Saturday, March 04, 2006

Real Good Oscar review

THOUGHTS BY SEAWITCH: "This year, I am paying attention to the foreign film nominations. There are five up for nomination.

Sophie Scholl - The Final Days This film tells of the interrogations that Sophie Scholl underwent by the Gestapo for her involvement in an anti-war group called the White Rose.

Tsoti This one is about a African youth who is trying to get away from the gangs and redeem his life.

Joyeux Noel This one is about Christmas Eve in 1914 and how the soldiers who have been facing each other with guns try to bring a few brief moments of peace.

Don't Tell This is the story of a young woman who starts remember how her father molested her when she was a young girl and tries to learn the truth about her family history.

These are all wonderful stories about how individuals try to bring some peace and justice into their lives. Which brings me to the 5th nomination:

Paradise Now Does the glorification of suicide bombers really belong with those other films of redemption? No, it doesn't. "
She's just a blogger! How refreshing!

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