Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 234th Birthday to the Marines

Happy 234th Birthday to the Marines
"Earlier this year as I was filling up at the gas station I noticed a faded bumper sticker- vintage Bush 43-on the car next to me: “Dissent is Patriotic.”
When I pointed to the bumper and asked the driver if she still believed that, she suggested I do something to myself which I am certain is physically impossible.
I just laughed and said, “I’ll take that as a no.”
At the time, our Marine son and his men were deployed to a remote Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan."

...In AMERICAN PATRIOT by Robert Coram, Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Bud Day is quoted as saying:
“It is not a widely known fact, but military people are weepers.
They weep when they watch a parade and the flag goes by.
They weep when they hear the National Anthem.
They weep at tales of valor and sacrifice.”
When I read that, a sense of relief washed over me.
If maybe the most valiant man I ever met can weep then I guess it’s okay for me to admit shedding a tear.
I’ve shot guys and never flinched but tales of valor and the sacrifices I have seen by my military heroes and their families choke me up every time.
I wonder if the woman at Shell ever cries and if so, for whom or for what?"

Please read this entire ....gift to all of us.

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