Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Target VP Was Board Member for K-12 Transgender Advocacy Group

Target VP Was Board Member for K-12 Transgender Advocacy Group

Target’s shareholders lost $9 billion in stock market value because the C-suite mixed its professional duties with its personal agendas, including advocacy for transgenderism.

The poster boy for this high-risk policy is Target’s vice president for brand marketing, Carlos Saavedra. He moonlights as a board member of an advocacy group for K-12 transgenderism and gay status. The group, titled GLSEN, is an acronym chosen by the teachers who formed the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network in 1990.

The way we were-----US Army Evasive Driving Training Video (1988)

Global Warming Hits The Little Ones Hardest

"The press says we are having the worst drought in 1,200 years, so we explored today how the climate crisis is affecting the small animals of Wyoming.

The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1 | The Pipeline--more to come!

The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1 | The Pipeline
"... Even after relativity and quantum physics threw everything open," in the 1980s Stephen Hawking and other big shots claimed that physics was on the verge of a 'final theory,' or 'theory of everything,' that could answer these big questions and solve the riddle of reality," as John Horgan noted in the Scientific American.
But that expectation too was dashed
Nobody talks about a theory of everything now. 
  • As Sabine Hossfelder explains in her book Lost in Math, the Large Hadron Collider isn't finding what the standard model predicted. 
  • The James Webb Space Telescope discovered enormous distant galaxies that should not exist. "Nobody expected them. They were not supposed to be there. And now, nobody can explain how they had formed."
Part of the problem is although we are still enlarging the encyclopedia, the reversopedia is growing so much faster that our island of knowledge, while enlarging steadily is not expanding as fast as the shadows around it. 
Each year our store of knowledge grows, but never as fast as the list of unsolved problems they suggest. 
Worse the unknown unknowns, the mysterium tremendum grows fastest of all...
Continued tomorrow.

Why are we FORCED to fund this HATE?!!-----CUNY Law professor says school is being run by 'Marxist, far-left lunatics' | Daily Mail Online

CUNY Law professor says school is being run by 'Marxist, far-left lunatics' | Daily Mail Online
"...The comments come after a shocking commencement speech on May 12 by pro-Palestine law graduate Fatima Mousa Mohammed, who accused Israelis of 'settler colonialism' and called for 'rage' to tackle the 'fascist NYPD'.
It was the second year in a row the school - one of the largest in New York City, which receives more than half its funding from government - allowed such pro-Palestine, anti-Israel remarks at the graduation ceremony.
...Her remarks about Israel, Palestine, the NYPD and the Armed Forces sparked uproar
The CUNY Board of Trustees today denounced the remarks as hate speech after furious backlash...

Best Topical Medicine for Pain

The face of leftist scumbaggery!-----Just Stop Oil’s Hollywood Patron Has Holiday Home in Ireland That he Jets Off to “When the Going Gets Tough”

Just Stop Oil’s Hollywood Patron Has Holiday Home in Ireland That he Jets Off to “When the Going Gets Tough” - By Toby Young

...The Daily Mail has more.
A Hollywood director helping to bankroll Just Stop Oil has been accused of hypocrisy over his lavish holiday home in Ireland – 5,000 miles from his Los Angeles base.
Oscar winner Adam McKay, whose films include The Big Short and Don’t Look Up, is one of a group of multi-millionaires behind the Climate Emergency Fund.
The Beverly Hills-based fund raises cash from its mega rich supporters and distributes it to ‘disruptive’ activists, including handing almost £1million to help Just Stop Oil wreak havoc in the U.K.
Mr. McKay is a director of the fund and has donated over £3.2 million to it to support “recruitment and training” for groups including the British activists...

Lunch video-----Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell

"Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is an American author, economist, and political commentator who is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. 
Sowell is the author of more than 45 books (including revised and new editions) on a variety of subjects including politics, economics, education and race, and he has been a syndicated columnist in more than 150 newspapers. 



GOP Sens Ask�Durham Why Former FBI Officials Refused to Cooperate

GOP Sens Ask�Durham Why Former FBI Officials Refused to Cooperate

Sens. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Special Counsel John Durham to inquire why certain former FBI officials did not cooperate with his investigation of the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign for alleged Russian collusion.

FBI OK with some "domestic terrorists"?


Traitorous wimp!-----George Bush, MIA - Don Surber

George Bush, MIA - Don Surber
"As Durham’s Report exposes the lies about RussiaGate and the truth about Obama using the FBI as his personal police unfolds, there is one silence that roars above the white noise of denial. 
George Walker Bush has not said a word. 
Not one darned word. 
  • He has been one silent lamb while the Democrat Party ran roughshod over our political institutions — weaponizing the IRS, the FBI, FISA, the media, the courts and the border.
  • Hundreds of Trump’s voters were jailed over a protest at the Capitol over the counting of the votes and we have not heard his protest. Indeed, Bush has condemned these protesting patriots as threats to America..
  • Never has Bush defended President Trump from the outrageous lies and unprecedented illegal spying on him as a private citizen.
  • Bush was silent when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. I want his home (as well as Biden’s, Obama’s and Clinton’s) SWATTED at 4 AM on 21 JAN 2025 by whoever the Republican president is. Let them reap the whirlwind they sowed...

Where the hell are all those #metoo hypocrites?!!


Transgenderism and its War on Truth - American Thinker

Transgenderism and its War on Truth - American Thinker - By Trevor Thomas
In all the conversation that is prevalent throughout the Earth today, there is almost nothing further from the truth than the absurd and evil notion that men can become women, and that women can become men, or similarly, the idea that sex (or “gender”) is not binary and rather “a spectrum.” These ideas are so absurd and so far from the truth (in line with 2 + 2 = 5) that many modern liberals refuse—or perhaps more accurately, have yet—to embrace them.

We shouldn’t be surprised that we are now having to debate what is a male and what is a female, or that sex is binary. Transgenderism, and all its fallacies, is simply what results when one abandons the notion of absolute truth. The idea that some things are settled for all time is not a tenet of modern liberalism.

Saying that “some things are settled for all time” is simply another way of saying that we live in a universe where “absolute truth” exists. I’ve never quite understood why it’s “absolute truth” and not simply “truth.” Regardless, it is folly to suggest that some things aren’t immutably true. If anything exists, there must be truth. As St. Thomas Aquinas put it,

The existence of truth is self-evident. For whoever denies the existence of truth grants that truth does not exist: and, if truth does not exist, then the proposition ‘Truth does not exist’ is true: and if there is anything true, there must be truth.

The truth about truth flies in the face of those who wish to rule their own world and write their own moral code. So you see, transgenderism—like the marriage debate—is just another battle in the war on truth. Granted, it is a battle against one of the oldest truths—even older than the truth of what is marriage—in the history of humanity. Few things have been known longer than what is a male, and what is a female, yet the left’s war on this old and foundational truth rages on.

It rages on because if doubt can be cast on the truth of sex (males/females), then doubt (and subsequent lies) can creep into virtually ANY realm of truth. This is why the enemy of all humanity; the enemy of all truth—Satan—is so hard at work here. Yes, this is indeed a spiritual war, and The Father of Lies is winning many battles.

Satan has been so successful in the arena of biological sex that Scientific American—once a widely respected publication—recently published an absurd piece titled "Here’s Why Human Sex is Not Binary." Scientific American is the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S. Noted scientists such as Einstein and Tesla contributed articles to it. Yet it seems now that, in order to further the leftist agenda, Scientific American is willing to abandon biology that children can comprehend.

After the Twitterverse called them out for going woke on biology, Scientific American doubled down on their wokeness. Just days after running the Here’s Why Human Sex is Not Binary column, Laura Helmuth, the Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American, in a tweet about White-throated sparrows, boldly declared “sex is not binary.”

The modern leftist agenda—which lies at the foundation of the Democrat party, the mainstream American media, government schools, and the like—is itself a war on truth. As in any war, what the left seeks to do here is to replace their adversary—truth—with their own idea of “truth.” Of course, as the last several decades in America have proved, the left has had great success in supplanting the truth with their own perverse, evil ideology. Their wild successes in supplanting the truth of what is a male and what is a female alone proves this point.

In addition to corrupting formerly esteemed science publications, the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, is now publishing opinions where males are referred to as females. Again, this should come as little surprise as the author of the opinion herself, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, during her confirmation hearing, refused to define what is a woman. “I’m not a biologist,” she foolishly declared.

Numerous U.S. corporations are pushing the evil trans agenda. Adidas recently published an ad for a women’s swimsuit using a male model, complete with chest hair and an obvious groin bulge. Starbucks recently ran an ad in India marketing transgenderism in the Hindu-majority nation. Target is now selling chest binders, “tuck friendly” swimwear, and other woke and dangerous clothing to children!
Additionally, there are now near-countless states and other municipalities (run by Democrats) who are enshrining into law the “right” of one to simply declare themselves the opposite sex, along with the demand (or threat) that rest of us support and accommodate this evil. Those who refuse are targeted. As Orwell predicted, common sense has become heresy. In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell writes,

In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable—what then?

Again, we shouldn’t be surprised we are debating what is a male and what is a female, the “logic” of today’s left demands it. The very existence of “external reality,” or truth, is tacitly loudly denied by their philosophy. And how do we know the truth about sex, marriage, and the like? Not merely because of “common sense,” but because of all that the Author of truth has revealed to us.

This is what is truly terrifying to the left: that there is a system of values—call it what you will, “absolute truth,” “external reality,” etc.—that is the ultimate source of all value judgements; that there is an Author of truth to whom we are all beholden; and that their system of “values”—especially on matters in the sexual realm—are afoul of what He has revealed.

#1 This day 1954-----little things mean a lot / kitty kallen

Democrats!-----Biden's Migrant Mobile App Frees 80K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 4 Months

Biden's Migrant Mobile App Frees 80K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 4 Months
Mario Tama/Getty Images
"President Joe Biden’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) One mobile app, which allows users to schedule appointments at the United States-Mexico border, has now helped release nearly 80,000 foreign nationals into American communities in less than four months...
  • The mobile app entices foreign nationals in Mexico who are pregnant, mentally ill, elderly, disabled, homeless, or crime victims to schedule an appointment with DHS officials at the border in the hopes of being released into American communities...
  • According to estimates calculated by Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) office, from January 2021 to mid-April, 2023, Biden welcomed close to five million border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior — a foreign population that exceeds the populations of 28 states...



CUNY Law commencement speaker claims laws are 'White supremacy,' attacks 'fascist' police and military | Fox News

CUNY Law commencement speaker claims laws are 'White supremacy,' attacks 'fascist' police and military | Fox News

The City University of New York's (CUNY) public law school's commencement featured a speech from a graduating student calling for a "revolution" to challenge "oppressive" institutions in America. The speaker mentioned institutions of law and order such as the military, the police, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. prison system.

Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness

Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness - Jessie Zhang
"...Retraction Watch has provided a running list of withdrawn papers on COVID-19 ranging from “Acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19” to “Can Your AI Differentiate Cats from COVID-19?”
A total of 330 research papers have currently been retracted.
During the pandemic, researchers have compromised on ethical standards and tried to either get more publications approved or to take shortcuts around ethics, senior researcher Gunnveig Grødeland at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo says, after going through the list of articles that have been withdrawn, and the reasons for some of them...

Weed Is Literally Blowing Young Men's Minds

Weed Is Literally Blowing Young Men's Minds -BY ATHENA THORNE
"Advocates for the legalization of cannabis across the country offer all sorts of comforting assertions about how harmless pot is. 
“Weed isn’t addictive,” or “Pot users aren’t violent,” they assure us. 
Neither of those claims is true, however...
But on the other hand, a drunk can get sober tomorrow, whereas a cannabis user can induce severe mental illness in himself that will handicap him for the rest of his needlessly miserable lifetime.
The results of a study five decades in the making and including nearly seven million people were reported this month. 
  • Researchers from the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark along with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health concluded that young men who are heavy cannabis users suffer a markedly increased incidence of serious, life-altering psychosis, such as schizophrenia...

AM Fruitcake


History for May 31

History for May 31 -
Fred Allen 1894
  • 1870 - E.J. DeSemdt patented asphalt.
  • 1884 - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented "flaked cereal."
  • 1900 - U.S. troops arrived in Peking to help put down the Boxer Rebellion.
  • 1902 - The Boer War ended between the Boers of South Africa and Great Britain with the Treaty of Vereeniging.
  • 1907 - The first taxis arrived in New York City. They were the first in the United States.
  • 1913 - The 17th Amendment went into effect. It provided for popular election of U.S. senators.
  • 1947 - Communists seized control of Hungary.
  • 1955 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that all states must end racial segregation "with all deliberate speed."
  • 1977 - The trans-Alaska oil pipeline was finished after 3 years of construction.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Speaker McCarthy Threatens To Hold FBI Director In Contempt Over Joe Biden Document | The Daily Caller

Speaker McCarthy Threatens To Hold FBI Director In Contempt Over Joe Biden Document | The Daily Caller

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is threatening to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress if the Bureau does not produce a document alleging potential wrongdoing by President Joe Biden.

“Let me tell Director Christopher Wray, right here, right now, if he misses the deadline today, I am prepared to move contempt charges in Congress against him. We have jurisdiction over this,” McCarthy said Tuesday on “Fox & Friends.”

39 people shot, 12 killed in Chicago Memorial Day weekend shootings - TheBlaze

39 people shot, 12 killed in Chicago Memorial Day weekend shootings - TheBlaze

Chicago suffered yet another bloody Memorial Day weekend with at least 51 people shot, including 12 who were fatally shot. The widespread gun violence occurred despite dozens of "peacekeepers' patrolling the Windy City in an attempt to decrease bloodshed. WFLD reported that by Sunday night, 12 people had been shot and killed during Memorial Day weekend.

The way we were-----Money (1958)

How Prepared Are We For A Carrington Level Solar Storm?

"Space weather and solar storms pose an increasing threat to our modern technological world but what are we doing about it.
In this video, we look at what we have found out about how the coronal mass ejections affect not only our tech but the earth itself and how we can use the latest data from solar observatories and geoelectrical mapping to mitigate even a Carrington level event in the future.

If the climate-cult was a Christian religion, the media would have laughed them out of town!----------ALARMISM-CLIMATE MODELS-Climate Computer Games

Climate Computer Games - Michael Kile
Computing has replaced bull entrails, but with no identifiable improvement in the quality of climatological prognostications
"When probability claims masquerade as genuine predictions about reality, and international agencies and governments promote alarmism at every opportunity, when confirmation bias distorts the search for truth, the outcome is the “climate change” hyperbole and “saving-the-planet” activism that is now disrupting every aspect of our lives.
  • Consider the World Meteorological Organization’s press release of May 17, 2023: Global temperatures set to reach new records in the next five years. It warned that: "...There is a 66% likelihood that the annual average near-surface global temperature between 2023 and 2027 will be more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for at least one year. There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record...This report does not mean that we will permanently exceed the 1.5°C level specified in the Paris Agreement which refers to long-term warming over many years. ...There is only a 32% chance that the five-year mean will exceed the 1.5°C threshold...
  • Hold it right there. There apparently is “a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record.” Yet there is only a 32% chance that the global temperature over this period will exceed the 1.5°C threshold. The probability of a two-sided coin landing on heads is ½, or 50%. Interesting...

Watch out, using fake-study, poverty-pimps after more of your moolah!-----Cities in Michigan With the Most Living in Poverty | Stacker

  • E. Lansing #3? Ha! Cuz students. Not counting scholarships/parent's money.
  • Same with college towns Ypsilanti, Marquette, Allendale, Kalamazoo, Mt. Pleasant
  • Not counting enormous amount of free gov-stuff. Including "tax-credits".
  • Another fake survey "proving" we (YOU!) gotta give more of YOUR MONEY to the fine folks in Lansing/DC.
Cities in Michigan With the Most Living in Poverty | Stacker

"...The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds—income before taxes and excluding capital gains or benefits such as public housing, Medicaid, and food stamps—that vary by family size and composition to determine who is in poverty. 
If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty...

#20. Marquette
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 25.0%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 4,421
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 1,886
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 20.8%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 486
- Median household income: $43,977

#14. Allendale
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 28.3%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 4,888
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 2,463
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 15.6%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 598
- Median household income: $53,214

#13. Kalamazoo
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 28.4%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 19,735
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 7,445
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 30.4%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 4,185
- Median household income: $41,774

#10. Ypsilanti
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 31.6%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 5,626
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 2,382
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 38.1%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 1,124
- Median household income: $39,332

#8. Mount Pleasant
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 34.6%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 6,691
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 2,890
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 28.1%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 788
- Median household income: $37,714

#3. East Lansing
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 41.0%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 13,282
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 6,067
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 12.9%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 451
- Median household income: $39,867

Tiny Christian College Goes on Offensive as Biden Tries Forcing Female Students to Share Dorm Rooms - Even Showers - with Men

Tiny Christian College Goes on Offensive as Biden Tries Forcing Female Students to Share Dorm Rooms - Even Showers - with Men

A small Christian college in America’s heartland is fighting a legal battle with far-reaching implications.

At stake is the school’s ability — any school’s ability — to restrict spaces such as dormitories and showers to only women.

What was once unthinkable for a Christian college became an all-too-real problem the day Joe Biden was sworn in as president.

Squatter evicted from home of active duty Army officer...