of Ashli Babbitt
, the Air Force veteran who was shot and killed by a U.S Capitol Police officer during the so-called insurrection of Jan. 6, has gone largely unexamined, either in the media or among the self-professed experts who find fault in even the most clearly justifiable police shootings...Read all.

What will become of the useful idiots? - American Thinker

What will become of the useful idiots? - American Thinker

"As the Marxist revolution oozes forward, I occasionally wonder what will happen to the useful idiots when the commies seize absolute power in this once great Republic. I believe that most AT readers are familiar with the term, but for those who need a brief refresher, a useful idiot, as defined by Wikipedia, "is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders." 

In my opinion, this definition can be applied to a majority of the young, brainwashed radicals who have no idea about the true history of Marxism...or the real history of their native land that they're working so hard to destroy.

We're all aware of the current props being used by the radical left to further their cause — LGBT issues, racism, feminism, slavery, etc. — but how will some of those props fare under a Marxist regime?  

...While several websites make vague and inconclusive references to gay and transgender rights in China and Russia, it appears that feminism and homosexuality — and certainly transgenderism — are simply not tolerated. 

A look at history supports that conclusion.  

In an illuminating article on Frontpagemag, the always incisive Daniel Greenfield (highly recommended...a must-read!) s on this subject...

And how will the myriad of social justice warriors fit in with the new Marxist ruling class?...Read all.

Biden Nominee Pushed Population Control: American Children Are 'Environmental Hazard'

Biden Nominee Pushed Population Control: American Children Are 'Environmental Hazard'

Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), described American children as an “environmental hazard” while advocating for slowing U.S. population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.

The Daily Caller reported on Stone-Manning’s thesis, titled “Into the Heart of the Beast| A case for environmental advertising,” after which she was awarded a master of science degree in environmental studies. Her thesis, however, amounted to public policy recommendations for the University of Montana described as “environmental education.”

Electric Vehicle Fires: Nearly Impossible to Extinguish | The Pipeline

Electric Vehicle Fires: Nearly Impossible to Extinguish | The Pipeline
"Here's something you won't hear much about in the mainstream media -- America's firefighters are struggle to develop procedures for dealing with electric vehicles that have crashed and burst into flame. 
"The problem," explains Jazz Shaw, "is that despite not having a tank full of gasoline, electric cars burn longer and more fiercely than automobiles with internal combustion engines." 
Why is that?
Damaged banks of lithium-ion batteries...
...Shaw reports that back in April it took eight fireman seven hours to get a burning Tesla under control outside of Houston, and they used roughly 28,000 gallons of water to do it...Read all.

An Ominous Portent for Conservatives in the Military

An Ominous Portent for Conservatives in the Military

"... the DOD still has not promulgated an official definition of extremism.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin refused to give a definition at a congressional hearing this week, and on Thursday, the DOD confirmed to PJ Media that it has not adopted a definition. 

However, a working definition that the Army Recruiting Command apparently uses to screen applicants should raise alarm bells for conservatives.

“I’m very concerned about the recent order that you have conducted regarded looking at so-called ‘extremism,’ and I have sent to you two letters, Mr. Secretary, asking for the definition of what the Department of Defense views as ‘extremism,’ and have not heard back from you yet,” Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) told Austin at a hearing on Wednesday. “Could you just share with me, does the Department of Defense have a definition of extremism?”

Austin did not answer Hartzler’s question...

...“So, do you have a definition of what extremism is and what that behavior is?” Hartzler asked.

“Again, we’re focused on behavior,” Austin repeated, dodging the question.

...Hartzler brought up a new DOD screening procedure, asking, “What, specifically, would you be screening for?”...Read all.

Lunch video-----Ayn Rand: The Author People Love to Hate



Poll: Young Americans evenly split on views of capitalism; socialism growing more popular - TheBlaze

Poll: Young Americans evenly split on views of capitalism; socialism growing more popular - TheBlaze
The survey, which tracks shifting attitudes on the economy and perceptions of capitalism, shows that after the unprecedented government intervention in the U.S. economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans of all political persuasions are re-evaluating their beliefs about capitalism.

"...betray our people..."


Read this and you won't click 'I agree' ever again | Daily Mail Online

Read this and you won't click 'I agree' ever again | Daily Mail Online
  • We're being spied on by phones, computers, TVs, cars – even the doorbells. 
  • Worse, argues Oxford professor CARISSA VELIZ, we're doing it to ourselves by giving away our data
"Most of us know that our personal data is being collected, stored and analyzed thanks to our relationship with our mobile phones, computers and the internet. 
But are we really aware of the full extent of the privacy invasions into our daily lives?
Let's start at dawn
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? 
You probably check your phone.
By doing that, you are informing a whole host of busybodies – your smartphone manufacturer, app developers and your mobile company, as well as intelligence agencies (if they happen to be watching you) – what time you wake up, where you've been sleeping and who you share a bed with, providing they keep their phone with them too...Read all!

A few years ago...much worse today. What awaits us tomorrow?


FTA: Of those who have an opinion (84% of the sample), almost two-thirds (65.5%) support forensic audits."

Facebook--Harriett Lublin
"FTA: Of those who have an opinion (84% of the sample), almost two-thirds (65.5%) support forensic audits.
Those people questioning the integrity of the election may have an open mind, but:
  • The new survey also found that 41% of voters still don't believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fairly.
When over 40% of the public questions the results of a national election, it is vital to establish the truth of the matter via careful investigation.
If such a substantial portion of the public believes that the president illegitimately occupies the Oval Office, repression won't work well. 

#1 This day 1950-----The Third Man - Anton Karas

Washington Elites Are Weaponizing the Tax Code Against Christians

Washington Elites Are Weaponizing the Tax Code Against Christians

"A decade ago, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under President Barack Obama targeted tea party organizations for extra scrutiny and even denial of tax-exempt status. Democrats and the IRS seem determined to be even more brazen under Joe Biden.

As PJ Media’s Mark Tapscott reported last week, the IRS denied a 501(c)(3) tax exemption to the Texas-based group Christians Engaged because its Bible-based Christian teachings “are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates.”

...Meanwhile, a sitting Democratic politician threatened to target the Roman Catholic Church’s tax-exempt status if the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) drafts rules on Communion that he doesn’t like.

...“If they’re going to politically weaponize religion by ‘rebuking’ Democrats who support women’s reproductive choice, then a ‘rebuke’ of their tax-exempt status may be in order,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.threatened...Read all.

tax-exempt status Roman Catholic Church Christians

Only in "America"...


Rep. Jordan lays into Microsoft for censoring stories about Hunter Biden, China, Dems' abuse of executive orders, and climate change - TheBlaze

Rep. Jordan lays into Microsoft for censoring stories about Hunter Biden, China, Dems' abuse of executive orders, and climate change - TheBlaze
Americans have witnessed it in the censorship of reports on COVID-19 treatments and infections, Hunter Biden's infamous laptop, claims of election fraud, the "consensus" on climate change, and more. In a recent letter to Microsoft President Brad Smith, Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan called out the tech company for its "increasingly aggressive editorial control" over stories it doesn't like.

AM Fruitcake


Former DHS Officials Say If Biden Lifts Border Restrictions Migrants Will Be Encouraged To Come To The US | The Daily Caller

Former DHS Officials Say If Biden Lifts Border Restrictions Migrants Will Be Encouraged To Come To The US | The Daily Caller
“Just from a fairness and a logical factor, if you are illegal, you can cross the border, you can remain here in the US, but if you are a legitimate business or if you simply are a Mexican or US citizen, you can’t cross that border today—even if you’re fully vaccinated,” Wolf said. “It needs to be rationalized, because, right now, they are incentivizing folks to cross illegally and disincentivizing folks to cross legally.”

History for June 27

History for June 27 -
H. Ross Perot 1930
  • 1787 - Edward Gibbon completed "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." It was published the following May.
  • 1885 - Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter applied for a patent for the gramophone. It was granted on May 4, 1886.
  • 1893 - The New York stock market crashed. By the end of the year 600 banks and 74 railroads had gone out of business.
  • 1931 - Igor Sikorsky filed U.S. Patent 1,994,488, which marked the breakthrough in helicopter technology.
  • 1967 - The world's first cash dispenser was installed at Barclays Bank in Enfield, England. The device was invented by John Sheppard-Barron. The machine operated on a voucher system and the maximum withdrawal was $28.
  • 1980 - U.S. President Carter signed legislation reviving draft registration.
  • 1998 - In a live joint news conference in China U.S. President Clinton and President Jiang Zemin offered an uncensored airing of differences on human rights, freedom, trade and Tibet.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

We Are on Front Lines of the Biden-Harris Border Disaster, Say Three South Texas Residents

We Are on Front Lines of the Biden-Harris Border Disaster, Say Three South Texas Residents
Three South Texas border residents penned an open letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris expressing their frustrations and fears about living on the front lines of the current border crisis. The letter comes in the wake of Vice President Harris’s visit to the border — 850 miles from the epicenter of the border crisis.